By Monica Loh and photos
by courtesy of George Bell
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Front row (L-R) : Stuart, Mazdollyna, Monica, Bishop Julius, Francis Tan, Joel and Jerome Back row (L-R) : Dalius, Bertram, Farnandes, Lawrence, Miansun, Arnold and George |
Sandakan : The 13 members of the Diocesan Social Communications Commission (DSCC) had its inaugural meeting and 1st formation session on 26th-27th April 2014 at the Diocesan Retreat Centre, Ulu Dusun, Sandakan. It was well attended by representatives from all the four parishes namely Sandakan, Tawau, Lahad Datu and Telupid.
The meeting started off with a welcoming address by Francis Tan (Executive Secretary of the Diocese) as Bishop Julius was out-station then, followed by introduction of Commission members coming from across the four parishes.
The full line up of the Diocesan Social Communication Commission for the term of 2014-2016 is as follow:
Monica Loh
St Mary’s Cathedral,
Rogena Roger Sining
Diocesan Pastoral Office
Asst Secretary
Joel Monasque
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Francis Tan
Diocesan Pastoral Office
Committee Member
George Lawadin
Diocesan Pastoral Office
Committee Member
Dalius Lobinjang
St Mary’s Cathedral,
Committee Member
Pilis Malim
St Mary’s Cathedral,
Committee Member
Airene Gumanas
St Mary’s Cathedral,
Committee Member
Stuart Lai
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Committee Member
Jerome Lim
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Committee Member
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Committee Member
Bertram Lansing
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Committee Member
Miansun Saat
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Committee Member
Arnoldus Sanga Bayene
St Dominic’s Church, Lahad Datu
Committee Member
Mazdollyna Majalin
St Dominic’s Church, Lahad Datu
Committee Member
Farnandes Siprianus
St Dominic’s Church, Lahad Datu
Monica Loh chairing the meeting |
A slot was set aside for Chairpersons of each Parish Social Communication Committee to present on the development and progress of their ministry. Most had a vibrant year with related activities carried out especially on news coverage of church events. It was also resolved that a Workshop on Basic Writing Skill and Photography Technique to be organized this year to enhance the skill of potential writers and photographers.
The theme for 2014 World Communication Day (1 June 2014) is 'Communication at the Service of an Authentic Culture of Encounter.' It was proposed that all Parish SOCCOM to carry out relevant and interesting programs in their respective parishes to create awareness on the role of social communication in evangelization.
The proposed guidelines for the Commission was tabled and deliberated at length. Commission members are to study and amend (if any) the said guidelines which shall be re-tabled at the next meeting for adoption.
The formation session for commission members began at 7.30pm, facilitated by Francis Tan. The sharing was on 'Church and Communication', the importance of promoting usage of the various means of social communication in reaching out to the multitudes, touching and drawing them to Jesus Christ.
The session resumed on 27th April with the reading and comprehending of Pope’s message for the 48th World Communications Day. Members discussed in detail the content of the message and proposed ways to respond to the message.
Members were commissioned during the morning mass of the 2nd Sunday of Easter which is also Divine Mercy Sunday on 27th April 2014 presided over by Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom at St Paul's Church, Ulu Dusun.
Members pledged before God, in the presence of Bishop and the congregation of their willing service and commitment, engaging in the use of digital communications to preach the Good News to the entire world. May the newly commissioned members be guided by the Holy Spirit to serve with courage and zeal.
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled in October at St Dominic's Church, Lahad Datu.
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