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Wednesday, March 31, 2010


在元宵节前夕(27.02.2010), 华人牧灵委员会邀请罗志康神父一起用餐, 在谈话当儿, 忽然有人提到逾越节晚餐, 罗神父已多次为山打根举办逾越节晚餐, 斗湖圣三堂那里可以被忽略? 大家开始七嘴八舌的缠着罗神父至到他答应为止。 罗神父回山打根后把逾越节晚餐的礼仪书讬教友帶回斗湖, 在12.03.2010这本礼仪书终于来到我的手中, 开卷一看, 犹太人好多琐碎的礼节, 用品又讲究, 实在有奌不可思议。

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Misa Pengutusan dan Pelancaran Logo Kerasulan Belia Paroki Sandakan

Sandakan – Seramai 15 orang pemimpin belia telah diutus semasa merayakan Minggu Palma dan logo Kerasulan Belia Paroki turut dilancarkan pada 28 Mac 2010 bertempat di Katedral St. Mary, Sandakan.

Setiap tahun, para belia di seluruh dunia merayakan Hari Belia Sedunia di mana hari yang sama Gereja sejagat merayakan Hari Minggu Palma, perayaan yang mengingatkan kembali para umat tentang kesengsaraan Yesus.










到了第三天。早上七点,吃完早餐后,我们便前往兵南邦的St.Michael教堂。到了教堂一进门,入眼帘的就是耶稣和门徒的最后晚餐,壁画使用透视画法让人感觉像真的一样。教堂里也有漂亮的耶稣圣心像,St. Theresa of Child Jesus像,圣若瑟像,和St.Michael像。罗神父为我们讲解这些圣像,让我们了解到这些教会中的圣人。






肚子在对的时候打鼓了,我们就去到鱼巴刹后面的小食店吃早餐。要感谢游思章伯伯赞助我们的早餐。吃完早餐,我们便走到对面的巴刹购买土产。在真正启程前,我们去到古达的Marina Resort,再次欣赏古达那由深蓝色的海水和浅蓝色的天空编织成的漂亮海景。



下一个目的地,便是One Borneo购物中心。自由逛了一个半小时后,我们就出发到Tanjung Aru海滩,在那里渡过晚餐时间。虽然到了晚上,可是人潮依旧。大伙儿在那里购买热腾腾的鸡翅膀,脚踏细沙,被海浪拍着,吹着海风,直到晚上八点半。那晚,我们住在海星堂的宿舍。冲凉梳洗后,每个人都早早窝在被窝里睡了。






一开始,我们先往古达去。一路上,全部人都难掩自己心中那兴奋期待的心情。坐了几小时的巴士,我们就抵达了TelupidSanto Martin教堂,并在门口拍下大合照。当然,我们也去问候了那里的神父,Father Marcellinus。晒了晒太阳,大伙儿又继续旅途了。到了中午,就是医肚子的时候了。我们停在Ranau的小食店,享用午餐。又一段路程后,我们便到了罗神父曾经服务的教堂,古打毛律的St. Edmund教堂。

下午四五点,我们终于抵达了古达的大坝圣母无染原罪堂。趁太阳还未下山,我们再来一张大合照。神父告诉我们,这是他从小到大去的教堂。邻近有一间圣母小学,就是神父的母校。参观了一阵子,我们就赶去灯火楼(闻名的Tip of Borneo)看日落。往灯火楼的路途虽远,但是在谈笑声中,我们很快就到了那里,圣母堂的青年团更已在那里等候我们了。吹着海风,看太阳落着。短短半个小时,太阳就下山了。伴着夕阳,我们便启程,再次前往圣母无染原罪堂,和当地的教友一齐举行弥撒。



"Good Teacher, What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?"

ZE10031505 - 2010-03-15


"Good Teacher, What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?"

VATICAN CITY, MARCH 15, 2010 ( Here is a translation of the message Benedict XVI wrote for the 25th World Youth Day, which will be celebrated Palm Sunday, March 28, at the diocesan level.

* * *

Dear Friends,

This year we observe the 25th anniversary of the institution of World Youth Day, desired by the Venerable John Paul II as an annual meeting of believing young people of the whole world. It was a prophetic initiative that has borne abundant fruits, enabling new generations of Christians to come together, to listen to the Word of God, to discover the beauty of the Church and to live experiences of faith that have led many to give themselves totally to Christ.

The present 25th Youth Day represents a stage toward the next World Youth meeting, which will take place in August 2011 in Madrid, where I hope a great number of you will live this event of grace.

To prepare ourselves for such a celebration, I would like to propose to you some reflections on this year's theme: "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" (Mark 10:17), treating the evangelical episode of Jesus' meeting with the rich young man, a topic already addressed in 1985 by Pope John Paul II in a most beautiful Letter, addressed for the first time to young people.

1. Jesus Meets a Young Man

And as he [Jesus] was setting out on his journey," recounts the Gospel of St. Mark, "a man ran up and knelt before him, and asked him, "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone. You know the commandments: 'Do not kill, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother."

And he said to him, "Teacher, all these I have observed from my youth." And Jesus looking upon him loved him, and said to him, "You lack one thing; go, sell what you have, and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." At that saying his countenance fell, and he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions" (Mark 10:17-22).

This account expresses effectively Jesus' great attention to youth, to you, to your expectations, your hopes, and shows how great his desire is to meet with you personally and open a dialogue with each one of you. In fact, Christ interrupts his journey to respond to his interlocutor's question, manifesting full availability to that young man, who was moved by an ardent desire to speak with the "good Teacher," to learn from him how to follow the way of life. With this evangelical passage, my Predecessor wished to exhort each one of you to "develop your own conversation with Christ -- a conversation that is of fundamental and essential importance for a young man (Letter to Young People, No. 2).

2. Jesus Looking Upon Him Loved Him

In the evangelical account, St. Mark stresses how "Jesus looking upon him loved him" (cf. Mark 10-21). In the Lord's look is the heart of the very special encounter and of all the Christian experience. In fact, Christianity is not primarily a morality, but experience of Jesus Christ, who loves us personally, young and old, poor and rich; he loves us even when we turn our back to him.

Commenting on the scene, Pope John Paul II added, turning to young people: "I hope you will experience such a look! I hope you will experience the truth that he, the Christ, keeps for you with love!" (Letter to Young People, No. 7). A love, manifested on the cross in such a full and total way, that it made St. Paul write with amazement: "who loved me and gave himself for me" (Galatians 2:20). "The awareness that the Father has always loved us in his Son, that Christ loves every one and always," writes, again, Pope John Paul II, "becomes a firm point of support for the whole of our human existence" (Letter to Young People , No. 7), and enables us to overcome all trials: the discovery of our sins, suffering, discouragement.

In this love is found the source of the whole of Christian life and the fundamental reason of evangelization: If we have truly encountered Jesus, we cannot do other than witness him to those who have not yet crossed his look!

3. The Discovery of the Plan of Life

In the young man of the Gospel, we can perceive a very similar condition to that of each one of you. You are also rich in qualities, energies, dreams, hopes: Resources that you possess in abundance! Your very age constitutes a great richness, not only for you, but also for others, for the Church and for the world.

The rich young man asks Jesus: "What must I do?" The stage of life in which you are immersed is a time of discovery: of the gifts that God has lavished on you and of your responsibilities. It is, moreover, a time of fundamental choices to build your plan of life. It is the moment, therefore, to ask yourselves about the authentic meaning of existence and to ask yourselves: "Am I satisfied with my life? Is there something lacking?"

As the young man of the Gospel, perhaps you also live situations of instability, of disturbance or of suffering, which lead you to aspire to a life that is not mediocre, and to ask yourselves: In what does a successful life consist? What must I do? What might be my plan of life? "What must I do, for my life to have full value and full meaning?" (Ibid., No. 3).

Do not be afraid to address these questions! Far from overwhelming you, they express great aspirations, which are present in your heart. Hence, they are to be listened to. They await answers that are not superficial, but able to satisfy your authentic expectations of life and happiness.

To discover the plan of life that could render you fully happy, listen to God, who has a plan of love for each one of you. With trust, ask him: "Lord, what is your plan of Creator and Father for my life? What is your will? I want to fulfill it." Be sure that he will respond. Do not be afraid of his answer! "God is greater than our heart and knows everything!" (1 John 3:20).

4. Come and follow me!

Jesus invited the rich young man to go far beyond the satisfaction of his aspirations and of his plans, he says to him: "Come and follow me!" The Christian vocation springs from a proposal of love of the Lord and can be realized only thanks to a response of love: "Jesus invites his disciples to the total gift of their life, without human calculation or benefit, with a trust without reservations in God. The saints accepted this exacting invitation, and with humble docility followed the crucified and risen Christ. Their perfection, in the logic of faith at times humanly incomprehensible, consists in no longer putting oneself at the center, but in choosing to go against the current living according to the Gospel" (Benedict XVI, Homily at Canonization Mass, L'Osservatore Romano, 12-13, October 2009, p. 6).

On the example of so many disciples of Christ, you also, dear friends, accept with joy the invitation to follow, to live intensely and fruitfully in this world. With Baptism, in fact, he calls each one to follow him with concrete actions, to love him above all things and to serve him in brothers. The rich young man, unfortunately, did not accept Jesus' invitation and left saddened. He did not find the courage to detach himself from his material goods to find the greatest good proposed by Jesus.

The sadness of the rich young man of the Gospel is that which is born in the heart of each one when one does not have the courage to follow Christ, to make the right choice. However, it is never too late to respond to him!

Jesus never tires of turning his look of love and of calling to be his disciples, but He proposes to some a more radical choice. In this Year for Priests, I would like to exhort boys and girls to be attentive if the Lord invites to a great gift, in the way of the Ministerial Priesthood, and to make oneself available to accept with generosity and enthusiasm this sign of special predilection, undertaking with a priest or spiritual director the necessary path of discernment. Do not be afraid, then, dear boys and girls, if the Lord calls you to the religious, monastic, missionary life or one of special consecration: He is able to give profound joy to one who responds with courage!

Moreover, I invite all those who feel the vocation to marriage to accept it with faith, committing themselves to lay the solid base to live a great love, faithful and open to the gift of life, which is richness and grace for society and for the Church.

5. Oriented to Eternal Life

"What must I do to inherit eternal life?" This question of the young man of the Gospel seems far from the concerns of many contemporary young people, because, as my predecessor observed, "are we not the generation, whose horizon of existence the world and temporal progress fill completely? (Letter to Young People, No. 5). But the question on "eternal life" flowers in particularly painful moments of existence, when we suffer the loss of a close person or when we live the experience of failure.

But what is the "eternal life" to which the young man refers? It is illustrated by Jesus when, turning to his disciples, he affirms: "I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you" (John 16:22). They are words that indicate an exalted proposal of endless happiness, of joy of being filled with divine love forever.

To ask oneself about the definitive future that awaits each one of us gives full meaning to existence, because it orients the plan of life toward horizons that are not limited and passing, but ample and profound, which lead to loving the world, so loved by God himself, to dedicate oneself to its development, but always with the liberty and joy born from faith and hope. They are horizons that help not to absolutize earthly realities, seeing that God prepares a greater prospect for us, and to repeat with St. Augustine: "We desire together the heavenly homeland, we sigh for the heavenly homeland, we feel ourselves pilgrims down here" (Commentary on St. John's Gospel, Homily 35, 9). Keeping his gaze fixed on eternal life, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, who died in 1925 at the age of 24, said: "I want to live and not just get along!" and on the photo of an ascent sent to a friend, he wrote: "Toward on high," alluding to Christian perfection, but also to eternal life.

Dear young people, I exhort you not to forget this prospect of your plan of life: We are called to eternity. God has created us to be with Him, forever. This will help you to give full meaning to your choices and to give quality to your existence.

6. The Commandments, the Way of Authentic Love

Jesus reminds the rich young man of the Ten Commandments, as necessary conditions to "inherit eternal life." They are essential points of reference to live in love, to clearly distinguish good from evil and build a solid and lasting plan of life. Jesus also asks you if you know the commandments, if you are concerned to form your conscience according to the divine law and if you will put it into practice.

They certainly are questions that go against the current of the present-day mentality, which proposes a liberty disconnected from values, rules, objective norms and invites to reject every limitation to desires of the moment. But this type of proposal instead of leading to true liberty, leads man to become a slave of himself, of his immediate desires, of idols such as power, money, unbridled pleasure and the seductions of the world, rendering him incapable of following his original vocation to love.

God gives us the commandments because he wants to educate us to true liberty, because he wants to build with us a Kingdom of love, justice and peace. To listen to them and to put them into practice does not mean to be alienated, but to find the path of authentic liberty and love, because the commandments do not limit happiness, but indicate how to find it. At the beginning of his dialogue with the rich young man, Jesus reminds him that the law given by God is good because "God is good."

7. We Have Need of You

One who lives the condition of youth finds himself facing many problems derived from unemployment, the lack of sure ideal references and of concrete prospects for the future. At times one can have the impression of being impotent in face of the present crises and drifts. Despite the difficulties, do not let yourselves be discouraged and do not give up your dreams! Instead, cultivate in your heart great desires of fraternity, justice and peace. The future is in your hands, because the gifts and riches that the Lord has enclosed in the heart of each one of you, molded by the encounter with Christ, can bring authentic hope to the world! It is faith in his love that, rendering you strong and generous, will give you the courage to address with serenity the journey of life and to assume family and professional responsibilities. Be committed to build your future through serious courses of personal formation and study, to serve the common good in a competent and generous way.

In my encyclical letter "Caritas in Veritate" on integral human development, I listed some of the great present challenges, which are urgent and essential for the life of this world: The use of the resources of the earth and respect for the ecology, the just division of goods and the control of financial mechanisms, solidarity with poor countries in the ambit of the human family, the struggle against hunger in the world, the promotion of the dignity of human labor, service to the culture of life, the building of peace between peoples, the interreligious dialogue, the good use of the social means of communication.

They are challenges to which you are called to respond to build a more just and fraternal world. They are challenges that call for an exacting and passionate plan of life, into which you put all your richness according the plan that God has for each one of you. It is not a question of carrying out heroic or extraordinary gestures, but of acting by putting to good use one's talents and possibilities, committed to constantly progress in faith and love.

In this Year for Priests, I invite you to know the life of the saints, in particular that of holy priests. You will see that God guided them and that they found their way day after day, precisely in faith, in hope and in love. Christ calls each one of you to be committed with him and to assume your responsibilities to build a civilization of love. If you follow his Word, your path will also be illumined and will lead you to lofty goals, which give joy and full meaning to life.

May the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, accompany you with her protection. I assure you of my remembrance in prayer and bless you with great affection.

From the Vatican, Feb. 22, 2010


Monday, March 29, 2010

CWA of Holy Trinity Parish organizes a 'Recollection Day'

Tawau :: Some 62 members of the Catholic Women's Apostolate of Holy Triinity Parish  attended a one day 'Lenten Recollection' at Shan Shui Golf and Country Club, 15 kilometers from the town center on Saturday 13th March 2010.beginning at 8.00 am till 4.30 pm. The 'recollection' was well attended with members coming from as far as St Jude's Chapel, Semporna and other outstations as well as many other non members from the main church.

Recollection as understood in respect to the spiritual life, means attention to the presence of God in the soul. It includes the withdrawal of the mind from external and earthly affairs in order to attend to God and divine things. Lent is a good season to really look deeper on ourselves.It is an opportune time for reflection, prayer, confession and reconciliation.

Fr Phillip Muji, the assistant rector facilitated the first session by sharing on 'God's love, practicing God's love and rendering the needy.' He urged the participants to focus on the three fundamental elements of Lent - prayer, fasting and alms giving.

There was also a video clip presentation on the life of two young ballet dancers, though handicapped but achieved tremendous success. They persevered and drew strength from excel in life, The clip brought forth a message that nothing is impossible with God.

At the end of the Lenten Recollection, there was a service of reconciliation facilitated by Fr. Phillip and Sr. Liza. All participants were overwhelmed with joy. After the reconciliation session, members are now more confident and eager  to wait for Easter. May each be transformed to be a better person after the recollection.

The following week, 20th March 2010, CWA members took time off to visit inmates of the Tawau Old Folks Home. They were there to serve them food. It is heartening to note that members are reaching out and touching the hearts of the old folks.

Patricia Yuen HTC Tawau.

Commissioning of Holy Trinity Parish Youth Apostolate, Tawau

In conjunction with the 25th World Youth Day, the Holy Trinity Parish Youth Apostolate (previously known as The Parish Youth Ministry), comprising 14 young parishioners, were commissioned during the celebration of  Palm Sunday mass yesterday, 28th March 2010.

The Catholic World Youth Day, initiated by the late Pope John Paul II in 1984 in Rome is normally celebrated during Palm or Passion Sunday. The theme for this year’s World Youth Day is “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit  eternal life”

Beside organizing the Mass, the youth also participated in the Palm procession together with the other parishioners. According to the Bible, Palm Sunday marks the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem, greeted by cheering crowds bearing palm fronds. It also marks the start of Holy Week, which shall conclude with Easter the following Sunday. 
 During the commissioning, Msgr. Nicholas Ong the Rector urged the youth to be faithful to God, committed, responsible, and humble; walking as a companion to one another in addition to living as witnesses of Christ in the salvation of mankind.

After the Eucharist, about 120 youth, together with the rector, parish pastoral council chairman and religious sisters gathered in the parish hall where a brief but meaningful presentation was given.
In his address, the rector urged the youth to discern  prayerfully to God’s calling and respond confidently.

“Walk in the light and joy of God by following Christ as your model.” he said, “You are our future in this very challenging world. Our prayers are definitely with you always.”

The program with the remaining activities ended at 5pm.

Julita Domingo


New Advent