Welcome! We are glad to have you as part of the Church..
What feelings do you have now that you have become a full member of the Catholic Church?
The Easter Vigil does not mark the end of the formation process but the beginning of a commitment to a lifelong discovery and living out the Christian message.
Alan Chua Ming Ling is a civil servant in a government department in town. Born in a Buddhist family, married to a Catholic wife and had his marriage blessed in the Church and that was his first step towards getting to know God. Inspired by his parents-in-law and his wife, being loving and caring Catholics themselves, he decided to enroll in the RCIA program. He learned much about the bible, the power of prayers and His unending love. He was particularly touched by the story of Paul’s conversion after encountering the Lord in Acts 9:1-19 and the parable of the lost son in Luke 15:11-32, “we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” This convinced him that God is a compassionate, forgiving and merciful God.
Mellisa Soo Li Mee is a graphic designer by profession. She shared that life is never always a bed of roses. There are moments of joy and moments of sorrow. God’s presence doesn’t mean that things will always go smoothly. Life is full of challenges. However, she is assured that God will continue to walk with us and be faithful to us even in our sorrows or failures. His company will bring us comfort that will exceed our understanding. “I am with you always, even to the end of age.”(Matt. 28:20) She added, “I wish I can be a better person. I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide me as I walk in the journey of faith.”
Kenneth Soo, younger brother to Mellisa is an automotive engineering graduate. After spending 43 weeks in the formation process through RCIA, he begins to see things in different perspective. He is now more considerate, respectful and above all willing to share time, talent and treasure for the glory of God. “I am now a very peaceful person knowing God is always with me. In any circumstances, I have God to fall upon for He is my master.”
Sinclair Kelvindiran is attached to the Health Department. He attends Church regularly just to accompany his friends. He wasn’t at all yearning to be with God. He was around just simply because of his friends. Overtime, things began to change. I was beginning to see the light. I was beginning to search for Him. And to that he said, “I long to thank Him for the grace in choosing me.”
Tina Wong Fui Ting , who is working in a private company admitted that the faith journey she went through had given her the opportunity to experience conversion. Conversion is the ever-present call of God to grow both in the faith and in the living of it. It means deepening our relationship with God and our fellow Catholics. She extended her appreciation to all the animators and sponsor for guiding her in her faith journey.
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