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Monday, March 31, 2014


Cristin Tan
Joyful Sunday School
HTC Tawau
Tawau : The 40 days of Lent is an occasion for us to examine our faith and deepen our commitment to live the Christian life. Some 30 English Joyful Sunday School students of Holy Trinity Church, Tawau, 12 parents and facilitators made a visit to the Old Folks Home on 25th March 2014. Such charity of good deed is indeed meaningful that we might experience more of Jesus.

Read more here:
The objectives were to share the love of Christ and show compassion for the elderly who reside in  the home. Such acts of compassion especially to the underprivileged and vulnerable in the society is much in line with the Catholic Social Teaching. The visit has also enlightened the children to reflect on the responsibility of taking care of their elders in their own family. 
The children were exposed to the meaning of charity in its true sense. They learned to act on it by giving away goody bags to each of the elderly resident.This helped to build a strong culture of giving, one of the three traditional pillars of Lent; Fasting, Prayer and Alms-giving..The Bible tells us to share generously with those in need, and good things will come to us in turn.
Parents and facilitators who participated in the visit expressed their delight and joy in seeing their children meeting their 'grandfather or grandmother.' It was a touching moment to see the children hugging the elderly with the warmth and love of Christ. They had brought much joy to the elderly residents.
The few hours of outreach marked a very sentimental moment for the children and adults as well. It was a wonderful experience, sowing the seeds of love and compassion among the young. They decide to have the same activity in reaching out to the underprivileged as a yearly program.
Two days later, 27 March 2014 the facilitators of the Joyful Sunday School extended the same charity for the children of the Migrant School. They hosted a fellowship gathering at the Parish Canteen from 9.00 am - 11.00 am. 
All the children of the Migrant School gathered at the Parish canteen to enjoy the food contributed and prepared by the Joyful Sunday School team. The fellowship was conducive for all. children to mingle around. There was no barrier. They felt accepted. The bond of friendship was cemented.
Good seeds have been sown in the hearts of the new generation ( young children ) especially on the authentic meaning of charity, care and concern. Each individual Christian and every community is called to be an instrument of God for the liberation and promotion of the poor, and for enabling them to be fully a part of society, (Evangelii Gaudium #187)




Sunday, March 30, 2014


        山打根圣玛莉主教座堂于2014328(星期五) 成功举办四旬期讲座会。





Friday, March 28, 2014


Oleh Arjean, PMG BM
Gereja St Dominic, L. Datu
LAHAD DATU : Sempena musim prapaska ini, seramai 13 orang pembimbing Pertemuan Minggu Gembira Bahasa Malaysia Gereja St.Dominic telah melakukan kunjungan ke Taman Didikan Sri Stella, pusat kanak-kanak istimewa (OKU) di Tawau pada 24 Mac yang lalu. Turut serta ialah Brother Stanley dari Gereja Holy Trinity, Tawau. Tujuan lawatan ini adalah sahutan kita untuk lebih peka terhadap sikap kita terhadap sesama yang kurang bernasib baik.
Sebaik sahaja tibanya di Taman Didikan Sri Stella pada 10 pagi, para pembimbing disambut oleh beberapa orang kanak-kanak OKU di depan pintu besar. Kami amat tersentuh kerana tidak menyangka akan sambutan seperti itu.  Tanggapan ramai akan kanak-kanak itu adalah mereka bersikap agresif, namun sebenarnya mereka sangat peramah, malah ada yang memeluk pembimbing. Ini membuktikan bahawa mereka amat memerlukan perhatian dan sentuhan kasih sayang.
Aktiviti dimulakan dengan membahagi-bahagikan buah tangan kepada setiap kanak-kanak. Para pembimbing turut diberi maklumat mengenai rumah didikan tersebut dan kisah-kisah kanak-kanak yang berada disitu oleh penguasa rumah didikan iaitu Sdra Hussein. Taman didikan ini dibina pada tahun 1989 dan dirasmikan pada tahun 1990. Taman Didikan Sri Stella mempunyai nama yang berbeza dengan Taman Didikan yangg lain, ini kerana mereka mengambil nama Stella yang bermaksud dalam bahasa Latin iaitu “Bintang” – “Stars are very nice to see but unfortunately impossible to touch. Sama seperti kanak-kanak ini, mereka sangat istimewa namun sukar untuk kita memahami dan mengenali diri mereka. Manakala Sri bermaksud “penyeri”. Misi rumah didikan ini adalah untuk memberi penjagaan, latihan dan perlindungan kepada kanak-kanak istimewa di bawah umur 14 tahun. 
Setiap kanak-kanak yang dihantar ke sini akan dinilai sebelum diterima dan diberi latihan mengikut jenis kecacatan mereka. Antara kecacatan tersebut ialah seperti cerebral palsy, autism, terencat akal dan hyperactive, slow learner dan down syndrome. Taman Didikan ini mempunyai seramai 16 orang kanak-kanak istimewa. 4 daripada mereka merupakan penginap tetap yang mana 2 daripada mereka berasal dari Lahad Datu. Manakala kanak-kanak yang selebihnya merupakan penginap harian, dihantar oleh keluarga pada waktu pagi dan diambil semula pada waktu petang. 
Antara latihan yang diberikan kepada mereka ialah terapi dalam air ( Hidroterapi ) seminggu sekali, diajar basic English, diberi latihan asas pengurusan diri dan asas kemahiran hidup. Mereka juga diberi fisioterapi mengikut kecacatan masing-masing. Mereka juga mempunyai aktiviti lawatan luar untuk melatih aspek pandang/dengar agar mereka tidak merasa terasing dari kehidupan orang yang normal.
Para pembimbing dengan jelas dapat melihat kegembiraan di raut wajah mereka apabila mereka didatangi oleh pelawat. Kanak-kanak tersebut merasa dihargai dan diterima. Antara pesanan penguasa Taman Didikan ini ( Mr.Hussein) ialah masyarakat harus mengubah cara pemikiran negatif terhadap kanak-kanak OKU. Sebenarnya kanak-kanak ini juga mempunyai impian seperti kita yang normal. Mereka sangat memerlukan sokongan, perhatian, sentuhan kasih sayang, pelukan dan semangat dari kita semua khasnya generasi muda.
Sebastian Francis (kiri), ketua rombongan menyampaikan cenderakenangan kpd Sdra Hussien
Generasi muda patut mempunyai kesedaran diri dan rasa bersyukur kerana dilahirkan sempurna dan dapat menjalani hidup secara normal. Dalam tempoh masa prapaska, umat Katolik hendaklah tekun berpuasa dan berpantang, berdoa serta beramal kasih.. Kunjungan sedemikian adalah selari dengan seruan gereja. Seperti kata salah seorang pembimbing ‘tak kenal maka tak cinta’,di mana pada mulanya para pembimbing juga tidak mengenali dan memahami sifat mereka namun pada akhirnya perasaan cinta dan sayang itu bertumbuh malah merancang untuk datang di masa akan datang. Cinta kasih adalah inti utama yang diperlukan oleh kanak-kanak istimewa bahkan oleh semua insan, seperti dalam Matius 22 : 39, 'dan hukum yang kedua, yang sama dengan itu, ialah Kasihilah sesamamu manusia sepertii dirimu sendiri.'

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rekoleksi Singkat untuk Para Pembimbing PMG, PMK, IKD dan IKK

Disediakan oleh:
Mary Clare Teneros
LAHAD DATU : Komiti Kateketikal Pusat, Gereja St. Dominic, Lahad Datu telah memulakan tahun baru dengan menganjurkan rekoleksi singkat untuk para pembimbing PMG, PMK, IKD dan IKK pada 15hb Februari 2014 sebagai persiapan diri dalam pelayanan membimbing terutamanya dalam aspek kerohanian. Rekoleksi tersebut telah dipimpin oleh Sr. Evelyn Tivit, fsic yang baru juga ditugaskan ke Paroki Lahad Datu. Seramai 22 orang pembimbing iaitu 2 orang dari PMG, 2 orang dari IKK, 7 orang dari IKD dan 11 orang dari PMK telah menghadiri rekoleksi tersebut. 
Sr. Evelyn telah mengambil petikan dari Injil Lukas 24:13-35 mengenai kisah Yesus menampakkan diri di jalan ke Emaus untuk renungan dan perkongsian sesama pembimbing. Beliau juga mengatakan bahawa petikan tersebut berkaitan dengan kerohanian dan liturgi. Susulan dari itu, Sr. Evelyn membentangkan soalan bengkel iaitu, "Apakah cabaran sebagai pembimbing dan mengapakah saudara dan saudari masih ingin membimbing?" 
Walaupun masa rekoleksi tersebut singkat, namun para pembimbing yang hadir sangat berpuas hati dan gembira kerana Sr. Evelyn telah memberi input yang sangat mendalam dan membina. Mereka berharap agar rekoleksi sedemikian akan diteruskan kelak untuk membantu mereka dalam pelayanan kateketikal.


Oleh John Mu,
Pelayan Altar
Penerangan tugas-tugas pelayan altar oleh Fr Johnny Raju
GEREJA HOLY TRINITY TAWAU: 23hb Mac 2014. Sesi penerangan singkat tentang pelayanan altar telah diadakan khas bagi Pelayan Altar. Seramai 29 ahli telah menghadiri taklimat tersebut yang telah disampaikan oleh paderi Rev. Fr. Johnny Raju.
Sesi ini bertujuan untuk memberi pengetahuan khusus tentang tugas-tugas utama di dalam perayaan Ekaristi. Fr. Johnny Raju telah menunjukkan cara-cara pelayanan altar menurut Liturgi Gereja. Beliau juga mengingatkan supaya para pelayan altar sentiasa berdisiplin dan berdoa sebagai persiapan peribadi sebelum Misa Kudus.  
Sesi pertemuan ini sedikit sebanyak telah membantu mereka mendalami pengetahuan mereka tentang peranan dan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang pelayan altar. Tugas pelayan altar adalah merupakan suatu tugas yang khusus dan penting kerana mereka dikhaskan untuk membantu paderi dalam perayaan-perayaan liturgi terutamanya perayaan Ekariti. Sesi soal jawab telah diadakan selepas penerangan tersebut. Taklimat ini berlangsung selama 40 minit dan diakhiri dengan doa oleh Fr. Johnny Raju. Peserta berharap agar penerangan seperti ini dapat diadakan lagi pada masa hadapan. Fr. Johnny dan peserta kemudiannya dijemput menikmati jamuan ringan di ruang legar Gereja.

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY 2014 ~ CATHOLIC WOMEN : precious and beloved

Report by: Brenda De Guzman
Sandakan : International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th every year. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievement. It is also an occasion to look back on past struggles and to look ahead for opportunities for the betterment of future generations of women.  With this recognition, we as women should be aware that the presence and our existence as women is needed for all aspects of life. 
The Catholic Women's Apostolate (CWA) in close collaboration with the Good Shepherd Welfare Centre (PKGS) conducted a half-day talk, themed "Catholic Women : Precious and Beloved" at St. Mary's Parish Hall on March 16, 2014. Some 150 women and teenagers attended the event.
The event kicked off at 11:30 am immediately after the Bahasa Malaysia Mass. The sessions were jointly facilitated by Sister Barbara Lip, rgs and Sister Appollonia Gumpu, fsic.
Sr Barbara in her introductory session touched on the background to International Women's Day, recognized by the United Nations in 1975, and celebrated on March 8th every year. 
In the creation story, Gen.1:26-27, it speaks of our relationship with God our Creator, with others, and with creation. God is present in every person, regardless of race, gender, economic status and others. She touched on the life and dignity of a human person ~ sacred and to be respected. We have a fundamental right to life and the right to the things that contribute to a more decent life.

The presence of women in the domestic environment appears to be an essential part for the transmission of faith and good moral values. Women not only strive to build peace and harmony in the family, but for all of humanity. Women must play greater role in society and the church without sacrificing significant attention and contribution to the family.

In the context of the church, women are precious and loved. Quoting Pope Francis (January 25, 2014), during the National Congress sponsored by the Italian Women's Centre, encouraged increased partcipation of women in the church. Women are to emulate the role of Mother Mary as a woman and mother in society with full faith in the Lord Jesus and His mission in this world.

In winding up the session, she said that woman and man are one in Christ. We are parts of the Body called to contribute to the life and mission of the church. The session ended with a song, titled 'You are the Queen, Mother of my heart' presented by the youth.

Monday, March 24, 2014



Tawau : The previous Parish Pastoral Council of Holy Trinity Parish, Tawau was officially dissolved last November 2013. After a duration of some four months, going through the preparation and discernment processes, the new team of PPC for 2014 – 2016 was finally formed. Council members were commissioned during Sunset Mass on 22nd March 2014, third Sunday of Lent.
The 10-member ad-hoc discernment committee headed by Mario Domingo for the selection of the new PPC met on 18th March to finalize the selection. After the Opening Prayer and Proclamation of the Word, the meeting began with a briefing on the process of selection by Mario Domingo, also the outgoing PPC chairman. 
The new PPC structure consists of 11 selected lay members, 2 co-opted lay members, 3 priests and 1 religious sister. The line-up of the new PPC for 2014 - 2016;
Msgr Nicholas Ong
Parish Priest

Fr David Aloysius  Garaman
Asst Parish Priest

Fr Johnnny Raju
Asst Parish Priest

Andrew Kiat
Philip Lee
Vice Chairman
Mary Benitez Takom
FPC and Social Function
Naomi Francis
Asst Secretary
Youth and Catechetical
Sr Liza Augustine fsic
Magrina Kiob
Francis Chong
Thomas Lim
CPC and Property
Edward Nuing
TUKAD and Family Life
John Mojiun
Lorensius Paulus
Benjamin Pierera
SOCCOM and Cemetery
Mario Domingo

Danny Carreon

The inaugural meeting was held right after the selection process. Mario Domingo handed duty to Andrew Kiat, the incoming Chairman. In his speech, Mario extended his appreciation to Msgr Nicholas Ong and all priests and religious for their support and guidance and to his outgoing committee for the cooperation and commitment in serving the church through the council. He took the opportunity to compliment all new members for their willingness in accepting the task in promoting the Kingdom of God.
Andrew Kiat a retiree, the newly elected PPC chairman expressed his sincere gratitude to all for the trust granted him. He pledged to do his utmost in serving the church with the guidance from the rector, priests, religious and Mario, the outgoing PPC chairman.


Julita, SOCCOM Tawau
Tawau : 26 potential reporters coming from the various BECs, groups and ministries attended a 3-hour exposure on basic journalism and photography skill organized by the Social Communication Ministry (SOCCOM) of Holy Trinity Parish Tawau. Sr Liza fsic, Sr Anita Philip fsic and Seminarian Stanley William also participated in the exposure program.
The event was held on Sunday 16th March 2014 from 1.00 pm - 4.00 pm at the Conference Room. In the Book of Sirach 38 : 6, 'The Lord gave skill to human beings that He might be glorified in His marvelous work.' Each of us is given the potential. What is needed is to bring out that diamond hidden in us. If the axe is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success, Ecclesiastes : 10 : 10
The objective of the session was to share the basic knowledge of writing skill so that more will have the confidence to write on events happening in their ministries. All articles must be accompanied with good photographs.The photography session by John Tendahal, touching on the right techniques, the ethics and angles of shots was beneficial to the participants.
Julita shared on basic writing skills which should lead readers understand the What, Why, Who, Where, When and How (5Ws and 1H) of the event. She also touched on sentence and paragraph structures.
Participants were given the opportunity to take photographs from different angles. A good picture is worth  a thousand words. They were given a slot to put into words of an event ~ an occasion provided by the SOCCOM team. It was an exercise to test their creativity in writing. 
At the end of the session, participants were presented with certificates of attendance. It is hoped that more will step forth to cover events in their community, ministry and  parish. Seminarian Stanley led the Closing Prayer.


New Advent