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Saturday, October 5, 2013


Esther Alim Albert
Secretary PYA-HTC 

Tawau : Belia Paroki Holy Trinity, Tawau telah mengambil inisiatif unggul dengan mengadakan rekoleksi kedua kalinya bertempat di stasi luar iaitu di St. Stephen Tass. Tema rekoleksi kali ini “ Siapakah Yesus bagi saya ?  “ (Who is Jesus to Me? ) disamping diadakan perjumpaan di kalangan pemimpin belia, berkongsi dan merayakan perjalanan iman bersama-sama. 

Rekoleksi ini berlangsung  pada 31 Ogos hingga 1 September yang lepas. Seramai 50 orang telah menyertai rekoleksi tersebut untuk merayakan perjalanan iman bersama sebagai pemimpin belia di paroki ini. Program anjuran Tim Kerasulan Belia Paroki (PYA) Holy Trinity Tawau ini diadakan di Gereja St. Stephen Tass. Peserta terdiri daripada tim PYA, pemimpin Catholic Students Association (CSA), pemimpin stasi luar (St. Thomas Bombalai, St. Stephen Tass, St. Jude Semporna dan St. Paul Balung), pemimpin kampus Kolej Jururawat Masyarakat Tawau (KJMT) dan Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG), pemimpin dari komuniti utama seperti Komuniti Pastoral Indonesia (KPI), Komuniti Pastoral Filipino (FPC), Komuniti Kadazandusun (TUKAD), Komuniti Pastoral Cina (CPC) dan kumpulan-kumpulan pelayanan lain seperti Komuniti Neocat, Koir Misa Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris, CCR Music Ministry serta Pelayan Altar.

Rekoleksi selama 2 hari yang dikendalikan oleh wakil Tim Kerasulan Belia Diosis (DYA) Sandakan iaitu sdri. Anna Teresa Amandus dan sdri. Sharon Tan serta tim PYA Holy Trinity ini bermatlamat untuk membawa para pemimpin mengimbas kembali panggilan sebagai seorang pelayan di ladang Tuhan melalui sesi ‘Who is Jesus to Me?’ dan sesi ‘Why ME?'.

Sesi ini telah membuka ruang perkongsian perjalanan iman di antara pemimpin baru dan lama, sekaligus dapat memenuhi misi belia untuk berjalan bersama secara berterusan serta membina hubungan persahabatan di antara pelayan-pelayan gereja.

Mengambil kata-kata St. Francis dari Assisi 'Blessed is the servant who loves his brother as much when he is sick and useless as when he is well and can be of service to him. And blessed is he who loves his brother as well when he is afar off as when he is by his side, and who would say nothing behind his back he might not, in love, say before his face' menjadi renungan untuk sesi rekonsiliasi yang telah menyentuh ramai pemimpin untuk menyahut seruan Yesus supaya berbuat kebajikan kepada sesama dengan cara jujur dan ikhlas untuk memberitahu kekuatan serta kelemahan masing-masing secara 'face to face', seterusnya sesi membasuh kaki sebagai upacara simbolik untuk saling mengampuni antara satu dengan yang lain. Proses rekonsiliasi ini, telah memberi ruang kepada para pemimpin untuk saling terbuka dan lebih menerima di antara sesama.

Sesi 'You are loved' diteruskan pada sebelah malam dengan memberikan kata-kata semangat di antara sesama pemimpin belia agar saling mendorong dan terus setia melayani sesama.

Rekoleksi diakhiri dengan Misa Penutup yang dirayakan oleh Rev. Fr. David Aloysius Garaman. Beliau mengingatkan betapa pentingnya kepada para pemimpin belia pada masa kini memilih untuk merendahkan hati dalam pelayanan.

"..namun melakukan ia dengan sendiri adalah tidak mungkin, kerana itu kita hendaklah sentiasa datang kepada Tuhan dengan penyerahan sepenuhnya kehidupan kita ke dalam bimbingan Roh Kudus dan menghadirkan Dia yang merupakan fokus dalam setiap pelayanan" kata Fr. David semasa memberi homilinya.

Selepas misa, semua pemimpin bermesyuarat untuk perancangan takwim pelayanan belia Holy Trinity bagi tahun 2014 di Dewan Paroki Holy Trinity.

Belia masa kini HTC Tawau
Rekoleksi ini tidak akan berjaya dianjurkan jika tiada partisipasi yang penuh komitmen dari rakan-rakan pemimpin belia, sokongan padu daripada Rektor Paroki iaitu Msgr. Nicholas Ong, Pembantu Rektor dan juga sebagai Penasihat Rohani Belia, Fr. David Aloysius Garaman, Majlis Pastoral Paroki dan para ibubapa serta Komiti Umat Katolik St. Stephen Tass khususnya yang banyak membantu sepanjang rekoleksi ini dijalankan.

Pihak Tim PYA Holy Trinity Tawau merakamkan penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada semua yang terlibat secara langsung mahupun tidak langsung dalam menjayakan rekoleksi ini.

TAWAU - The second recollection for the Holy Trinity Parish Youth Apostolate (PYA) Team was held from 31st August to 1st September at St Stephen Tass Church.  Some 50 youth leaders of the Parish Youth Apostolate (PYA) Team members, Catholic Students Association (CSA), outstation youth leaders (St. Thomas Bombalai, St. Stephen Tass, St. Jude Semporna and St. Paul Balung), campus leaders of Kolej Jururawat Masyarakat Tawau (KJMT) and Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG), youth leaders from the Indonesian Pastoral Community (KPI), Filipino Pastoral Community (FPC), KadazanDusun Community (TUKAD), Chinese Pastoral Community (CPC) as well as youth leaders of the Bahasa Melayu and English Mass Choirs, Neocat Community, CCR Music Ministry, and the Altar Servers attended the event.

The two-day recollection, organized by the DYA Team (Ms. Anna Peter Amandus and Ms. Sharon Tan) in collaboration with Holy Trinity PYA Team, was aimed at bringing all youth leaders together to discern on their respective role, serving in the Lord’s vineyard through the sessions ‘Who is Jesus to Me?’ and ‘Why ME?.

The event provided a platform for the sharing of faith among the new and senior leaders. It gave them the opportunity to review and renew their commitment in their respective youth ministry. The get together strengthened their relationship bond.

The reflection was based on the quote from St. Francis of Assisi’s words: 'Blessed is the servant who loves his brother as much when he is sick and useless as when he is well and can be of service to Him. And blessed is he who loves his brother as well when he is afar off as when he is by his side, and who would say nothing behind his back he might not, in love, say before his face.'  The reconciliation session touched and led the participants to be Christ-centered. The youths were reminded to lend support to one another remembering always to give constructive criticism. 

The symbolic washing of the feet session made the participants more aware of the importance of humility while serving in the vineyard. This process had opened the doors to accepting each other.

The night session on ‘You are loved’ saw all the participating leaders giving support to each other with words of encouragement for a  continuous and faithful service in the vineyard of the Lord.

The recollection concluded with a Closing Mass presided over by Fr. David Aloysius Garaman. In his homily, Fr. David reminded all the youth leaders on the importance to remain humble in their service. 

He emphasized that: ‘However, it is impossible to do it alone. We need to come to the Lord often, surrendering ourselves and be filled with the Holy Spirit. His presence in us would remain the focus of our service.'

This recollection would not be possible without the full participation and undivided commitment from the youth leaders, solid support of the Parish Rector Msgr. Nicholas Ong and Fr. David as the Assistant Rector cum Youth Adviser, the Parish Pastoral Council, parents and the local  community of St. Stephen Tass who had been most supportive  throughout the event.

The Holy Trinity PYA Team, would like to extend our gratitude to all individuals who had contributed directly or indirectly towards the success of the recollection. May our good Lord bless us all.

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