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Wednesday, December 30, 2009


( 山打根訊 ) 20091212(),華協於雙喜市貴都海鮮樓設宴慶祝羅志康神父晉鐸四週年。











“等待的心情,宛如搭乘飛機;不知道飛機會不會誤點 ? 何時會來 ? 等待的時間很漫長,要有很多的準備。”羅神父以“等待”作為講座會的開場白。






我們如何等待救主 ? 迎接救主的來臨。“和好”,準備聖誕,讓聖誕充滿「愛」,讓主耶穌真正在我們的心中誕生。




Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bishop Julius celebrates Christmas mass

The local community attending Christmas Mass at St Mark's Church

Sandakan : Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom celebrated Christmas Midnight Mass at St Mary's Cathedral on 24th December 2009 and on the following day the prelate celebrated Christmas mass at St Mark's Church and St Paul's Church at 9.00 am and 11.00 am respectively.

St Mark's choir

Bishop Julius, in his Christmas message to the faithful of Sabah through the Catholic Sabah released on 20th December 2009 states that Christmas is 'essentially a celebration of faith in the Lord Jesus' and that the celebration is more meaningful if celebrated in the context of the family ,for God was born in the family, and is to be born in every family.

In deep prayer

St Mark's Church located some 20 km from the town centre and the majority of the parishioners are the Timorese who work within the vicinity in palm oil plantations and poultry farming. The rest of the community are the Kadazandusuns and Chinese. The parishioners assembled at the Church as early as seven in the morning and the Church was packed to the full.

Bishop Julius seen blessing the children

After the Eucharistic celebration at St Mark's Church, Bishop Julius left for St Paul's Church some 50 km from the town to celebrate the same with the local community of which the majority are the Kadazandusuns.

Bishop Julius presenting a hamper to a lucky winner.

Immediately after the mass, the parishioners gathered at the community hall for the Christmas fellowship.

By DS and photos by Bell

Hari Natal di St Dominic, Lahad Datu


Lahad Datu - Gereja St Dominic dibanjiri oleh umat-umat beriman yang hadir untuk merayakan hari Natal pada malam 24 Disember dan pada pagi 25 Disember 2009.

Misa malam hari natal dirayakan bersama-sama Rev Fr Patrick Jerume @ Eric dari Kuching, Sarawak yang sudi meluangkan masa beliau untuk melawat di paroki St Dominic.

"Hadiah yang terbaik kita untuk Yesus Kristus pada hari kelahiranNya adalah kehidupan kristiani, pertobatan dan menghindari diri kita daripada berbuat dosa lagi" kata Fr Eric dalam homilinya.

Fr Eric juga menggalakkan semua umat untuk merayakan perayaan ini dengan penuh kerohanian dan kegembiraan.

Pada hari Natal, umat merayakan misa bersama-sama Rev Fr Simon Kontou di mana gereja telah dipenuhi umat sejak pukul lima pagi lagi.

Perayaan natal disambut dengan penuh meriah dan gembira oleh umat-umat yang datang dari jauh dan dekat.

Shirley Yong

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Celebration at Holy Trinity Church Tawau

Holy Trinity Church

An infant born two weeks early to celebrate Christmas

Tawau : Christmas celebration at Holy Trinity Church started at 8pm on Christmas Eve with carol singing at the main church led by the music ministry.

Msgr blessing the crib

A couple back on holiday

The congregation

There seemed to be more people coming this year, some had come home for the Christmas holiday from work or studies, while some might had been moved to renew their faith by the home caroling.
Msgr. Nicholas Ong blessed the crib before the Eucharistic celebration which began at 9pm.

The congregation singing the carols

In his homily, he asked the parishioners to feel and celebrate the joy of God’s coming in the person of the child Jesus.

He said in order to appreciate the meaning and happiness of Christmas fuller, we should read the readings of the of Christmas midnight mass as well as the readings of the Christmas day mass as they are different but complementary readings.

He also reminded the parishioners to have a long Christmas celebration as Christmas does not end after Christmas day but rather continues till the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus.

Marcus Chin


Sandakan :Fr. Peter SM Kim SJ attached to the Catholic Major Seminary, Yangon, Myanmar who was back in Sandakan visiting, held a two night sessions on the 10th & 11th December 2009 with leaders of the St Mary's Cathedral Parish titled Renewing the Parish.

The organizer of the session, the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC), was quick to capitalize on Fr. Kim's availability.

During the two night sessions, participants saw the Parish as a "living organism" going through it's "life cycle" in it's existence. Fr. Kim also shared on the pattern of building up the Parish more specifically in the development of a Pastoral Plan.

The implementation of a Pastoral Plan was also discussed. The various "holders" of the many stages of the development of the Pastoral Plan was also mentioned.

The session also discussed on the " Reimaging" of the parishioners with the practice of having a "Power Cycle" to improve on the Parish Life through it's activities. This "Power Cycle" involves the four stages of decision, action, evaluation and recommendation.

by TNgui

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Parish Family Day

Sandakan : More than 500 faithful of St Mary's Cathedral gathered at the Parish Hall to celebrate the Parish Family Day with the theme 'Our Parish, Our Family' in conjunction with the Feast of Holy Family this morning, Sunday 27th December 2009.

The feast of the holy family celebrates the family unit and the family of Jesus: Jesus of Nazareth, his mother the Blessed Virgin Mary and his foster father, St Joseph. The feast usually falls on the Sunday after Christmas and is not just on the holy family but also about our own families too.

Patrick Seah, representative of the Pastoral Council in his welcoming speech touched on the gist of obedience and faithfulness being the essence of the Christian faith to build the Kingdom of God, citing the examples of Mary and the great apostle Peter.

Fr Thomas Makajil, rector of the Cathedral urged all parishioners to live, share and love one another modelled on the holy family of Jesus. Our family life becomes sanctified when we live a life of the Church within our homes. He called on everyone to make each home a 'family church'
- a Small Christian Community in line with the pastoral thrust of the Diocese.

After the speech, parishioners had a fellowship lunch to the accompaniment of beautiful carol songs presented by the The Youth Music Ministry (YMM) led by Christopher Aban.

BBQ after the event

Faithful members of CWA cleaning up the dishes


Konsultasi Belia St Martin, Telupid

TELUPID – Tim Pelayanan Belia Paroki (TPBP) telah menganjurkan Konsultasi Belia pada 11 hingga 13 Disember 2009, bertempat di gereja St Martin. Konsultasi ini adalah yang pertama kali dilaksanakan di paroki.

“Jadilah saksiKu” adalah tema yang dipilih telah menghimpunkan seramai 70 belia dan beliawanis yang datang mewakili setiap chapel.

Perayaan ekaristi oleh Paderi Paroki Fr. Marcellinus Pongking merupakan pembuka tirai perhimpunan ini.

“Sebagai Paderi Paroki, beliau sangat berharap agar konsultasi ini dapat mencapai objektifnya disamping dapat menyuntik semangat kepada para belia untuk menerima panggilan sebagai saksi Krisrus dan ‘bekerja diladangNya”, kata Fr Marcellinus.

Obektif utama Konsultasi Belia ini adalah untuk menyegarkan dan mengukuhkan iman belia, selain bertujuan untuk membincangkan isu-isu belia semasa yang berlaku di sekitar paroki.
Dan perhimpunan ini juga merupakan kesinambungan SYD-2 (Post-SYD2) yang telah dilaksanakan di St. Peter Claver, Ranau, tahun lalu”, jelas Hildy Albert selaku koodinator TPBP.

Beliau turut menyampaikan ceramah “Jadilah saksi Kristus: Refleksi perjalan misionaris Rasul Paulus dari perspektif kehidupan seorang belia”. Yang antara lain mendedahkan latar belakang Rasul Paulus dan peranannya di dalam menyebarkan injil dalam era kekristianan awal dengan mengambil contoh perjalanannya di Efesus.

Seminarian Richard Dennis telah menyampaikan katekesis sesi pertama mengenai sejarah penciptaan manusia, manusia jatuh ke dalam dosa, mengapa manusia perlu diselamatkan dan rencana penyelamatan Allah tehadap manusia melalui nabi-nabinya.

Dan disusuli pada sesi kedua mengenai kedatangan Yesus yang menghapuskan dosa-dosa manusia. Turut diselitkan dalam katekesis tersebut, peranan rasul Paulus dalam menyebarkan injil (menjadi saksi Kristus) kepada orang bukan Yahudi (Gentiles).

Sesi seterusnya yang bertajuk “Youth Mentoring Youth” di sampaikan melalui bengkel oleh pengerusi MPP, Albert Matusin. Dalam sesi ini, para peserta dibahagikan kepada beberapa kumpulan dan peserta diberi peluang untuk mengenal pasti pelbagai isu, mengemukakan harapan, dan tindakan yang akan diambil di setiap chapel.

Dalam kesimpulanya, pengerusi MPPT menekankan akan pentingnya untuk menetapkan visi dan mencabar belia dari setiap luar stasi untuk menetapkan visi mereka sendiri yang perlu dicapai dalam tempoh enam bulan bermula tahun hadapan.

Turut diadakan sesi dialog antara TPBP dengan wakil dari setiap luar stasi. Dalam sesi tersebut pelbagai cadangan dan komen yang telah diberikan untuk dijadikan panduan dalam melaksankan program belia yang seterusnya.

Pada masa tersebut juga, koordinator telah mengumumkan senarai nama 12 orang ahli TPBP yang baru dan lima orang ahli baru telah di pilih bagi menggantikan ahli yang sudah berkerja di tempat lain dan tidak dapat menyertai TPBP.

Koordinator mengharapkan, dengan kehadiran ahli baru ianya mampu memantapkan lagi pengurusan TPBP di peringkat paroki Telupid. Di akhir rumusannya, koordinator menyeruh kepada setiap wakil outstasi agar mengutamakan pembentukan iman belia dalam setiap program yang dijalankan di chapel masing-masing.

Laporan oleh: Hildy/Erik (SOCCOM)

Foto oleh: Mainsun Saat

Saturday, December 26, 2009


《願大家蒙恩 ,愛與平安》2009年聖誕佳音晚會,于1216日開始至18日一連三晚在山打根市議會露天廣場盛大舉行,此項晚會是由山打根國會主辦,市議會及山打根區十四間教會聯辦。開幕儀式首先由山打根教區Julius Gitom主教致詞,接著市議會主席致詞后,即率同各教會代表聯合主持鳴彩炮開幕禮。當晚聖誕氣氛彌漫著璀璨繽紛的廣場,吸引了衆多市民出席同慶迎接即將來臨的聖誕佳節。


Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Midnight Mass at St Mary's Cathedral

Sandakan : The joyous and glorious Christmas 'midnight' masses were celebrated simultaneously at St Mary's Cathedral, St Paul's Church and St Joseph's Church on Thursday 24th December 2009 at 9.00 pm presided by Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom, Fr Thomas Makajil and Fr Paul Lo respectively.
The nicely decorated Cathedral both inside and outside befitting the occasion, was packed to the full with many parishioners sitting outside and others had to stand throughout the celebration.
The celebration began with the symbolic carrying of baby Jesus to the brightly lit crib to the accompaniment of 'Hark, the Herald Angels Sing' followed by the blessing of the crib by the celebrant, Bishop Julius.
In his homily, Bishop Julius reminded the faithful that Christmas is an expression of joy and thanksgiving as we gathered to celebrate the birth of Jesus. He came to the world so that we may have salvation. It is a celebration of faith. He is our hope and the light that shines in the darkness and darkness can't overcome the light, the Lord Himself.
He shared that Jesus was born, not in comfort but in distress and poverty. He urged the faithful that in the midst of festivities to give a thought to the less fortunate, the marginalized and the displaced people of God.

Diocesan calendar on sale
by DS and photos by Bell


New Advent