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Monday, November 2, 2009

All Souls' Day

Sibuga Catholic Cemetery, Sandakan

Sandakan : A Prayer Service was held at the Sibuga Catholic Cemetery this morning 2nd November 2009 at 9.00 am. Fr Thomas Makajil the rector of St Mary's Cathedral led the service assisted by two extra ordinaray ministers, Thomas Chen and Raymond Wong while the same service at Kam Chai Yen Christian cemetery was celebrated by Fr Paul Lo.

Tending to the graves of their departed loved ones

The faithful are gathered at the cemetery to commemorate their loved ones who had gone before them to their rest. We are reminded to remember that Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life and whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.

The Prayer Service by Fr Thomas Makajil

The reading taken from the Gospel of St John (6:37-40) clearly states that all believers are promised eternal life. Those gone ahead are united with us through the bonds of grace. They are part of what the Lord talked about in the Gospel reading: the Father sent Him, so He would not lose anything of what the Father has given Him.

The graves adorned with flowers

It is a great thing that the Universal Church takes this one day out of the year especially to remember our loved ones. But for us, Catholics it is not going to be a one day a year affair; it is not an annual thing. It is something that we must remember always to pray for our loved ones, so that they enter into communion with all other Saints and the Lord

Fr Thomas Makajil blessing the graves

Remember and cherish the fond memories of the beautiful past and appreciate the present by living the moment with confidence.

The commited workers

A week before a 'gotong royong' was held to tidy up the burial ground for the occasion. Raymond Wong, Chairman of the Cemetery Committee led the 'clean up' campaign.

by DS


  1. Dies Irae

    Dies irae, dies illa
    Solvet saeclum in favilla,
    Teste David cum Sibylla.

    (Hari murka, hari yang
    akan meleburkan dunia menjadi
    arang yang membara
    sebagaimana kesaksian Daud dan Sibila.)

    Quantus tremor est futurus,
    Quando iudex est venturus
    Cuncta stricte discussurus!

    (Betapa hari itu akan bergoncang
    bila Sang Hakim datang
    menggegar tiap makam.)

    Tuba mirum spargens sonum
    Per sepulcra regionum,
    Coget omnes ante thronum.

    (Sangkakala menyaringkan bunyinya,
    menusuk ke seluruh kuburan,
    membawa seluruh manusia ke takhtaNya.)

    Mors stupebit et natura,
    Cum resurget creatura
    Iudicanti responsura.

    (Maut akan berhenti, begitu juga Alam,
    bila sang manusia bangun,
    menyahut panggilan Sang Penghakim.)

    Liber scriptus proferetur,
    In quo totum continetur
    Unde mundus iudicetur.

    (Sang kitab akan dibawa,
    yang terkandungnya warkah bukti,
    sebagaimana seharusnya dunia akan dihakimkan.)

    Iudex ergo cum sedebit,
    Quiqquid latet apparebit:
    Nil inultum remanebit.

    (Bila Sang Hakim duduk di getaNya,
    apa yang terlindung pasti nyata,
    takkan ada yang akan tersembunyi.)

    Quid sum miser tunc dicturus?
    Quem patronum rogaturus?
    Cum vix iustus sit securus.

    (Apakah bicaraku, si orang celaka, nanti,
    siapakah naunganku kelak,
    kerana takkan selamatlah daku orang yang bukan benar hidupnya.)

    Rex tremendae maiestatis,
    Qui salvandos salvas gratis,
    Salva me, fons pietatis.

    (Wahai Raja Maha Mulia,
    yang menyelamatkan mereka yang Kau pilih,
    selamatkanlah daku, ya Sumber Belas Kasih.)

    Recordare, Iesu pie,
    Quod sum causa tuae viae:
    Ne me perdas illa die.

    (Ingatilah daku, wahai Yesus yang Setia,
    Ker'na dirikulah sebab PengorbananMu,
    janganlah daku terlepas dariMu di hari itu.)

    Quaerens me sedisti lassus:
    redemisti crucem passus:
    tantus labor non sit cassus.

    (Dengan lelahMu, Engkau telah mencariku,
    Engkau menebusku dengan SalibMu,
    dengan korban itu, janganlah daku terlepas begitu sahaja.)

    Iuste iudex ultionis,
    donum fac remissionis,
    ante diem rationis.

    (Penghakim Maha Adil segala dosa besar,
    kerjakanlah penebusan segala khilaf,
    sebelum Hari Penghitungan.)

    Ingemisco, tamquam reus:
    culpa rubet vultus meus:
    supplicanti parce Deus.

    (Daku merintih, ker'na menjadi yang tertuduh,
    menjadi merah padam wajahku ker'na dosa-dosaku,
    dengarlah permohonanku, ya TUHAN.)

    Qui Mariam absolvisit
    Et latronem exaudisti,
    Mihi quoque spem dedisti.

    (Wahai Engkau yang mengampuni Maria si Pendosa itu,
    dan memberi pengampunan buat si Pencuri itu,
    yang memberi daku harapan.)

    Preces meae non sunt dignae:
    Sed tu, bonus, fac benigne,
    Ne perenni cremer igne.

    (Tidak selayaknyalah doaku ini,
    namun Engkau yang Maha Baik, adililah daku sebaiknya,
    jika tidak, bagikulah api yang takkan padam.)

    Inter oves locum praesta,
    Et ab haedis me sequestra,
    Statuens in parte dextra.

    (Di antara dombaan, berilah daku tempat,
    dari antara kambing, asingkanlah daku,
    dan letakkanlah daku disisiMu.)

    Confutatis maledictis,
    Flammis acribus addictis:
    Voca me cum benedictis.

    (Setelah si pendosa sudah disenyapkan,
    diserah ke dalam api yang perit,
    panggillah daku untuk bersama para berbahagia.)

    Oro supplex et acclinis,
    Cor contritum quasi cinis:
    Gere curam mei finis.

    (Dengan berlutut dan bersembah daku berdoa,
    disertai hatiku yang bersesal,
    wahai Engkau, yang menjaga Sakratulmaut,
    Jagailah saat akhirku.)

    Lacrimosa dies illa,
    Qua resurget ex favilla
    Judicandus homo reus:
    Huic ergo parce, Deus.

    (Di hari yang berduka itu,
    dimana dari arang membara itu,
    manusia datang untuk dihakimi,
    selamatkanlah dia, wahai TUHAN.)

    Pie Jesu Domine,
    dona eis requiem.

    (Ya Yesus Tuhan yang Setia,
    berilah mereka istirahat.

    Latin text for the hymn...pada bahagian kurungan tu adalah terjemahan dari Bahasa Inggeris, ia bukan terjemahan rasmi, hanya terjemahan kasar dari sy sendiri...

  2. Haelius...Hailey...Hai Li...

    terima kasih kerana memberi perhatian dan sumbangan yang terbaik. Teruskan...

    God Bless U


  3. Dear Haelius,

    Terima kasih atas komen yang amat memberangsangkan.
    Kami di Pejabat Pastoral Keuskupan Sandakan akan berusaha untuk menyebarkan berita terkini.


  4. sentiasa mau mngetahui berita2 terbaru di diosis tempat sy dilahirkan ini...

    FYI, sy skg di semenanjung, having my studies in UKM now...

    may God bless the shepherd of our soul, Bishop Julius, Amen.



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