2.1 One of the tangible results of SCCs is the interest in the Word of God. Many members own a Bible and make efforts to know the Bible better.
2.2 One of the most visible fruits of SCCs sharing and living the Word is the growing sense of belonging in these communities.
2.3 Being guided by the Word of God, SCCs in participating countries are growing in their commitment to reach out to those in need in the neighbourhood and are enabled to read the ‘signs of the times’ and respond in the light of the Gospel.
2.4 Confirming what Pope John Paul II stated in Redemptoris Missio para 51, in many countries, SCCs have become centres for daily catechesis and contextualized faith formation. They are agents of evangelization in their own way in the local context, enabling the community to take the responsibility for the mission of sharing the message of Christian hope, peace and joy with the neighbours.