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Thursday, January 28, 2010



2.1 One of the tangible results of SCCs is the interest in the Word of God. Many members own a Bible and make efforts to know the Bible better.

2.2 One of the most visible fruits of SCCs sharing and living the Word is the growing sense of belonging in these communities.

2.3 Being guided by the Word of God, SCCs in participating countries are growing in their commitment to reach out to those in need in the neighbourhood and are enabled to read the ‘signs of the times’ and respond in the light of the Gospel.

2.4 Confirming what Pope John Paul II stated in Redemptoris Missio para 51, in many countries, SCCs have become centres for daily catechesis and contextualized faith formation. They are agents of evangelization in their own way in the local context, enabling the community to take the responsibility for the mission of sharing the message of Christian hope, peace and joy with the neighbours.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


A film on the life of Padre Pio was shown to the parishioners of St. Mary's Sandakan on the 22-01-2010. It was the first time a film was ever shown in the parish. The Alpha Team of Sandakan held the screening in the parish hall at around 7.15pm.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Held at Regional Seminary, Davao, Philippines
From October 20th - 28th 2009

1.1 The 5th AsIPA General Assembly gathered 225 participants form 17 countries at the Regional Seminary, Davao City, Philippines from October 20th to 28th 2009. As we are gathered here we remember that this is the land where some 40 years ago the seeds of BECs/SCCs1 were first sown. We also respectfully remember the BEC leaders who were martyred during the Martial Law for their prophetic commitment.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

1st meeting of the Diocesan CWA for 2010

Bishop presiding the meeting

Sandakan : The Diocesan Catholic Women's Apostolate held its 1st meeting for the year 2010 at the Diocesan Meeting Room on Saturday, 23rd January to discuss on matters pertaining to the action plan for the current year.

Bishop Julius in his welcoming address

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Study Day on Catechism of the Catholic Church

The participants of the 'Study Day'
The Catechetical Ministry of Holy Trinity Church, Tawau conducted a study day on Catechism of the Catholic Church on 16th January 2010 at the church basement hall for some 70 participants, mainly Sunday School teachers, RCIA/RCIC facilitators, children liturgy animators and interested parishioners.

Father Phillip A. Muji, the assistant rector was the main speaker for the study day

Registration started at 8:00am and the Holy Mass was celebrated by Fr Phillip in the chapel. In his homily, he exhorted the participants to be serious in their commitment, a strong foundation in the church teaching, the right skill and above all, a right attitude.

Paitan Mission Committee reaches out to flood victims

By: ds and bell

Henry Wong and the local parishioners
Sandakan : The continuous heavy downpour, the whole of last week had caused many houses in the villages, along the Paitan river to be submerged under water.

Some of the flood victims had to move to the mission house at Kg Dalamas, which served as a temporary 'relief centre'. The situation, has since returned to normal.
Dominic, the Chief catechist acknowledging receipt of provisions

The Paitan Mission Committee, headed by Henry Wong led a five member team to Paitan, yesterday 22nd January 2010 to lend a hand to the flood victims. They handed out assistance, in the form of rice, canned foods and dry provisions to 111 affected families of Kampung Tigawi, Kampung Dalamas and Kampung Lubang Buaya.

Unloading the provisions
He called on all parishioners of the Cathedral Parish to contribute, in cash or in kind to lessen the burden of the affected parishioners of the Paitan Missionary area. Contributions can be handed to the Cathedral Office (attention : Sylvester Ho) during office hours.

Transporting the provisions to the affected kampungs
landslides along the Paitan road

Thursday, January 21, 2010

HTC Tawau bids farewell to Sr Hilda fsic

The youth with Sr Tauria fsic (left) & Sr Hilda fsic (right)

Tawau : Around 80 parishioners joined Msgr. Nicholas Ong, his assistant rector Fr. Phillip Muji and the religious of St. Clare Convent in a farewell party for Sr. Hilda fsic on the evening of Sunday, January 17th, 2010.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Talk on Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) at HTC

Group photo of the 75 participants

A half day talk by Rev. Fr. Philip A. Muji, assistant rector of Holy Trinity Church Tawau, on the usage of the Catechism of the Catholic Church document was organized by the Catechetical Ministry on Saturday, 16th January 2010 at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel starting at 8.30am.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Formation of St Mary's Cathedral SOCCOM Committee

Meeting in progress

Sandakan : The Social Communication Committee of St Mary's Cathedral was officially established today, 19th January 2010 and held its inaugural meeting at the Parish Meeting Room.

Soccom Committee members with Fr Thomas Makajil

In his opening address, Fr Thomas Makajil the rector of the Cathedral urged members of the Soccom team to take heed of the modern trend of evangelizing through the IT media and thus the role of the team is vital in fulfilling the great mission of the Church.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Rekoleksi Pertama Kerasulan Belia Keuskupan Sandakan

Rekoleksi Kerasulan Belia Keuskupan yang diadakan pada 8-10 Januari 2010 di Pusat retret Keuskupan sandakan adalah merupakan aktiviti pertama selepas penubuhannya pada 3 Oktober 2009 yang lalu. Rekoleksi ini diadakan khusus buat pewakilan-perwakilan belia dari paroki St Mary, Sandakan, paroki St. Martin, Telupid, Paroki St Dominic, Lahad Datu dan Holy Trinity, Tawau yang merupakan ahli dalam Kerasulan Belia Keuskupan (KBK).

Tujuan utama adalah untuk mengenali ahli-ahli tim secara peribadi dan kerohanian agar dapat berjalan seiring dalam pelayanan sebagai Kerasulan belia untuk belia dalam Diosis Sandakan dan juga di paroki masing-masing.

Memulakan Rekoleksi dengan doa senyap dan cahayalilin untuk negara

The Catholic Filipino Pastoral Community of HTC celebrates its 25th anniversary

Present and Past Chairmen of FPC with Msgr Ong and Fr Phillip

The Catholic Filipino community of Holy Trinity Church, Tawau celebrated the 25th Anniversary of their pastoral community (FPC) on the Feast of Santo Nino (Feast of the Infant Child Jesus) with a thanksgiving mass at 10.30 am on Sunday, 17 January 2010 followed by a lunch fellowship and presentations at the parish hall.

Presenting the 'ako ay Pilipino' song

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Celebrating Msgr Nicholas Ong's 60th Birthday

Around 50 parishioners, mostly church group leaders, of Holy Trinity Parish, Tawau celebrated Msgr. Nicholas Ong's 60th birthday with a dinner at a local restaurant on Sunday, 10th January.

Mario Domingo delivering his speech

In his speech, PPC chairman Mario thanked the rector for his untiring effort in forming more and more BECs thereby bringing us at Holy Trinity closer and closer to the diocesan's vision of a community serving each other with God's love. He also thanked the rector for devoting much time to the formation of the neo catechumenal community in the parish.

Msgr Nicholas expressing his appreciation

Msgr. Nicholas in turn thanked those present for celebrating his birthday.He said priests do not usually celebrate their birthdays. Instead they usually celebrate their ordination anniversaries. He quipped by saying, ' may be we could make an exemption this year as we are in the year of the priests.'

'I will carry on serving'

On a more serious note, Msgr. Ong shared with us that although being 60 years old now, he did not wish to remind himself that he was getting old. Rather he wishes to feel renewed each time he gets to his birthday as there are still so many things he has to do in spreading the good news.

Happy and Blessed 60th Birthday to Msgr Nicholas

He thanked everyone for giving him the dinner, and also those who have been constantly helping him in his pastoral duty at Holy Trinity Church.

The dinner ended with a presentation of a gift by the PPC chairman on behalf of those present and the cutting of the birthday cake.

marcus chin

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pendaftaran murid-murid PMG

Paulus Salin (sedang berdiri berbaju merah) memerhatikan proses pendaftaran berjalan.

Sulpicius Simen, Aspirant yang sedang bercuti turut datang membantu.

Sandakan : Proses mendaftar murid-murid baru PMG Bahagian Bahasa Malaysia Katedral St Mary, pimpinan Paulus Salin telah berlangsung di Pusat Katekatikal Fr Mulders pada pagi Ahad, sebaik sahaja selesai misa kudus, Januari 10hb, 2010.

Pembimbing-pembimbing PMG yang kesemuanya merupakan sukarelawan telah menunjukkan komitmen yang bersungguh-sungguh dalam proses mendaftar murid-murid yang baru dan pendaftaran semula bagi murid-murid yang lama.

Sr Liliana Gubod, fsic meluahkan akan kekurangan tenaga pengajar terutamanya untuk kelas IKK. Beliau menyeru kepada para ibu bapa yang menghantar anak-anak mereka ke kelas tersebut agar dapat menyumbang tenaga sebagai pengajar samada di kelas PMG mahupun IKK.

Pada tahun lalu, jumlah keseluruhan murid PMG di Katedral hampir mencecah 900 orang dengan 540 orang (60%) dalam bahagian BM yang dipimpin seramai 12 orang guru.

" Bilangan murid yang mendaftar amat memberansangkan namun kekurangan tenaga pengajar akan membawa sedikit kesan terhadap proses pembelajaran nanti. Oleh yang demikian, saya memanggil kepada individu-individu yang berdedikasi dan berkemampuan untuk menyumbang ilmu terutamanya kepada para ibubapa dan guru-guru sekolah serta yang berpengalaman dalam bidang pendidikan untuk tampil ke hadapan demi masa depan iman yang teguh kanak-kanak Kristian Katolik," kata Sr Liliana.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Komiti Katekatikal St Dominic 2010-2012 dibentuk

Lahad Datu : Pertemuan katekatikal Paroki St Dominic telah diadakan di Bilik Mesyuarat MPP pada hari Ahad, 10hb Januari 2010.

Para katekis bersama Fr Simon dan Sr Veronica fsic

Pertemuan yang bertujuan untuk membentuk Komiti Pusat Katekatikal ini telah dihadiri oleh 23 orang katekis yang terdiri daripada wakil-wakil setiap komiti seperti IKK, IKD dan PMG.

Fr Simon mengesahkan undi

Turut serta dalam pertemuan ini ialah paderi paroki St Dominic, Rev. Fr. Simon Kontou, Sr.Veronica fsic dan wakil MPP iaituTeodulfo Rosalia Jr.

Melalui proses pengundian, berikut adalah nama-nama AJP Komiti Pusat Katekatikal Gereja St Dominic bagi sesi 2010-2012.

Pengerusi : Mary Clare Teneros
Tim. Pengerusi : Yakobus Palea
Setiausaha : Rosemary Legada
Bendahari : Jocelyn Fiesta

‘Terima kasih atas pemilihan ini. Saya memohon sokongan dari semua ahli untuk memberi kerjasama agar dapat sama-sama menghadapi dan menyelesaikan sebarang masalah dalam isu katekatikal di Paroki St Dominic’ ucap Mary Clare Teneros, selaku Pengerusi Komiti Pusat Katekatikal yang baru.

Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan drp Sr Veronica fsic

Sebelum pertemuan berakhir, Sr.Veronica fsic mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua ahli yang hadir. Semoga semua katekis semakin menghasilkan buah yang lebat dalam pelayanan di ladang Tuhan.

Laporan : Arjean Aveanue
Gambar : Shirley Yong (SOCCOM)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Catechism Classes at St Mary's Cathedral

Registration exercise at the Parish Hall

Sandakan : Sunday School (SS) teachers of St Mary's Cathedral, were seen busy registering children for the English, Chinese and BM catechism classes this morning, 10th January 2010 at Fr Mulders' Catechetical Centre and the Parish Hall.

Registration at Fr Mulders' Catechetical Centre

Attending to parents during registration

Sr Lilianna Gubod fsic, the Coordinator of the Parish Catechetical Committee was happy to share that the registration exercise was carried out smoothly and she gave credit to all the teachers for their strong commitment.

Happy to be back after the long vacation

The teachers, though volunteers have strong passion for their own faith by taking an active involvement in the spiritual formation of the young children.

The main aim of the Committee is to help develop the faith of children become strongly rooted through the instruction of Catechism classes.

Lesson in progress

Last year, some 50 teachers were involved, tending to the needs of more than 850 students from pre-school to secondary school.

Children ready to begin lesson

Classes in the three main languages are held in two sessions in 19 classrooms, every Sunday at Fr Mulders' Catechetical Centre and the former kindergarten.

If you’d like to enroll your child into Sunday School (SS) at the Cathedral or if you feel you have something to contribute as a teacher or assistant, do contact Sr Lilianna fsic at 089212813


Friday, January 8, 2010


(山打根三十一日讯)由山打根圣玛莉主教座堂的青少年们举办的“谈心念旧迎新晚会”在主日学楼成功举办 !当晚七时开始晚会,今年的晚会最特别的是有父母的参与。晚会一开始,罗志康神父开始祈祷后,父母们与青少年们烧烤食物。今年晚会有神父,父母们,青少年们一起参与,显得特别有意义。当晚大家之间的交流以及互动已经证明达成目的。烧烤过后,罗神父与青少年一起参与游戏,大家玩得很开心。游戏过后,青少年们互相交换礼物,这也是交流环节之一。 眼看十二点即将逼近,2010年快要来到,全部人都拿着烟花,香槟迎接新的一年到来。 十二点一到,2010年驾临,我们可以从主日学楼看市区的烟火,七彩缤纷,美丽极了。此刻,我们手中的烟花,香槟,鞭炮出动一起庆祝新的一年来临,整个 场面疯狂到了极点。大约十二点半,青少年们才依依不舍地回家。



New Advent