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Thursday, March 31, 2011


Tawau :As part of our parish’s commitment to Ecumenism as promulgated by the Second Vatican Council's Decree on Ecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio, Holy Trinity Parish Tawau hosted the Inter-Church Unity Prayer Session held at the parish hall on the evening of Wednesday, 30th March 2011.
Participants from Tawau InterChurch

Some 800 participants from various Christian churches including the Basel, Methodist, Anglican, Shalom, SIB, and Calvary Church as well as our own Holy Trinity Church attended the function.
Together we pray for unity among Churches

Aware that Ecumenism takes as it starting point that Christ founded just one Church, not many churches; hence the Roman Catholic Church has as its ultimate hope and objective - that through prayer, study, and dialogue, the historically separated bodies may come again to be reunited with it. 

Session began with the Opening Prayer followed by a ‘repentance prayer' led by the Chairman of the Tawau Inter Church Committee.
Praise and Worship session
A pastor from each church presented his/her petition and Sr Marysia fsic presented the petition on behalf of Holy Trinity Church.
Coming together in the spirit of Christian unity
Prayers offered focused mainly on world peace, Christian unity and for our nation Malaysia, its leaders as well as for our youths.
Msgr Ong and pastors from the various churches
Though each church may present its prayer differently, a pervasive feeling of unity of the one God and one Lord was keenly felt.

Session ended at 9.15pm with the Closing Prayer by Msgr .Nicholas Ong.

julita soccom htc


Sandakan - Komiti Keluarga Katolik(KKK), Paroki St. Mary, Sandakan telah menganjurkan Seminar Pra-Perkahwinan Siri yang pertama dalam tahun ini bertempat di Dewan Paroki St. Mary yang telah disertai oleh seramai 23 pasangan peserta.
Komitmen kami
Pendaftaran seminar seawal jam 7.00 pagi disusuli dengan Misa Kudus bermula jam 8.00 pagi yang dipimpin oleh Paderi Paroki Rev. Fr. Thomas Makajil dan diteruskan dengan sesi-sesi ceramah yang disampaikan oleh beberapa penceramah dari Komiti KKK termasuk Fr. Thomas Makajil yang menyampaikan tajuk ceramah “Perkahwinan Menurut Rencana Tuhan (Sakramen Perkahwian)” dan Fr. Philip Muji yang menyampaikan tajuk ceramah “Kerohanian Keluarga Katolik”.

Fr. Thomas Makajil yang menyampaikan tajuk ceramah
“Perkahwinan Menurut Rencana Tuhan (Sakramen Perkahwian)”
Sentiasa berkomunikasi
Antara tajuk-tajuk ceramah dalam seminar yang berlansung selama 2 hari iaitu pada 26-27hd Mac 2011 adalah; “Komunikasi Suami Isteri dan Keluarga dalam Perkahwinan” oleh Sdri. Martina Duhong, “IbuBapa yang Bertanggung-Jawab” oleh Sdra. Richard Atilano, “Sex dalam Perkahwinan” oleh Sdra. Pius Gorohom, “Merancang Keluarga Menurut Agama Katolik” Bhg.1 (Falsafah dan perancang Keluarga semulajadi) juga oleh Sdra.Pius Gorohom, Bhg. 2 (Billings Ovulation Method – BOM) oleh Sdra. John Babtis, Bhg. 3 (Latihan/Charting) oleh Sdri. Theresa Adam dan “Penyakit Keturunan dan Penyakit Kelamin” oleh Dr. Henry Ong.
John Baptis menerangkan Billings Ovulation Method (BOM)

Doa bersama sebelum makan
Apa yang menjadi kelainan dalam seminar kali ini adalah, para pasangan perserta telah diminta untuk membawa bunga dan lilin yang mana pada sesi makan tengahari hari yang kedua (27hb), setiap meja makan para pasangan peserta telah dilapik dengan kain dan dihiasi dengan bunga dan lilin untuk mewujudkan suasana kekeluargaan yang romantic dan para pasangan diminta berdoa mengikut pasangan masing-masing sebelum makan kerana ini adalah perkara asas yang perlu diterapkan pada setiap keluarga Katolik.
Suasana kekeluargaan romantik
Beberapa pasangan peserta yang sempat ditemuramah oleh SOCCOM Paroki; Ricky dan Freddeliza, Marksus Ng dan Rachel dan Alex Donald dan Imelda Martin merasa sangat gembira dan teruja setelah menyertai seminar ini kerana sebelum ini, mereka belum mendapat gambaran yang jelas mengenai Alam Perkahwinan, tetapi setelah menyertai seminar ini, banyak perkara atau pengetahuan yang boleh dijadikan panduan dan bekalan untuk memulakan alam Perkahwinan. Antara sesi-sesi yang sangat menarik perhatian salah satu dari pasangan tersebut adalah sesi “Merancang Keluarga Menurut Agama Katolik” (Bhg. 2 – BOM) kerana tiada pengetahuan langsung tentang perancangan Keluarga sebelum ini, tetapi selepas mendengar ceramah dari sesi ini, baru mendapat pengetahuan, ada proses yang lebih mudah, semulajadi dan selamat.
Hendaklah bergembira selalu
Dalam sesi penggulungan oleh Sdra. Pius Gorohom telah menyentuh tentang Liturgi Perkahwinan Katolik dan menyarankan kepada para peserta, supaya betul-betul bersedia dan bertanggung-jawab dalam semua aspek persiapan perkahwinan terutamanya dalam Misa Kudus Perkahwinan.

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Press Statement of Bible Society of Malaysia

29 MARCH 2011

The Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) today collected 5,000 copies of the Al Kitab, the Bahasa Malaysia Bible, which has been detained by the Home Affairs Ministry (KDN) since 20 March 2009.

In compliance with a letter from KDN dated 22 December 2005, BSM imported 5,000 copies of the Al Kitab with the sign of the cross and the words “Penerbitan Kristian” embossed on the front cover. In spite of this, the shipment of the Al Kitab was unjustifiably detained. In spite of many appeals, KDN refused to release the shipment for nearly two years. 

On 15 March 2011, KDN faxed a letter to BSM informing that while the Bibles will be released, they must be stamped with new conditions. Before BSM can indicate their acceptance or rejection of these new conditions, KDN at 5 pm on 16 March 2011 informed BSM that the Bibles had already been stamped by KDN and asked BSM to collect the Bibles. BSM had since then made known their position that the action of KDN in stamping the Bibles amounted to an act of defacement and disrespect of the holy books of the Christians.

In view of KDN’s tendency to take arbitrary action without consultation of affected parties or respect for the religious sensitivities of the Christian community, BSM decided to collect the 5,000 copies of the Al Kitab to prevent the possibility of further acts of desecration or disrespect being committed against the holy books of the Christians by KDN and its officers.

The 5,000 copies of the Al Kitab that has been defaced by KDN cannot be sold to Christian buyers. Instead, they will be respectfully preserved as museum pieces and as a heritage for the Christian Church in Malaysia. This unfortunately will result in a loss of RM70,000 for BSM.

Concerning the offer to compensate BSM for the costs of this shipment, BSM wish to make its stand clear that BSM will only accept a cheque from KDN and will not accept any money from so-called “Christian donors.”

The Bible Society of Malaysia
29 March 2011

KKD Merak Menyahut Cabaran Earth Hour

Belia KKD Merak

Sandakan : Seramai 20 orang belia Komuniti Kristian Dasar (KKD) Merak menyahut cabaran Earth Hour 2011selama 80 minit di kediaman saudara Arbah Louban, bertempat di Taman Rajawali, Batu 7, Sandakan pada 26 Mac 2011. Earth Hour merupakan aktiviti peringkat antarabangsa yang dijalankan serentak di seluruh dunia tepat pada pukul 8.30 sehingga 9.30 malam. Belia KKD Merak juga tidak ketinggalan untuk turut serta dan mereka telah menyahut cabaran dengan menambah masa selama 20 minit dari 60 minit yang telah ditetapkan oleh World Wildlife Federation (WWF).
pengikatan tali hijau di pergelangan tangan tanda cinta akan alam sekitar
Para belia menyambut Earth Hour ini dengan penuh kesederhanaan dan cara tersendiri. Bermula dari mengikat tali di bahagian pergelangan tangan yang berwarna hijau bererti kesatuan belia KKD Merak menyokong penuh dalam usaha meningkatkan kesedaran terhadap pemanasan global. Tali yang berwarna hijau juga mempunyai maksud yang tersendiri iaitu melambangkan semangat cinta akan alam sekitar. Bukan itu sahaja, para belia membakar lilin bersama-sama sebagai tanda kehadiran Kristus di dalam diri mereka dan sepanjang aktiviti tersebut dijalankan. Doa Earth Hour dimulakan dengan pembacaan firman yang dipetik dari Kitab Kejadian 1:24-31 dan disusuli dengan sesi renungan dan lagu-lagu pujian. Selain itu, sejarah ringkas Earth Hourdan berkongsi idea untuk meningkatan tahap kesedaran mengenai penjagaan bumi turut dimuatkan ke dalam program tersebut.
perkongsian idea
 Dengan adanya Earth Hour ini, para belia dapat berkumpul bersama untuk mengeratkan lagi hubungan silaturahim antara sesama, memainkan peranan belia di peringkat antarabangsa dan sekaligus dapat meningkatkan kesedaran tentang pentingnya bumi dan keseimbangan ekosistem, terutama bagi membendung masalah pemanasan global yang semakin serius pada masa kini. Bagi sesiapa yang ingin mengetahui dan mendapatkan maklumat lebih tentang Earth Hour ini, bolehlah layari di
menyahut cabaran lebih dari 60 minit 

 Roland Henry, Pembantu SOCCOM, KKD Merak

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

CFM Media Statement



Address: 10, Jalan 11/9, Section 11, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Telephone: (03) 7957 1278, (03) 7957 1463, Fax: (03) 7957 1457

  30th March 2011


We are grateful to Almighty God for bringing together Christian leaders from across churches in Semenanjung, Sabah and Sarawak to address the current controversy surrounding the impounding of Bahasa Malaysia Bibles, the Alkitab,  at Port Klang and Kuching.  This decision weighs heavily on us because of the implications not only for Christians but for all Malaysians. 

We are united in our reaffirmation of the freedom of religion and worship.  Therefore, our position is that there should be no restrictions, proscriptions or prohibitions whatsoever on the Bible or the use of the language of our choice in the practice of our religion, as it was in the days before and after the formation of Malaysia.

Christians, like any other Malaysians, are not demanding for anything beyond our constitutional and fundamental human rights as enshrined in Article 11(1) of the Federal Constitution and Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The current controversy surrounding the Alkitab is just one of many issues that concerns Christians. There has been a systematic and progressive pushing back of the public space to practice, to profess and to express our faith.  For example, the wearing and displaying of crosses and other religious symbols, using religious words and constructing places of worship have been restricted. 

When Christians express this concern, we do so not just for ourselves but on behalf of all Malaysians.  Our faith forms a critical component of our identity as Malaysians in nation-building as enshrined in the first pillar of our nation’s Rukunegara: Belief in God.

As regards the offer made by the government on 22 March 2011, we respectfully state that this does not address the substantive issues.  In point of fact, our previous offer made in 2005 to use the term “A Christian Publication” was only honoured in respect of one shipment of the Alkitab.  Subsequent shipments were similarly held up and subjected to further arbitrary conditions for release.

In order to move forward, we call on the Government to commit itself once and for all to remove every impediment, whether legal or administrative, to the importation, publication, distribution and use of the Alkitab and indeed to protect and defend our right to use the Alkitab.

This includes revoking all orders made under the Internal Security Act 1960, which have declared the Alkitab as a threat to national security.  Neither can the Alkitab be considered a threat to public order under the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984.  We categorically reject the characterisation of our Holy Scriptures in this manner. 

Instead, we see our Holy Scriptures as providing enlightenment and direction. In the words of the psalmist, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119 : 105). In the New Testament is stated the teaching that we hold dear and true : “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (II Timothy 3 : 16)

We remain committed to work with the Government for a viable and long-term solution where the detailed processes and procedures are made clear and unequivocal and so long as our fundamental liberties as enshrined in the Federal Constitution are not infringed.

As for the copies of the Alkitab that have been impounded and desecrated, we reiterate our position that the action of the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN) in stamping the Bibles amounts to an act of defacement,  disrespect and treating with disdain the holy book of the Christians.

Given the unfortunate experience of KDN’s tendency of taking arbitrary action without consulting affected parties or respecting the religious sensitivities of the Christian community, any decision to collect copies of the Alkitab which have been stamped and serialised would be with a view to prevent the possibility of further arbitrary acts of desecration, disrespect or destruction being committed against the Holy Scripture of the Christians by KDN and its officers.

We have left it to the 2 importers to decide whether or not to collect the Alkitab, based on their different specific circumstances and level of trust in the authorities and the processes in their local context. 

Nevertheless, no matter what their decision is, we remain united in our common stand to uphold the principle of freedom of religion which includes the free availability without hindrance or obstacle of the Alkitab and all sacred scriptures in Malaysia.

We continue to call on all peace-loving Malaysians to pray for a dignified resolution to these critical issues in the life of our nation. 

Dated this day 30th March 2011                                   

Bishop Ng Moon Hing 
Chairman and the Executive Committee
The Christian Federation of Malaysia

Final Day - Youth Alpha Leaders' Training Photos and Testimonies

很高兴的我可以在这里写我的感想。我非常的感谢Carol姐妹举办这次的Alpha Course让我们这些年轻人参加,也给机会我们更认识我们救世主-耶稣他为我们所做的一切。也非常的ChrisanneElaine姐妹来为我们讲座,让我们受益不浅。
在这次的Alpha Course中,我学习了不少的东西。这些东西是我一路以来是没有学习过。我学到一些在生活中要用到的东西。比如如何变成一位成功的领袖,如何和朋友做一个有趣的讨论和等等……这些都是很难在生活中学到的。尤其是在各组讨论的时候,让我可以认识到不同的朋友和互相分享自己的想法。然后,出去讨论的时候让我有很大的勇气在所有的人前面讲解。
最后,我很高兴的说我可以参加到这次的Alpha Course。让我认识到各种各样的东西。我希望Alpha Course可以再举行,让更多的年轻人可以参加及吸收这些让人受益不浅知识。谢谢

Sylvester Shang

很开心能参加Alpha Course, 刚开始的时候有点害怕,因为它主要使用英文沟通,但是在参加的过程中,我了解到,语言方面的问题不能阻挡我们更进一步认识耶稣。这个课程主要目的除了让我们更懂在生活上我们应该怎样活出一个真真的天主教徒,而且还教我们在生活上怎样做一个领导人,要知道一个人站在这么多人面前讲话是需要一定的勇气,感谢Alpha Course给了我们这样的一个机会!我希望在Alpha Course过后,所有的学员都能够把学到的东西实行于为教会服务。谢谢。

Vincent Hii

Youth Alpha is the most amazing course I have ever took part in. I learned a lot of things and had so much fun. I look forward to the next Youth Alpha course.

Jesper Vun

I love this course. It is so much fun. I'm glad that my cousin invited me there. If there is any other course next time, I would love to join.

Raynald Vun

嗨!我是华文组的Thomas Ng. 我想这是我第一次参加以英文为主的 Alpha Course 吧!当我一听到要参加这讲座会时,心情非常的害怕和担心因为我的英文不太好,又怕听不明白又怕别人笑我。 所以都是抱着害怕的心态去。但是,当讲座会开始的时候,我真的明白讲师在讲什么,教我们如何作为一个好的领导人,做人的态度和很多从来没有学过的东西。当我讲话时,别人也不会取笑我, 这令我感到非常的高兴!在这讲座回历,我认识了很多朋友也希望在日后的日子里,大家可以多多合作。最后我要谢谢Chrisanne Chi, Elaine Teh姐妹来给我们那么好的讲座当然也不少了我们的 Ah Siau! 谢谢你们

Thomas Ng


Florence Lee

I remember that I asked Carol whether I could join the Youth Alpha as I am so “old” already, close to be a “Senior Citizen”… but Carol said “Just join lah, I will register your name”
Then after that, I decided to join the 2 ½ day training. 
And now, after having attended the training I am really looking forward to the next program and to be one of their team members.
Praise the Lord for His wonderful love that has bind us together!

Daisy Wong
Slide Presentations - input

Monday, March 28, 2011

More Photos (2nd Day) and Testimonies on Youth Alpha Leaders' Training

Having so much fun

My purpose of attending the Alpha Course is because I want to know more about God,  and to be a leader for group study about Him. I regretted that I missed some of the topics because on the last day I was sick but managed to attend a few sessions ...but it was really fun..the talk was informative and useful. I hope there will be another Alpha Course for youth so that I can invite my friends who are not regular church-goers to participate. The Alpha Youth can help because it is excellent for youth as the sessions are interesting, full of fun-filled activities and above all very lively. Peace be with you all.
Patrick Miles (Pat)

Opening song and Proclamation of the Word of God

This is my first time joining any spiritual talk in the Church. Each time there's any activity in the Church, I would never want to take part and this time around it was  the same. My best friend invited and pestered me to come and I just couldn't refuse.  It turned out to be the Youth Alpha Course - it was GREAT!. Before this, I thought my faith was strong enough but little did I know that I often doubted God. During the ministry session, I found out that I recently neglected God, doubted His existence, I always asked myself whether God does exist or not.  Is God by my side through thick and thin? After Alpha I know more about Jesus, I know that He's there with us 24/7, never forget us. And of course I had fun in Alpha and as a matter of fact I’m not a very friendly person and shy but I felt accepted in Alpha. So let's continue loving God, especially young people. This Alpha course has worked wonders in me.
Ovinia Tabak (Ovi)
The input sessions

After the Youth Alpha Leaders' Training recently, my confidence and courage level to share the Good News is starting to grow. The Youth Alpha program provided me the opportunity to interact with the youth from the other groups such as the Chinese and English speaking communities. I believe that this program can bring great changes to the youth ministry  and enhance the relationships between the parish youth. I would recommend parents in the St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish to encourage their children to participate in this program.

Thank you Alpha Malaysia for bringing this program here.

Shirley Joseph (Sally)


Joyce Tan

Six years ago , my cousin residing in Australia showed me a picture of her attending some kind of small gathering through Facebook ( or was it Friendster? ) . There were people sitting around the table with some finger food in the picture. She described how fun and cool it was to meet new friends, enjoying good food, learn about a great man named Jesus through short clips and had some open discussion on any issues we can think of, including the taboo one. At that time, I thought it was a great program and wish to have it here.
On the first day of the Youth Alpha Course during the introduction, it was like “Oh, is this what Shasha had told me about six years ago?" Suddenly the memory of her sharing me about her experience was so vivid and clear. FINALLY! It has arrived here in Sandakan! 

I was attracted on the simple concept : Eat+watch+converse! The topics for the 10 -week programme are very relevant to youths nowadays too. One of the questions from the short clips was “Is there more to life than this? “ These 7 words really strike me hard. It really made me think and reflect on my life. It makes me realise that life must be more than the normal and usual routine everyday. 

I thank God that I was given the privilege to participate in this Youth Alpha course. It’s by the grace of God that He has worked through Caroline Tai to bring Youth Alpha into our Diocese. Not forgetting the two amazing and beautiful facilitators, Chrisanne and Elaine, who have committed themselves into bringing Jesus to other people. I think it will be going to be an awesome programme for all the youths and I am looking forward to attend it! To sum up everything, Youth Alpha is a powerful evangelising tool in this era!
Crispus Mosinoh

Small group discussion/sharing

大家好。我是华文组青年团的 Yvonne Chin. 我是青年团的新成员,可能真的是上帝的安排,参加 Youth Alpha Course是我们第一个任务。当我一听到Alpha Course, 第一个感觉就是:哇!超闷的!
我一直以来的想法都是认为这种讲座一定闷到爆!我一直找人来陪我去因为我怕闷, 我就告诉我妈妈我不是很有兴趣很懒惰去。 可是我妈妈一直推我去听她说会学到很多东西,到最后还是得去。
Yvonne Chin

Group presentation - problems and solutions

Hello there! Thanks to sister Carol and my mum. I had participated in the Youth Alpha. Actually, when my mum told me to join the Alpha Course, I was not really interested in it, but after joining, I realized that it was really fun!

Before joining, I was really scared about language problem and I was scared to meet people I don't know. I've so much to worry. But now, we're all  friends already! And I really love this family! They accepted me. We communicated much during free time. We had meals together. Every moment in Alpha Course was simply happy!

At first, I didn't know about Alpha at all. Aunty Chrisanne told us many things about Alpha. She also gave us tips on how to become a successful leader and presenting live-talks. Aunty Chrisanne was like our mum and we all love her very much.

The last day was the most meaningful day! I'll never forget this day in my whole life. We had a session called " How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? ". Aunty Elaine let us all stand up and imagine that Jesus was standing in front of us. We all closed our eyes and prayed, to tell God what we want to ask. I prayed. I told God my problems. Then, Aunty Elaine came by my side and held my hand. She prayed for me. She kept praying and praying. Suddenly I cried! I didn't know why I cried, but I knew God was answering my prayer. I was happy I cried. It’s a sign that Jesus accepts me again to be His child, I have new life again!

Lastly, I would like to thank all my "new family members". Thanks for helping me all along the course. And.. I LOVE ALPHA VERY MUCH!
Vicki Lai

shirley joseph dipal
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New Advent