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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Senarai Ahli Jawatankuasa Baru bagi Badan Penyelaras Bahasa Malaysia Sandakan (BMCC)

Sandakan - Satu pembentukkan jawatankuasa baru Badan Penyelaras Bahasa Malaysia (BMCC) untuk Sesi 2010-2012 telah diadakan pada 17 September 2010.
Pembentukkan jawatankuasa BMCC untuk Sesi 2010-2012 telah dijalankan secara undian oleh seramai 21 calon terpilih yang mana para calon telah terlebih dahulu dipilih oleh umat-umat St. Mary melalui proses penamaan calon terbuka.
Pembentukkan AJK Baru BMCC yang telah diadakan di Bilik A, Dewan Paroki telah disaksikan oleh Paderi Paroki, Fr. Thomas Makajil dan Pengerusi Majlis Pastoral Paroki, John Baptis Joannes.
Mesyuarat yang dihadiri oleh Fr. Thomas Makajil (Paderi Paroki), 
John Baptis Joannes (Pengerusi MPP) serta para calon terpilih
Kumpulan yang aktif dalam pelayanan koir BM St. Mary Sandakan
Berikut adalah penama-penama yang telah dipilih untuk meneruskan tugasan dalam BMCC ini:
  • Koordinator : Leonnie Degullacion
  • Tim. Koordinator : Lionel Randasan
  • Setiausaha : Lucia Petrus
  • Tim. Setiausaha : Catherine John
  • Bendahari : Severinus Ireneus
  • Penyelaras Liturgi: Esther Ekok
  • Penyelaras Pembaharuan Karismatik: Akan ditentukan kelak
  • Penyelaras Keluarga Katolik: Akan ditentukan kelak
  • Penyelaras Komiti Khas Perayaan: Akan ditentukan kelak
Komiti BMCC Bersama Rektor Paroki Rev. Father Thomas Makajil.
Leonnie Degullacion tiga dari kanan barisan hadapan.  
Mantan pengerusi BMCC, Damasus T. Tulas telah menerangkan salah satu tugas penting sebagai pengerusi adalah wajib melibatkan diri secara langsung dalam upacara Perayaan Liturgi. "Badan Penyelaras Bahasa Malaysia ini masih lagi dalam proses perincian dalam paroki" katanya. Peranan BMCC terlibat dalam Mesyuarat Majlis Pastoral Paroki (MPP) yang diwakili oleh pengerusi. Beliau mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua ahli-ahli jawatankuasa yang telah berjalan bersama-sama dengan beliau dahulu.
Pengerusi BMCC yang baru, Leonnie Degullacion mengakui agak terkejut dengan pemilihan ini namun berterima kasih kerana diberi kepercayaan menerajui badan ini. Beliau akan berusaha sedaya upaya menyambung tugasan yang diamanahkan. Aspek penting dalam suatu badan ialah mesyuarat. Tanpa mesyuarat sebarang aktiviti yang dirancang tidak akan dapat dijalankan dengan sempurna".

Soccom Paroki St. Mary

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Prayer Banner for the 3rd Diocesan Anniversary Celebration

Patrick Seah,  the PPC representative briefing the participants
Sandakan - Representatives from the various parish  groups and communities of St Mary's Cathedral Parish  gathered at the Parish Canteen on Saturday, September 25th to write the intercessory prayers on the  Prayer Banner. 

The Prayer Banner will be presented during the Eucharistic celebration for the 3rd Sandakan Diocesan Anniversary on October 16th at 9.00 am  in St. Dominic's Catholic Church, Lahad Datu.

The event  started at 9.00 am with an  Opening Prayer led by the PPC Chairman, John Baptis Joannes followed by the proclamation of the word  taken from 1 Peter 2:1-10 

Opening Prayer : Prayer in Time of Change

"My beloved Jesus, anoint us with your will. May the joy of your dwelling in us draw others to you. Expand our vision to recognize your plan; warm our hearts by the flame of your love; open our lips so that we can speak your Word; extend our arms that we embrace your people; speak to us so we can discern the role you have for us, filled with your Holy Spirit, empower us to become vital expressions of growth in your changing Church. Your Kingdom is now! help us discover your will. In Jesus name we pray. Amen."

Filipino Community
Catholic Women's Apostolate
Chinese Community

KadazanDusun Community
BEC of Taman Indah Jaya 

The session ended with the following prayer:

"God our Father, you ask us to be a holy priesthood, a task that is daunting and challenging. send your Holy Spirit to be our guide as we become the living stones of the Church linked together by love. help us to be worthy ministers in the mission of Jesus Christ. We ask this in His name. Amen"

Such event, according to the organizer is to bring the faithful closer to one another for the greater glory of God through their strong commitment to the well being of the Diocese.

St. Mary's Parish Soccom


KUNAK: Pada 18-19 September yang lalu, ahli Tim Kerasulan Belia Paroki (TKBP) Lahad Datu telah membuat Rekoleksi kali ke-2 bertempat di Pusat Retreat St. Philip, Kunak. Objektif rekoleksi ini adalah mengeratkan persahabatan dan kerjasama dalam pelayanan. Seramai 20 orang telah hadir termasuk Sister Rusiah Garuk, fsic dan Saudara James Nicholas selaku Kordinator Belia di Kunak. Penceramahnya terdiri daripada Father Philip Muji dari Paroki Tawau dan saudara Teodulfo Rosalia Jr dari Paroki Lahad Datu.



堂区牧灵委员会主席,Mr.Mario Domingo 为我们致开幕词说华牧注重传统的美德也重视家庭的聚会,犹如我们的信德一样需要保持。华人牧灵委员会主席,Florence Chang在她的致词中感谢天主,让大家聚集在一堂欢庆中秋。她也感谢所有的青年以及台前幕后的工作人员互相配合以使大家能夠体会大家庭的温馨。王世震副主教上台致词以及降福食物时说,现在的中秋节,和以往在山打根有些不一样,就连灯笼也有些差异。华人不单注重传统也都是美食家,他表示他很开心能夠看到教友偕同家眷一起欢庆这个佳节。
在大家享用晚餐的当儿,Bonaventure弟兄,Hilda Kimsin姐妹,Eunice Kimsin姐妹,Emily姐妹为我们呈现了动人的歌曲。过后,余兴节目正式开始。


Sandakan: A Requiem mass was held on Friday, September 24th at St Mary's Cathedral at 7.00 pm in memory of the late Fr. Tobias Chi, at 86 years old, passed away peacefully on September 11th, in Kota Kinabalu. 
Parishioners signing the condolence book
Fr Chi, immediately after his priestly ordination in 1954 in Macau was send on mission to North Borneo. He had served the Catholic church, covering many places in  Sabah for some 56 years.
Fr Thomas in the centre with Fr Aru on the right and Deacon David on the left
The main celebrant of the mass was Fr. Thomas Makajil and con celebrated by Fr. Aru (OFM) of Johor and Deacon David Garaman. In his homily, Fr. Thomas said, “All of us here, I believe have one way or another been touched by his ministry. Fr. Chi definitely is a man of solid faith, looking at his bio data; he came from China leaving his homeland with tremendous faith and courage just like Abraham being called, left everything and followed the call of God,…… leaving his family,  father, mother, brothers, sisters and friends, even inheritance and came to Borneo. Definitely, he knows the consequence of his choice that he will be serving the Lord in a distant land, with knowledge that he may not be able to return to his homeland for good”. 
Fr. Thomas further shared of his experiences with Fr. Chi, way back in 1972 as a seminarian and as a priest in 1981 – 1982, “….though there’s a generation gap between us, he was understanding, accommodating…..he was a fatherly example especially in scriptural and pastoral ministry, for us who’ve known and worked with him, he was a thinker with vision and faith. He achieved what he has started because of his solid trust in God. The many beautiful churches and parish halls testifies his priestly ability……also the many new movements that he had invited into the parishes ministry (Charismatic, Neo-Catechemunal Community, Marriage Counseling etc) gave us a glimpse of his untiring effort in renewing the local church”.
The celebration

The congregation
For St Mary's Cathedral, where Fr. Chi served the longest of his missionary life here, his passing will definitely be greatly missed by the parishioners. He had contributed so much to St. Mary and he left behind a legacy of  renewal and  progress.

May his soul rest in peace.

After the mass, a slide power point presentation of Fr. Chi's funeral in KK and his ministerial works in Sabah was shown.

Dalius LL 
Sandakan Parish Soccom

Monday, September 27, 2010

Seminar Hidup Baru Dalam Roh Mendapat Sambutan Menggalakkan Daripada Belia

Sandakan - Paroki Katedral St. Mary, Sandakan telah mengadakan Seminar Hidup Baru Dalam Roh (BM) pada 17-19 September 2010 lalu. Seminar ini telah dianjurkan oleh Pembaharuan Karismatik Katolik Bahasa Malaysia.

Seramai lebih kurang 150 orang menyertai seminar ini termasuk Tim Pelayanan. Misa Kudus pembukaan telah disempurnakan oleh Fr. Thomas Makajil yang turut menyampaikan ceramah bertajuk "Ekaristi dan Ketuhanan Yesus."

Kelihatan Fr. Thomas sedang menyampaikan homili beliau semasa Misa Pembukaan

Dalam ceramahnya antara lain Fr. Thomas menekankan betapa Tuhan mengasihi umatNya dengan mengaruniakan AnakNya yang tunggal sebagai penebus dosa manusia. Beliau turut mengajak umat menyingkap misteri penebusan dosa manusia melalui kematian Yesus di kayu salib yang menjadi puncak kepada karya penyelamatan manusia sambil membawa umat merenung misteri Perayaan Ekaristi sebagai tanda cinta kasih Allah kepada umatNya dan sumber kehidupan.

Sunday, September 26, 2010



颁发灯笼比赛和猜灯谜比赛的奖品于优胜者过后。该晚会于晚上915, 在结束祈祷和Thomas神父的祝福下圆满结束。




Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 8 and 9 - Rome, Lourdes and Fatima Pilgrimage

Candle light procession in Lourdes
Statue of our Lady of Lourdes taken at night

Inside the Basilica
Day 8 (Thursday September 23rd)

In Lourdes, a small market town in the Midi-Pyrenees region in south western France which is particularly famous for the apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes, we were taken to a tour of the Old Lourdes on the hill in the footsteps of St Bernadette. We had the opportunity to join the Blessed Sacrament and  the candle light processions in the evening.
The Gothic Cathedral at Burgos
Entrance to the Chapel
Day 9 (Friday September 24th)

We departed Lourdes early in the morning to Burgos, a city in northern Spain on a high plateau which is rich in ancient churches and convents. It is also known as the 'Land of Castles'. We visited the Gothic Cathedral at Burgos.

Raymond Wong

Friday, September 24, 2010

Micro piling work at Diocesan Pastoral and Worship Centre site

YB Datuk Edward Khoo graced the ground breaking ceremony
Sandakan : A day after the solemn blessing  and ground breaking ceremony of the Sandakan Diocesan Pastoral Cum Worship Centre site on  13th September 2010,  STL Drilling Sdn Bhd  of Kota Kinabalu began work on micro piles.
Drilling for micro piles
In filling of grout into the micro pile

Samples of soil in cubes to be lab tested
One point with five micro pile holes
Drilling of more micro piles
It took the company six days to complete the 22 points of 92 piles.  The company will wait for 7 days  for the laboratory test and 28 days for pile test.
Artist impression of the Centre

A. Mokok

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 6 and 7 - Rome, Lourdes and Fatima Pilgrimage

Candle light procession

Day 6 (September 21st)
After arriving in the evening at Lourdes from Marseilles, the group had dinner and went straight to join the candle light procession, reciting  the Holy Rosary in languages of the pilgrims.
Church at Bartres - John the Baptist and Bernadette

Day 7 (September 22nd)
The next morning the group joined the other faithful for the taking of "Bath" where each one of the faithful will immerse into the tub filled with water from the source. Many miracles had happened here where sick and invalid faithful, after taking the bath had been cured and left their crutches and wheelchairs behind for others who needed them.
Prayer at the Station of the Cross

Statue of Mother Mary
In the afternoon the group visited the small village where Bernadette lived there during part of her childhood. The group also visited the church where she prayed. The Church is known as :The Church of Barthes: John the Baptist and Bernadette. It is fascinating to discover the striking similarities that exist in the lives of John the Baptist and Bernadette in spite of the centuries between them.

Raymond Wong

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

4th and 5th day of the Rome, Lourdes and Fatima Pilgrimage

Arriving at the hotel in Genova
Bishop Julius presiding mass at the hotel in Genova

 Forth Day (September 19th):
The 45 pilgrims, of which 16 from the Diocese of Sandakan,  started the day, traveling by coach at 8.00 am from Rome to Genova (Italy)  with stopping over in between for freshening up.We finally arrived at La Spezia, situated at Northern Italy, early in the evening at 5.00 pm and checked into the hotel.
Basilica of the BVM of Guard at Marseilles
Bishop Julius celebrating daily mass at the Basilica
Taking a rest after the mass
Fifth Day (September 20th):
We spent the whole day traveling from Genova, an important seaport  in Northern Italy to Marseilles, the largest commercial port in France from 8am to 5pm. Arrived at Marseilles and proceed straight to the Basilica of Mary the Guard where Bishop celebrated the daily mass at the Basilica.

Raymond Wong


New Advent