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Thursday, September 5, 2013

'I am special' - a session with new students at the Sandakan Nursing College

DS / st 
photos by Airene Gumanas
Sandakan : The Sandakan Campus Ministry team aimed to render help, counsel and support new intakes of institutions of  higher learning in their spiritual journey, paid a visit to the Sandakan Nursing College last August 18, 2013. The gathering themed 'I am Special' was attended by some 65 new nursing students. 
The gathering started with an energizer and a game called "The King" conducted by Anna Teresa. In the game, the students were asked to divide themselves into six groups. Each group was to send a 'prisoner' to the king who would then request a list of things from the group. The group that first provide all the things listed by the king would be able to free their prisoner. The game gave them the opportunity to reflect on the spirit of teamwork and not just wait for others to act. It was a moment full of laughter and love opening themselves to one another.
The next session was facilitated by Sharon Tan. Students were asked to draw their picture and list out three words that best describe them. A video clip focused on the message on John 3:16 was shown. They were then asked to reflect on it and to write down "I am special because...". After the short activity, Sharon also shared about the 'Parable of the Pencil.' It brought out the message that we should never allow ourselves to get discouraged and think that our life is insignificant and cannot make a change.

The gathering has helped them to appreciate for who they are and the people around them. It is also a time where they can affirm their friends for their uniqueness. It encouraged us to know that we are special and only we ourselves can fulfill the purpose to which we are born to accomplish.

The session ended at 10.30 pm with Sarah and Schoffal leading the Closing Prayer. 

"For God so loved the world, He gave us His only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" - John 3:16

Read more in BM version

Oleh Jane Alice

KOLEJ KEJURURAWATAN SANDAKAN,18 OGOS 2013- Sekali lagi Pelayanan Kampus Sandakan bersama dengan Tim Kerasulan Belia Keuskupan (KBK) Sandakan telah melawat pelatih-pelatih di Kolej Kejururawatan Sandakan untuk kali yang ke-3. Kedatangan mereka disambut dengan baik dan penuh kesyukuran yang tidak dapat diungkapkan oleh setiap jururawat pelatih.
            Dengan aktiviti kerohanian 'Let’s Hang Out' ke-3 bertemakan “I Am Special”, lawatan tersebut bertujuan untuk menjalinkan perhubungan persahabatan yang lebih akrab antara Tim KBK dan pelatih-pelatih jururawat. Di samping itu ia juga dapat memupuk semangat kesatuan antara sesama. Aktiviti ini bukan sahaja melibatkan pelatih-pelatih yang beragama Roman Catholic tetapi juga melibatkan pelatih-pelatih dari dinominasi lain seperti SIB, SDA, dan Anglikan yang turut mahu merasakan suasana dan kemeriahan bersama dengan Tim KBK Sandakan.
            Lawatan ini menumpukan kepada konsep mengenali antara satu sama lain dimana aktiviti ataupun program dimulakan dengan “welcoming songs” dan seterusnya membawa lagu penyembahan bagi merasakan kehadiran Tuhan bersama-sama. Kemudian selepas makan bersama, aktiviti “Ice Breaking”  dan beberapa  jenis permainan yang menarik  turut dijalankan dikendalikan oleh Anna Teresa. Aktiviti seperti ini bukan sahaja seronok dan menggembirakan tetapi juga turut  mengurangkan ketegangan yang dilami oleh para pelatih yang sepanjang hari berada dalam kelas.
            Selain itu, dalam ruangan 'I Am Special' para pelatih turut mendengar, menonton tayangan video dan berkongsi pengalaman antara sesama yang dikendalikan oleh wakil KBK iaitu Sharon Tan. Dalam perkongsiannya, beliau mengatakan bahawa “jangan pernah sia-siakan hidup dengan perkara-perkara yang menjatuhkan diri sendiri tetapi perlu menganggap diri sebagai seorang yang 'Special' atau istimewa kerana Tuhan mencipta kita menurut gambarannya”. Salah seorang Tim KBK  Venessa Julian yang juga merupakan bekas pelatih jururawat turut  memberi perkongsiannya di mana beliau mengatakan “I am special because God created me in His own image and likeness”.
            Secara keseluruhannya, aktiviti kerohanian ini telah berjalan dengan lancar. Hubungan persahabatan dan persaudaraan di antara pelatih dengan Tim Kerasulan Belia Keuskupan (KBK) Sandakan terjalin erat.

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