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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sabah Youth Day Cross Arrives Holy Trinity Church Tawau

Tawau : The Holy Trinity Church's Youth Apostolate received the Youth Cross from  the Youth of St. Peter Claver Ranau on 22nd May 2011 before the morning Sunday BM mass.
As part of the celebration of the 3rd Sabah Youth Day, which was launched at St. Peter Claver on 15th May 2011, the Youth Cross arrived at Holy Trinity Church with around 50 delegates from Kota Kinabalu, Ranau and Sandakan the Saturday evening of 21st May 2011, welcomed by the Holy Trinity Youth Apostolate members and some parish leaders.

Arrival of the SYD Cross

Youth from Ranau ready to carry the SYD Cross
Parishioners waiting for the Cross at the main gate
Following the Cross into the Church
 Ready to hand over the Cross to the PYA of HTC
Handing the Cross over to PYA of HTC
Members of the PYA of HTC carrying the Cross into the Church
Placing the Cross onto the stand
Venerating the Cross
My Cross, Your Cross, Our Cross

It was handed over to the Youth Apostolate of Holy Trinity Church the next morning before the BM mass at the main gate entrance after a procession from the parish hall basement, and was then carried into the Church with the theme "Berakar dan Bertumbuh di dalam Kristus" (Rooted and Grow in Christ), and with the youth responding "may the Cross be the symbol of faith, shared by all youths along their journey to draw closer to the Lord."
In his homily in the Eucharist that followed, the spiritual advisor of the Sandakan Diocesan Youth Commission Fr. David Garaman said, " To understand the Cross, we must enter into a dialogue with Christ, experience his death and resurrection." The mass was concelebrated by the rector Msgr. Nicholas Ong.
Sharing by a representative of the PYA of HTC

Sharing by a representative from the youth of St Peter Claver, Ranau
A para liturgy session was held after the mass attended by about 300 youth and parishioners.
The meaning of the Cross by Fr David

In his input during the session, Fr. David said," The cross is not a symbol of shame or death but rather, a sign of love and salvation."
He further added, " Without faith, the cross is meaningless. By accepting the cross in our daily lives, it becomes a center of our faith , hope and strength that leads us closer to God. Experience Christ's presence in our burden, trials, sadness and happiness."
After the input everybody was  asked to reflect  on his/her own self the deeper  meaning of their lives, followed by adoration.
In their petitions during the intercession, it was hoped that:
   1. All the youth be enlightened by the Word of God
   2. This year's Sabah Youth Day be a blessed gathering for the young people to be in     communion and stay closer to God,
   3.  As the future pillar of the Church, may the youth be faithful in serving God in their endeavor to build a better world.

The session ended around 1.30 pm after a sharing from representatives from  St. Peter Claver and Holy Trinity with a Closing Prayer le Fr David.
During its time in Tawau, the Youth cross will also be brought to Semporna and the major outstations.
The Cross placed in front of the Altar
Veneration of the Cross
Soccom HTC

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Journeying together - Parents accompanying their children attending Holy Mass
Tawau : The Children Liturgy and Sunday School teachers of Holy Trinity Church organized a Eucharistic camp for children receiving their first holy communion on Tuesday, 17th May 2011 at the church basement hall.
Involving two main language groups - Bahasa Malaysia and English,  about 200 participants including their parents took part in the half-day event.

The Camp began with  a Holy Mass presided by Fr. David Garaman, the assistant rector. Both readings were proclaimed by the children.
Fr David in his sharing session on 'Parents as the primary catechists'
After the mass, Fr. David Garaman, Sr Liza fsic and Sr Tauria fsic shared with the parents regarding "being the first catechists in the family"
They were later shown a documentary "Miracles of the body of Christ" meant to enhance more reverence while receiving Holy Communion. After which, a group discussion was held, based on the lead question "What changes have the Eucharist made in my life?"

Sunday School teachers using new media in their input sessions
For the children, they were given a slide show of  "Miracles of the Eucharist"  followed by input on the following: 
1. What is Holy Communion?
2. When does consecration take place and what are the signs given during the mass?
3. What is the Sacrament of Penance? Why do we need it?

Igniting the faith of  young Catholics

It is hoped that through this camp, the  faith of the young people will be enriched and they will come to receive the Blessed Sacrament with reverence.

The camp ended at 1 pm with a fellowship.

cristin and julita
Soccom HTC


Selebran: Rt. Rev. Bishop Julius dan Rev. Fr. Jasery
Perayaan Ekaristi Kesyukuran Kaamatan Paroki St. Martin, Telupid
Dirayakan di Chapel St. Patrick Entilibon Zon Tongod.
TELUPIDKapela Santo Patrick, Entilibon dalam Zon Tongod berjaya menganjurkan  Perayaan Kaamatan Peringkat Paroki pada 22 Mei 2011  bertemakan  ‘Mencari Tuhan di dalam Kebudayaan’. 

“Pada perayaan Kaamatan Paroki ini diharapkan mesej tema ini dapat disebarluaskan kepada semua umat agar benar-benar difahami dan dipraktikkan dalam hidup keluarga” demikian pesan Bapa Uskup Julius D. Gitom kepada hampir 1,000 umat sama ada umat Katolik mahupun masyarakat setempat yang turut hadir. 

+ Rt. Rev. Bishop Julius
Uskup menjelaskan bahawa Komuniti Kristian Dasar (KKD) yang berpusatkan Kristus menyeru kepada umat agar menjadi ‘Garam’, ‘Ragi’ dan ‘Terang’ kepada masyarakat sekitar. 

Kehadiran umat menghadiri Misa Kudus Kaamatan menjangkau 1000 orang. Umat sedang mendengar pesan Bapa Uskup tentang budaya mengasihi Tuhan dan sesama dipraktik melalui  komuniti.
Menyentuh mengenai tema yang dipilih tahun ini, Bapa Uskup berkata, ia amat tepat dan sesuai kerana Tuhan adalah asas hidup berbudaya terarah pada kasih dan pelayanan. 

“Budaya mengasihi dan melayani merupakan dasar hidup Kristian, bila kita menghayati nilai budaya yang positif dan baik dengan sungguh-sungguh maka kita dapat menjadi ‘Tanda Kasih Allah kepada dunia’, ujar Bapa Uskup yang menjadi selebran dalam perayaan tersebut. 

Kapela St. Patrick yang terletak 15 km dari Paroki Pusat telah merayakan Kaamatan ini di peringkat Paroki buat julung kali. 

Selepas Misa Kudus. Bapa Uskup Julius merasmikan kaamatan dengan memukul gong.  Seterusnya upacara  mengetam padi dan menyerahkan simbol kepada Zon Tuan Rumah Perayaan Tahun 2012. Gambar keempat acara pemotongan kek kaamatan beramai-ramai.
Bapa Uskup turut mengumumkan tuan rumah bagi Perayaan Kaamatan 2012 adalah bertempat di Zon Nangoh dan simbolik penyerahan berupa ‘Wakid’, ‘Sirung’ dan ‘Rilibu’ disampaikan kepada Julian A. Kidap mewakili Kapela St. John, Rumidi Nangoh. 

Fr. Jasery G. Emmanuel
Paderi Paroki Santo Martin, Rev. Fr. Jasery G. Emmanuel turut merakamkan penghargaan kepada umat dalam Zon Tongod terutama di Kapela Santo Patrick yang telah bertungkus lumus berusaha dengan tekun dan gigih sehingga perayaan ini menjadi realiti seperti yang telah dirancang. 

Albert Matusin. Pengerusi Majlis Pastoral Paroki.
Turut berucap ialah Pengerusi Pastoral Paroki, Albert Matusin yang mengongsikan makna ‘budaya Kaamatan adalah budaya kesyukuran’ di mana segala aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan perolehan hasil adalah kaamatan atau penuaian bagi umat beriman. 

Albert Bahari. Pengerusi Penganjur. Kaamatan St. Patrick Entilibon. Zon Tongod
Pengerusi Penganjur, Albert Bahari merakamkan terima kasih kepada semua yang terlibat dalam menjayakan sambutan ini terutama Paderi Paroki dan Bapa Uskup yang sudi bersama-sama dengan umat merayakan perayaan ini. 

“Juga kepada dermawan yang telah menghulurkan sumbangan berupa kewangan, material atau buah fikiran untuk menjayakan perayaan ini”, jelasnya. 

Selain makan bersama berasaskan masakan tradisi, pelbagai acara persembahan mewakili Zon Pekan, Zon Jalan Ranau, Zon Nangoh, Zon Jalan Sandakan dan Zon Tongod selaku tuan rumah. 

Album kenangan bapa Uskup bersama penganjur pelaksana
Paroki St. Martin Telupid

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

St Mary's Cathedral to Celebrate Silver Jubilee of the RCIA Process


Sandakan : St Mary's Cathedral Parish will be celebrating the Silver Jubilee of the RCIA process on Pentecost Day, Sunday 12th June 2011. Each year thus far, the Parish has conducted the RCIA process without fail in English, Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia. Many have been initiated or fully admitted into communion with the Church.
Recalling the last 25 years we give thanks to God and to the late Fr. Tobias Chi who introduced the RCIA to the parish as one way of evangelisation. He was the rector of the then St Mary's Church from 1984 - 1999.

With his wisdom and effort the RCIA has bloomed with many parishioners who has gone through the sessions and are currently serving the Church in various ministries.

On the run up to Pentecost Sunday, slides of the last twenty five years were shown before mass to revive some old memories and a writeup on the process of the RCIA was published in the weekly bulletin. A 40-table subscribed dinner will also be held on the 12th night and the organising committee invites all parishioners who have gone through the process to a get together with their sponsors, friends and family members. The night will be lined with some performances and some testimonials from the newly baptised. 

A 'Good Tiding Magazine' commemorating the 25th Anniversary will also be published for the benefit of the faithful.

raymond wong

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sambutan Hari Jururawat Sedunia Gereja Holy Trinity, Tawau

TAWAUPada Ahad 15 Mei 2011, Persatuan Jururawat Katolik (CNG – Catholic Nurses’ Guild), Gereja Holy Trinity Tawau telah mengendalikan perayaan Misa Kudus yang diupacarakan oleh Msgr. Nicholas Ong sempena menyambut Hari Jururawat Sedunia (Nurses' Day)   yang sepatutnya disambut pada 12 Mei 2011.

Koir Jururawat

Sebahagian daripada jururawat yang mengikuti koir

Koir semasa uparcara ini turut melibatkan pelatih Jururawat masyarakat dari Kolej Latihan Jururawat Masyarakat Tawau serta pelatih dari Kesihatan Pergigian. Selain dari itu, Komentator, Pewarta dan persembahan sepanjang upacara Misa Kudus ini telah dikendalikan oleh jururawat Hospital Tawau dan Health Care Worker lain yang bertugas di bahagian Kesihatan Tawau serta bekas jururawat yang telah bersara.

Acara yang dinantikan oleh semua jururawat ialah acara pemberkatan di hadapan altar oleh Msgr Nicholas Ong. Sebelum itu, beliau telah memberi kata-kata perangsang kepada semua jururawat agar menerima profesion tugas mereka dengan rasa gembira dan syukur kerana tugas mereka adalah sentiasa mulia di mata Tuhan kerana dapat membantu manusia lain dengan iklas terutama yang sedang sakit sepertimana Tuhan Yesus  melayan.
Bersedia untuk diberkat


Sesi bergambar beramai-ramai bersama Msgr Ong turut dijadikan kenangan sejurus selepas Misa Kudus selesai.
 Pengerusi CNG Florence Chong, berdiri kedua dari kanan bersama dengan ahli ahli serta  Msgr Nicholas Ong

Beberapa orang bekas jururawat yang masih aktif di CNG

Sambutan Hari Jururawat diteruskan dengan acara makan tengahari di kantin paroki dengan doa makan yang dipimpin oleh Msgr Ong. Para Religius Sisters dan EMCs’ turut dijemput dalam acara makan tengahari ini. Selesai sahaja makan tengahari, semua yang terlibat dalam sambutan Hari Jururawat pada kali ini tidak pulang dengan tangan kosong kerana setiap seorang telah diedarkan dengan tokan dalam bentuk ‘bookmark’ di mana ‘Doa’ sebelum menjalankan tugas tercatat di atasnya. Tokan ini telah disediakan oleh CNG, Holy Trinity Tawau. Shalom.

Jamuan makan bersama Msgr Ong

"Love Is Service".

Disediakan oleh:
Margaret @ Loihin Gadul
melalui SOCCOM Tawau


New Advent