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Friday, May 24, 2019


Sandakan - Kini ada 79 hari lagi sebelum Temasya Belia Keuskupan Sandakan dan banyak mesyuarat dan persiapan telah dilakukan agar program ini berjaya dilaksanakan. Pada 18 dan 19 Mei 2019 yang lalu mesyuarat para penganjur (MOT, Sub-MOT, LOT dan Sub - LOT) telah diadakan. Mesyuarat ini telah dimulakan dengan 'Ice breaking' pada 18 Mei 2019 untuk memberi ruang kepada semua penganjur untuk berkenalan diantara satu dengan yang lain. Ini adalah kerana, selain dari Sandakan, ahli - ahli dalam penganjuran TBK ini juga datang dari Tawau, Lahad Datu, Paitan, Beluran dan Telupid. 

Antara yang dibincangkan adalah persiapan logistik, persiapan rohani, tempat penganjuran, program, Rakan TBK dan juga makan - minum serta keselamatan. Semua ini, baik perkara besar dan kecil harus dilihat dan diambil kira agar penganjuran ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan semua orang yang menyertainya dapat mengalami Yesus di dalam hati. 

Mesyuarat akan datang adalah pada 29 - 30 Jun 2019 bertempat di Katedral St Mary Sandakan. Semoga Tuhan terus menyertai semua tim penganjur dalam persiapan menuju Temasya Belia Keuskupan Sandakan. 

Kepada para belia di seluruh Keuskupan Sandakan yang belum mendaftar TBK, nah jangan tunggu lama - lama, hubungilah Kordinator paroki masing - masing!

Telupid Parish Youth Day dan Sambutan penerimaan Salib Belia semarak iman para belia Paroki Telupid menuju SYD5

Telupid – 10-12 Mei yang lalu telah berlangsungnya program Telupid Parish Youth Day(TPYD) di Paroki St. Martin, Telupid yang di sertai lebih kurang 180 orang belia dari seluruh paroki dan luar stasi. Tema SYD-5 iaitu Lukas 1:38, “Aku ini adalah hamba Tuhan; jadilah padaku menurut perkataan-Mu itu”, telah menjadi pilihan bagi tema sambutan perayaan 2 dalam1 ini. Sambutan penerimaan Salib Belia dan Ikon Bonda Maria daripada Misi Paitan dirayakan bersama-sama dengan program TPYD ini.

Welcoming Night

Fettwinda Sipaan - Kordinator Kerasulan Belia Paroki St Martin, Telupid
Misa harian bagi pembukaan program TPYD ini telah diselebrankan  oleh Fr. Jasery G. Emmanuel pada 10hb Mei. Hari pertama program, pada sebelah malam, sesi “Apa itu SYD?” telah disampaikan oleh saudari  Fetwinda. Sejurus selepas sesi tersebut, tim program telah memberikan sedikit taklimat ringkas tentang perjalanan program pada keesokkan harinya.

Hari yang baru, 11hb Mei, program diteruskan dengan sesi-sesi input sementara menunggu ketibaan Salib Belia. Seramai lebih dari 200 belia berserta umat dari seluruh paroki serta luar stasi telah berkumpul bagi menyambut ketibaan Salib Belia SYD-5 daripada Misi Paitan.

Rombongan dari Misi Paitan tiba pada puku 11.40 pagi. Rombongan ini di  ketuai oleh saudara Daniel selaku Kordinator Kerasulan Belia Katolik Misi Paitan.  Kedatangan Salib Belia ini telah diiringi dengan paluan gong dan tari-tarian. Salib diarak masuk dari luar pagar sehingga masuk ke dalam perkarangan Gereja. Sebelum diarak ke dalam Gereja, umat dipersembahkan dengan tarian tradisional suku kaum Dusun Labuk iaitu Tarian Magalai daripada belia St.Martin, Telupid.

Daniel @ Omik (Kerasulan Belia Katolik Misi Paitan) dan Fettwinda Sipaan

From Paitan with Love

Misa kudus yang diselebrankan oleh Rev. Fr. Jasery G. Emannuel dirayakan sejurus selepas perarakan masuk Salib Belia berserta dengan semua belia dan umat. Selepas homili daripada Rev. Fr. Jasery, dua orang belia daripada Misi Paitan, telah diberi peluang untuk mengongsikan pengalaman mereka sepanjang Salib Belia tersebut berada di tempat mereka. Setelah selesai Misa Kudus, fellowship diteruskan di dapur dewan gereja. Acara diteruskan lagi dengan persembahan dari para belia dari St. Martin, Telupid dan juga belia daripada Misi Paitan. Pada masa yang sama, kordinator belia Misi Paitan, saudara Daniel telah menyerahkan buku harapan SYD-5 kepada kordinator belia St. Martin, Telupid iaitu saudari  Fetwinda untuk diisi dengan gambar aktiviti belia Telupid bersama dengan Salib Belia sepanjang Salib tersebut berada di paroki Telupid.

Usai fellowship bersama umat dari Misi Paitan, program TPYD diteruskan lagi. Sesi-sesi seperti “Isu dan cabaran belia” dan “Peranan ibu bapa” di ketengahkan bagi memupuk persefahaman antara ibu bapa dan belia dalam pelayanan masing-masing. Pada sebelah malam, acara Youth Night berlangsung di mana para belia dikumpulkan dan di minta untuk membuat persembahan spontan mengikut zon masing-masing. Selepas itu, para belia berkumpul sekali lagi didalam gereja dan mengadakan adorasi bersama dengan Salib Belia.

Hari terakhir program TPYD, 12hb Mei,  di mulai dengan sesi pertemuan 7 langkah yang dibimbing oleh pengerusi KKD paroki iaitu En. Pianus Laniu. Misa Kudus pada hari minggu tersebut di selebrankan oleh Pembantu Rektor, Rev. Fr. Stanley Matakim. Memetik kata-kata dari homili Fr. Stanley, “Kamu (belia) datang untuk melayani dan bukan untuk  dilayani. Jadikanlah pelayanan Tuhan Yesus sebagai teladan dalam pelayanan kamu masing-masing”, yang menyeru agar lebih ramai belia sanggup untuk melayani di dalam gereja. Sesi  “Tanggungjawab komuniti” dan “Belia yang diutus” telah disampaikan oleh kedua-dua paderi selepas misa.

Perkongsian 7 Langkah

Rev. Fr. Jasery Gabuk - Sesi Tanggungjawab Komuniti

Program TPYD ini selesai tepat pada pukul 12 tengah hari. Kesemua belia yang mengikuti program TPYD dan sambutan Salib Belia SYD-5 ini menyatakan yang mereka berasa teruja untuk lebih mengenal salib ini dengan lebih dekat lagi dan mereka juga tidak sabar-sabar untuk mengikuti program SYD-5 yang akan di adakan pada tahun hadapan di Papar nanti. Salib Belia ini akan berada di paroki Telupid selama 3 minggu dan akan dibawa berarak ke 2 zon utama manakala 2 zon utama yang lain akan berziarah ke Gereja St. Martin. – Girald Palipus 

Testimonial from Neophytes

Amanda Jane Segaran

My journey in RCIA has been full of wonderful things. Initially I wondered why I had to attend these classes, but as time went by, I have come to know a great deal more about Catholicism. I became a better person and I gained a lot of knowledge. For example, I learnt how to pray, about the Bible and how to read it, and about the Church and her teachings. I realized I made a great decision to join RCIA and I did not regret it at all. Although this journey took almost a year to complete, I am so happy that I am finally baptised and confirmed as a Catholic, knowing that I am a daughter of God. With the help of my sponsor, I hope to continue my Catholic journey faithfully. Overall, every moment of RCIA was worth it.

Samuel Mok
My name is Samuel. First of all I would like to thank my sponsor Albert, parish Fathers, Sister Martina and the facilitators of RCIA of Saint Mary's Cathedral, for guiding me through the journey to follow Jesus Christ. All this while I did not believe in any religion. I was always busy working and sometimes, when I was free I would follow my wife to Church to attend Mass. I thought that if I only do good and moral deeds, that would be enough.
Lately, I have often been working outstation alone, so I had some time to think about why I felt lost, and I kept asking myself how and why. Then, I started to ask God for help. However, I didn’t know where or how to start, so I decided to join RCIA to find the proper way to follow Jesus. There are many things that I learnt from RCIA – how to read the Bible, how to pray, to ask God to forgive our sins, and to share with and care for others. Faith is the word that I want to apply in my life. I want to have faith in Jesus. When we have faith in Jesus, we will be blessed!
On my Baptism day, I felt so great. All my friends congratulated and greeted me. It’s much better than my birthday party! Now when I receive my Holy Communion the feeling is even better. I feel Jesus is with me in my body. Now I have someone to talk to through my prayers whenever I am in doubt.

Alexander Chung

I’m Alexander Chung, aged 31 years old. Since I was very young, I had always heard about Christianity but without having any deeper understanding of this religion. Although I used to follow my mother attending Mass in the church when I was young, I would only follow the readings and responses as in the Mass book, without knowing the real intention and meaning of the prayers or the rituals during the Mass.

Sometimes I felt left out and I had felt I wanted to know more about Christianity, however due to lack of determination, faith and knowledge of where to start learning, I left the idea behind.

Things went on until I encountered one of the biggest trials of my life when my Mom was diagnosed with pancreas cancer. I was sad, depressed and felt hopeless during that period of time. There were dark days when I found that I had no place or no one to turn to. Her sickness was getting worse, and that’s when I started to pray to God and attending Mass again. Somehow, through prayer, it eased my pain and I found peace and began to accept what was happening. At my mother’s funeral, I met Uncle James Chow and he asked me to join RCIA if I would indeed be interested to learn more about Christianity.

Throughout the RCIA sessions, the facilitators had shared with us their experiences and guided us in knowing more about the Catholic Church’s teachings, ways to read the Bible, how to pray and sharing of knowledge about Christianity. I would like to thank all the facilitators for their time, patience, kindness and help throughout this year of RCIA sessions.
After spending 11 months in the RCIA sessions, I got to understand more of Jesus’ teachings through Bible reading. I learned to be more forgiving, to have patience and to provide help to those who are in need. Besides, I also learned to be more self-contented. I started to be more grateful with what I have now rather than be envious of what other people have or chase after material wealth and possession. I know this is just the beginning of the journey to learn about God and I will try my best to keep building up my faith.

Thursday, May 23, 2019











Wednesday, May 22, 2019

2019 年圣玛莉堂区文化日






剪纸 paper cutting

书法 chinese calligraphy

汤圆 preparing of TangYuan

象棋 Chinese Chess

孔明锁 Burr Puzzle



Article by Euthalia SOCCOM
Photo by SOCCOM)

Sandakan : Culture is the characteristic of a particular group of people defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music, costumes and arts. Through culture, we learn to understand and accept people of other ethnic groups, living as brothers and sisters in a Christ-centered community.
Catholic Nurses Guild leads the Zumba session
For the first time, St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish celebrated the 2-day “Parish Cultural Day 2019” celebration on 11th and 12th May 2019, themed “To nurture active church participation with the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life”. Over 1000 parishioners attended the event.
The first day of the program was more on traditional games namely Chinese Chess, Burr Puzzle, Diabolo and Sepak Bulu Ayam (Chinese) Rampanau, Monopuk, Monungkava, Monokon Bakas and Monuntung Babandil (Dusun), Bewiton and Keso (Timorese), Cara Cross and Luksong Tinik Brod (Filipino). The purpose of the games is to introduce to the younger generation its formats so that they will better understand their roots, identity and belonging. 
At the same time, there were cooking demonstrations of traditional dishes in each traditional hut such as Jagung Titih, Chicken Adobo, Bosou Sada, Hinava, Chicken Pansu, Umai Kaki Ayam, Sayur Ensabi, Tang Yuan (Sweet rice dumpling), Hakka Hee Pan (steamed bun), Zongzi (Rice dumpling) and many more. In the afternoon, the ethnic groups, in traditional costumes presented cultural dances accompanied by traditional music.
On the second day, the Eucharistic celebration commenced at 8.30am, presided over by Rt, Rev. Julius Dusin Gitom and concelebrated by Rev. Fr. David Garaman, Rev. Fr. Thomas Makajil and Rev. Fr. Sunny Chung.
Bishop Julius in his homily said, "What is interesting in our parish is that we remain united in spite of our diversity because we believe in the one shepherd, Jesus Christ. Through the Cultural Day activity, parishioners are united to implement one of our diocesan missions: "Nurturing active church participation with the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life." This is to say that whatever we do, we keep focus on Christ as the center and channel of grace to our lives as Christians.
On the same day, we also celebrate Good Shepherd's Sunday or Vocation Sunday. We are asked to pray for all calls, especially the call to family and community life, call to the priesthood and religious life. Being also Mothers’ Day, the prelate called upon all members to pray for the well-being of their mothers.
Pilis Malim, Chairman of the Parish Pastoral Council in his speech shared, "The culture of every race is a culture that God has given for a particular purpose, especially in terms of the unity of the people of that particular race. God also allows us to use the culture to express our gratitude and to glorify Him." He also cited 1 Cor 11 : 2, Now I praise you because you remember me in everything and hold firmly to the traditions, just as I delivered them to you.
The process in preparing for the event is a clear sign where the people of all ethnic groups in the parish came together in full commitment to realize the Cultural Day celebration. It is a step forward in achieving our vision goal to build a ‘Christ-centred community, serving one another with love.’
Rev. Fr. David Garaman, the rector of St Mary’s Cathedral, in his speech said, “The celebration has strengthened the unity of the people through the Eucharist as the source of unity for all our activities. The 2nd Diocesan Delegates Assembly has resolved to prioritize the first diocesan mission goal for the year 2019 that is to nurture active church participation with the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life”.
The event is geared towards the said motive and the involvement of the various communities is a sign of cementing relationship bond in building a Christ-centred community. He extended his appreciation to all the members of the Parish Pilgrimage and Social Function Ministry and all kind sponsors in realizing the first Parish Cultural Day celebration.
After the Eucharistic celebration, the parishioners together with the clergy, religious and the Bishop adjourned to the Cultural Day site, adjacent to the Parish Hall to witness the launching ceremony of the monument that symbolizes the Eucharist. It was graced by Bishop Julius. After which they visited the 6 main traditional huts of the 6 main ethnic groups of the Parish, namely Tionghua, Dusun Labuk, Dusun Tambunan, Timorese, Iban and the Filipinos.
During the 2-day celebration, parishioners were encouraged to wear their own traditional costumes. It was a beautiful and colorful celebration where we see people in their different costumes, music, dances, arts, crafts, foods and languages.
The event ended at around 3 pm on the second day of the event. Through this event, we believe that the various communities can journey together in harmony in building a Christ-centred community. We need to continue to pursue our dream in achieving unity through diversity and for that to happen each of us is called to active church participation. 


New Advent