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Friday, November 30, 2018


By Pilis Malim

SANDAKAN: Tuesday, 27th November 2018, Rt. Rev Datuk Julius Dusin Gitom, the Bishop of Sandakan Diocese, led a five-member delegation to pay a courtesy call to the President of Sandakan Municipal, Datuk Peter Hii, in his office, at the Wisma Majlis Perbandaran Sandakan. The main purpose of the courtesy call was to inform the Sandakan Municipal President about the Diocese of Sandakan and the St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish.
In welcoming the delegation, the President expressed his sincere appreciation to the delegation for paying him a visit which he believes a way to pave a closer tie between the church and the Sandakan Municipal.
In briefing the President about the Diocese of Sandakan, Bishop Datuk Julius Dusin Gitom informed that the Sandakan Diocese is one of the three dioceses in Sabah. The other Diocese is the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu and Diocese of Keningau. Sandakan Diocese has been erected some 11-year ago which covers the eastern part of Sabah has the largest coverage in terms of an area. But in terms of the number of parishioners, it is less than the other dioceses as it has only about seventy thousand parishioners. Currently, it is comprised of five parishes, namely St. Mary’s Cathedral Sandakan, Holy Trinity Tawau, St. Dominic Lahad Datu. St. Martin Telupid, Our Lady of Fatimah Beluran and one mission that is the Paitan Mission, he added. The photograph below shows Bishop Datuk Julius stressing a point to the President.
On the other hand, Rev. Fr. David Garaman, Rector of St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish, briefed the President about St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish, as the oldest in Sandakan and perhaps in Sabah. It was established in 1883 and we have commemorated its 135 years of existence this year. Historically, the St. Mary’s mission, as it was called back then in 1884, established the first school in the North Borneo and now called Sabah,. Many of the local leaders, politician, and successful businessmen obtained their early education in St. Mary’s school, Fr David added.
Now, St. Mary’s is running two secondary schools and three primary schools where all of them are located at Mile 2 Labuk Road. Besides school, St Mary’s also has a multipurpose hall cum hostel which provides a place to stay for the outstation student, especially those from the not-well-to-do family.
In response to the briefing given by Bishop Datuk Julius Dusin Gitom and Rector Rev. Fr. David Garaman, Datuk Peter Hii responded in amazement on the church' history and their work on humanity. Finally, as his gesture of appreciation to the visiting delegate, he handed over his personal donation to the church of St. Mary’s Cathedral. The courtesy call lasted about almost an hour before it was adjourned.

Thursday, November 29, 2018


Reported by Cecelia Polo D’Souza

SandakanThe Parish Catholic Women’s Apostolate collaborated with the Parish Pastoral Council organized this year's St. Mary’s Parish Advent Recollection on 24th November 2018. Themed ‘The Joy of Salvation’was held at the St. Mary’s Parish Center from 8.00 in the morning until 1.00 in the afternoon and was attended by 94 participants. Facilitators present were Rev. Fr. Christopher Ireneus and Sister Theresa Martin, fsic.
Enthronement of the Bible
Sr. Regina Kimung, fsic
Rev. Fr. David A. Garaman led the opening prayer
The Recollection started with the Enthronement of the Bible followed by a Gospel reading and Reflection by Sister Regina Kimung fsic. The Opening Prayer was led by the Parish Rector, Rev. Fr. David A. Garaman.
Sister Theresa fsic gave the 1st session : ‘What is Advent?’.
She touched on the meaning of ‘Advent’. Below are the excerpts from her session:
  • Brief explanation of the Circle of Liturgy
  • The origin of the language from which ‘Advent’ came
  • The focus of advent
  • The history of Advent, when it started and until when
The 2nd session : ‘The Joy of Salvation’ by Rev. Fr. Christopher Ireneus.
He said Advent is the first season of the church year, the preparation of the coming of Christ. He then explained the symbolic meaning of the 4 candles of Advent 1) Hope (purple) 2) Peace (purple) 3) Joy (Pink) 4) Love (purple).
  1.  Hope – to be prepared and be ready when Jesus comes again.
  2. Peace – The necessity for the people to change their life for the better. To give peace and be at  peace with oneself.
  3. Joy – Rejoice, Jesus really is the special person that we have been waiting for in our lives.
  4. Love - The love that overflows with small gestures of mutual care so as to build a better world, a contagious love.
Parish Pastoral Council Chairman, Pilis Malim
Pilis Malim, the Parish Pastoral Council Chairman expressed his gratitude to all the participants for their presence and time to attend / listen to the Advent Recollection. He also thanked Rev. Fr. Christopher and Sr. Theresa for their inputs. He hopes after listening to the talks that all are aware of Advent.

The Recollection was concluded at 1pm with a closing prayer by Rev. Fr. Christopher.

Monday, November 26, 2018


oleh Clly Gulimit

TELUPID - Pada 23-24 Oktober yang lalu, Bapa Uskup telah meluangkan masa untuk melawat umat di Chapel St. Fidelis, Kiabau. Setibanya Bapa Uskup di Kg. Kiabau, beliau telah menyertai para belia dalam aktiviti santai di Sungai Maliau Labuk. Banyak aktiviti menarik yang dilakukan bersama seperti memukat, memasang pancing, merambat, memanggang dan sebagainya. Menjelang malam, para belia telah menyediakan kek khas untuk Bapa Uskup sempena ulang tahun kelahirannya.
Perayaan Misa Kudus disempurnakan oleh Bapa Uskup
Pada keesokan harinya, program diteruskan dengan perayaan Misa Kudus di Chapel St. Fidelis pada pukul 3 petang. Turut bersama merayakan Misa Kudus ialah Rev. Fr. Stanley William Matakim, Pembantu Paderi Paroki St. Martin, Telupid dan Rev. Fr. Christopher Ireneus, pembantu paderi Katedral St. Mary, Sandakan dengan kehadiran umat setempat yang begitu ramai. Umat dari chapel lain juga turut bersama sebagai tanda sokongan terhadap program yang diadakan ini.
Bapa Uskup meniup lilin sempena ulang tahun kelahirannya yang ke-61
Selepas Misa Kudus, semua umat yang hadir berkumpul di Dewan Mini Chapel St. Fidelis, Kiabau untuk acara makan bersama serta meraikan perayaan tiga dalam satu iaitu sambutan ulang tahun kelahiran Bapa Uskup yang ke-61, ulang tahun Pentahbisan Bapa Uskup dan Keuskupan Sandakan ke-11. Turut hadir memeriahkan majlis tersebut ialah En. Roger Enty, Pengerusi Majlis Pastoral Paroki St. Martin, Telupid.
En. Didacius Ireneus (Pengerusi KUK St. Fidelis, Kiabau) menyerahkan kad ucapan daripada umat yang hadir kepada Bapa Uskup
Selain acara memotong kek kesyukuran, pelbagai persembahan pentas turut disediakan untuk memeriahkan lagi majlis tersebut. Umat yang hadir mengambil kesempatan untuk memberikan ucapan tahniah kepada Bapa Uskup.

SHEP’S (Sabah Heilbronn Ecumenical Partnership) Visit 2018

Oleh Raymond Wong

Sandakan: This year 2018, a group of 7 friends from Heilbronn with the partnership made a visit to Sabah from 27th October to 10th November 2018 with the theme of “We Partner, We Live, We Journey”
at PCS Church
The program for the visitors began from Kota Kinabalu and stopover at Kudat, Sandakan, Telupid, Ranau, Sapulut and ending in Keningau with a “Partnership Night” held on 7th November 2018.
Sandakan was host to the visitors from 1st to 4th November, where a committee from the Basel Church, Protestant Churches of Sabah and the Catholics arranged the program for the visitors.

The goals of the Partnership
  • “To mutually experience and live the Mission of Christ as brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ
  • To share in the joys and sufferings of humankind as Christians
  • To learn from each other and to strengthen one another when and where it is necessary.”
The commitment  
“Wishing to journey together with Christ and commit ourselves to promote love, peace, justice and harmony of the creation of God.”
At Mission Paitan with Fr. Thomas Makajil
The visitors arrived in Sandakan from Kudat via Pitas and Paitan with a stopover at the mission of Paitan at the chapel of St Francis of Assisi, Sukang. They met up with Fr. Thomas Makajil, the resident priest who had visited Heilbronn many years ago.
At Agape Centre
At Marian Hill
On their arrival, in the evening of 1st November the group was welcomed by the Basel church members together with their leaders, PCS members and the Pastors and some members of the Catholic Church including the Bishop of Sandakan.
With Bishop Julius
The following day 2nd November, they visited the Agape Centre managed by the Basel Church in Sibuga where they were welcomed by the handicapped children and the staff together with the committee members of the centre. On the same day the group visited some interesting places such as Sandakan Memorial Park, Agnes Keith Museum, the Indian temple, Chinese temple and the Marian Hill situated not far from St Mary’s Cathedral and ending with a courtesy call on the Bishop of Sandakan.
Visiting Orang Hutan Rehabilitation Centre
Sharing Session
On the third day 3rd November they visited the Protestant Church in Sabah and then to Sepilok to visit the Orang Hutan Rehabilitation Centre and the Sun Bear Centre. In the afternoon a dialogue session was held for the visitors and the local church members on the theme of this year’s visit.
Group Photo after Sunset Mass, St. Mary's Cathedral
The group then attended the sunset mass at the Cathedral and immediately after mass they attended a farewell dinner together with members of the PCS, the Basel church and the Catholic parishioners.
Singing at Basel Church
On Sunday morning, 4th November the group attended the Sunday service at the Basel Church and then left for Telupid on the way to Ranau for an overnight stay.
At Telupid with Bishop Julius and Fr. Stanley
In Telupid the visitors were welcomed by Fr Stanley, the assistant Parish Priest of St Martin’s Parish and the Bishop who was at St. Martin’s Church in celebrating the anniversary of the establishment of the Diocese and the Parish Day and the confirmation of some young children.
The visitors then left for Ranau for an overnight stay enroute to Sapulut and Keningau.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Majlis Penyampaian Sijil Bible Knowledge dan Jamuan Akhir Tahun Christian Student Movement 2018

Oleh Tim Dokumentasi CSM

Sandakan: SM Konven St. Cecilia, Sandakan telah mengadakan Majlis Penyampaian Sijil kepada pelajar Bible Knowledge serta Jamuan Akhir Tahun Christian Student Movement (CSM) pada 2hb November 2018. Program ini telah diadakan di Bilik Pusat Sumber sekolah tersebut.
Objektif program ini ialah memberi penghargaan kepada pelajar terbaik dalam ujian dan peperiksaan sepanjang tahun, meningkatkan motivasi belajar di kalangan pelajar CSM, memberi keyakinan yang lebih kepada pelajar dari segi kurikulum dan ko-kurikulum dan memberi kesedaran kepada murid tentang kepentingan subjek Bible Knowledge.
Program dimulakan pada jam 11 pagi dengan ketibaan para pelajar dan guru disusuli dengan doa pembukaan oleh Dr. Peter Jr. Naintain. Acara dibuka dengan nyanyian Pujian dan Penyembahan oleh ahli jawatankuasa pelajar atas bimbingan Cikgu Anne Azeonna.
Encik Soo Tian Hock selaku Pengetua SM Konven St. Cecilia mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Dr. Peter atas kehadiran beliau sebagai salah seorang penyumbang Program Pertandingan Kuiz Bible Knowledge peringkat kebangsaan di Kuala Lumpur yang lalu. Beliau turut mengucapkan tahniah kepada Persatuan Agama Kristian yang diketuai oleh Pn. Jamini Francis serta semua guru CSM dan pelajar atas kejayaan mengadakan program ini dan kerana telah berjaya mengilhamkan Buku Kendalian Misa Pelajar dibawah penyelarasan Pn. Jamini. Beliau juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak gereja kerana banyak membantu sehingga Buku Misa dapat disiapkan dan digunapakai semasa Misa Kudus Pelajar. Harapan beliau agar semua terus aktif dalam persatuan ini.
Kulit buku Misa Kudus Kendalian Pelajar
Dr. Peter Naintain dalam ucapannya mengatakan tentang Kepimpinan, Kerja Berpasukan dan Membantu Orang. Beliau mengongsikan carta kursus dengan hanya 4P iaitu Ketahui tujuan anda(Purpose), Gunakan potensi anda(Potential), tentukan proses(Proses) dan teruskan dengan pelan anda(proceed). Beliau mengatakan “Jangan sekali-kali bekerja bersendirian. Kita perlu menyokong satu sama lain dalam kehidupan. Seperti dalam Matius 18:20, "Sebab di mana dua atau tiga orang mengumpulkan nama saya, saya ada bersama mereka." Beliau turut mengongsikan “terdapat empat cara untuk membantu orang di dunia ini iaitu dengan memberi sumbangan, menggunakan kekuatan untuk membangkitkan semangat, menggunakan pengetahuan untuk kebijaksanaan dan menggunakan rangkaian untuk menunjukkan jalan.
Acara pemotongan kek
Seterusnya, membuat persembahan slaid yang berkaitan dengan program/aktiviti yang telah dilaksanakan tahun 2018  yang disediakan oleh  AJK Pelajar bimbingan Pn. Jamini.
Guru pembimbing bersama Dr. Peter Jr. Naintain
Acara utama iaitu penyampaian sijil dan piala kepada para pelajar dalam beberapa kategori iaitu:
  • Sumbangan aktif dalam CSM tahun 2018- 7 penerima sijil
  • Sijil ujian / peperiksaan subjek Bible Knowledge tahun 2018- 121 penerima sijil
  • Kehadiran 100%  dalam Kelas Bible Knowledge Tahun 2018- 29 Penerima sijil
  • Top Ten National Postal Bible Knowledge Quiz 2018 –  10 penerima sijil dan piala (Penghargaan daripada pihak sekolah)
  •  Pelajar Contoh/Terbaik  Dalam Program Bible Knowledge Tahun 2018- 3 penerima sijil dan piala
Penerima sijil dan piala

Pelajar Contoh/Terbaik  Dalam Program Bible Knowledge Tahun 2018 – 3 orang
Crissy Albert Liow (3A)
Esther Lesipin (2B)
Angeline Ong Hua (5A)
Jumlah penerima sijil Bible Knowledge tahun 2018 ialah 121 pelajar. Penerima ini telah menduduki ujian dan peperiksaan subjek Bible Knowledge dengan penuh. Setelah selesai acara penyampaian sijil dan piala, acara kemuncak ialah sesi gambar beramai-ramai disusuli doa penutup dan jamuan makan.
Pn. Chong Fui Ha menyampaikan cenderahati kepada Dr. Peter Jr Naintain sebagai tanda terima kasih .
Gambar beramai-ramai

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Program Let's Praise and Worship

oleh Kenny Mark

SM St. Mary, Sandakan: Pelajar merupakan aset utama kepada negara bagi menerajui tunggak kepimpinan negara. Pemimpin yang baik, bukan sahaja perlu mempunyai pengetahuan yang luas bahkan juga perlu memiliki personaliti yang unggul dengan sahsiah yang diperkukuhkan dengan iman. Para pelajar diharapkan akan lebih bermotivasi tinggi demi merealisasikan harapan semua iaitu dengan melahirkan pelajar yang cemerlang bukan sahaja dari segi akademik malahan juga sahsiah diri dan kekuatan rohani. Oleh itu, Christian Student Fellowship (CSF) SM St.Mary telah menganjurkan program “Let’s Praise and Worship” pada 21 Oktober 2018 (Ahad) bagi mengukuhkan lagi iman kepada pelajar Kristian di seluruh daerah Sandakan.

Pengetua SM. St. Mary, Sandakan, Pn. Myrene menyampaikan ucapan
Program ini telah dianjurkan oleh ahli jawatan kuasa CSF dan guru-guru penasihat daripada sekolah SM St.Mary iaitu En. Ang Pian Ming, Pn. Shim Hui Chyen dan Cik. Farira Asli. Rasionalnya, program seperti ini perlu dilaksanakan kepada para pelajar adalah berdasarkan beberapa aspek kelemahan yang telah dikenalpasti iaitu kurang pemupukan rohani dalam diri pelajar, tiada hubungan persaudaraan dalam kalangan pelajar-pelajar Kristian di daerah Sandakan, tiada disiplin diri terutamanya iman dalam diri pelajar, kurang pengetahuan keimanan dan kefahaman terhadap diri pelajar sebagai Kristian dan mengekalkan etos sekolah sebagai sebuah sekolah Mubaligh. 
Guru-guru penasihat
Program tersebut telah mencapai objektif yang telah menyatukan pelajar Kristian di dalam daerah Sandakan seramai 220 orang pelajar Kristian dari beberapa sekolah di Sandakan seperti SM St.Mary, SM Konven St.Cecilia, SM Sung Siew, SMJK(C) Tiong Hua, SMK Pangiran Galpam, SM St. Michael dan ahli belia daripada Church of Good Shepherdd (COGS). Antara objektif CSF untuk mengadakan program ini adalah untuk mewujudkan semangat perpaduan dan permuafakatan dalam kalangan pelajar beragama Kristian dan guru, mengetahui keimanan diri dan memperkukuhan kerohanian dalam diri.
Rev. Timithy menyampaikan slot beliau
Dalam program tersebut, ahli CSF telah menjemput seorang Pastor daripada gereja Church of Good Shepherd iaitu Rev. Timithy sebagai penyampai slot bagi program itu. Dalam slot Rev. Timithy, beliau berkongsi berdasarkan Firman Tuhan, Efesus 4:4 “satu tubuh, dan satu Roh, sebagaimana kamu telah dipanggil kepada satu pengharapan yang terkandung dalam panggilanmu” untuk menyedarkan pelajar-pelajar Kristian di Daerah Sandakan supaya dapat bersatu dalam Kristus. Beliau berkata bahawa perpaduan dalam Kristus sangat penting untuk mengukuhkan umat-umat Kristian di Sandakan. Malah pelajar-pelajar ini bakal menjadi pemimpin gereja pada masa hadapan di samping menjadi pemimpin masyarakat dan negara. Beliau juga mendorong para pelajar untuk terus percaya kepada doa dan tidak mudah berputus asa. Beliau turut memberi kata-kata semangat dan dorongan kepada para pelajar yang bakal menduduki peperiksaan SPM dan STPM.
Pn. Myrene menyampaikan cenderahati kepada Rev. Timithy
Kesimpulannya, program “Let’s Praise and Worship” ini telah mencapai objektif kerana telah menyatukan hampir keseluruhan pelajar Kristian dari pelbagai sekolah. Pihak penganjur menerima visi daripada Tuhan, lantas mempunyai harapan tinggi untuk menganjurkan aktiviti sedemikian rupa setiap tahun pada masa-masa akan datang.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Rev. Fr. Thomas Makajil 40th Sacerdotal Anniversary

By: GerardCSH, Romeo, Leonard

Sandakan: Around 300 parishioners, clergy, religious of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception as well as invited guests gathered at St. Mary’s Cathedral Sandakan to celebrate Rev. Fr. Thomas Makajil’s 40th Sacerdotal Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass on 6th November 2018.
Fr Thomas is the resident priest of the Paitan Mission, the only missionary area in the Diocese of Sandakan.
Rt. Rev. Julius Dusin Gitom, Bishop of Sandakan, presided over the 3.00pm tri-lingual Eucharistic celebration con celebrated by Mgr. Nicholas Ong, Rev. Fr. Thomas Makajil and 7 other priests from the 5 parishes in the Diocese of Sandakan.
Rev. Fr. Thomas Makajil in his homily, shared about his recent visit to Catholic Sabah in Kota Kinabalu. He was there to see an old friend. He noticed the tremendous changes and many new staffs. He met one of the staff who recognized him and asked, “Are you the missionary in Paitan?”
The word “MISSIONARY” struck and challenged him. He reflected on the word of the Holy Father calling the clergy and religious to move out of their comfort zone, to be with the people tending to their needs. Clergy and religious are likened to shepherds living with the smell of the sheep, leading the flocks with compassion and dedication.
Msgr. Nicholas Ong and Rev. Fr. Thomas Makajil, both celebrate their 40th Sacerdotal Anniversary this year.
Rev. Fr. Thomas touched on Jesus’ preaching at a synagogue in Nazareth where He read from the Book of Prophet Isaiah which was written, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.” All faithful are called to continue with the core mission of the Church.
Later in the evening, a subscribed dinner in commemoration of the event was held at Hakka Hall at 7.30pm. Approximately, a thousand people attended the dinner. Among them were Rt. Rev. Julius Dusin Gitom, Bishop of the Diocese of Sandakan, 9 Diocesan Priests, 16 religious of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception and the guests of honor, Datuk Alexander Khoo and Dr. Francis Paul, the Director of Duchess of Kent Hospital, Sandakan.
Master of Ceremony, Mr. Christopher Aban and Mrs. Irene Johnny
The celebration began with the grand entrance of all guests followed by the Murut Ethnic traditional Dance as the opening ceremony.
Rev. Fr. David Garaman, the Parish Priest of St Mary’s Cathedral led the Opening Prayer. In his speech, he congratulated Rev. Fr. Thomas for his journey in priesthood for 40 years. He wished him many more joyful and fruitful years in his priestly ministry.
Paul Leo Lohuji the chairman of the Paitan Mission Committee cum Organizing Chairman of the 40th Sacerdotal Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Thomas, extended his appreciation to all who have attended the auspicious and historical celebration. The celebration is organized in recognition of his huge contribution to the mission of the church, through his ministry as a priest for 40 years. “Through this celebration, we can share and be reminded of his journey of faith since becoming a priest 40 years ago and his strong commitment in serving the people of God”.
Rt. Rev. Julius Dusin Gitom in his address congratulated both Rev. Fr. Thomas and Msgr. Nicholas Ong for their 40th Sacerdotal Anniversary. The prelate sincerely congratulated Fr. Thomas for his steadfastness and love for his church. Priesthood is not an occupation. It is a vocation given by God, for God and for his people. And therefore the responsibility of a priest is to lead his people back to God. He is a shepherd whose only concern is for the flock of sheep entrusted to his care. Therefore, we can attest that Fr. Thomas is a true shepherd after the heart of Christ as Pope Francis says, “A priest should always be out on the road nurturing and leading the flock”. The Diocese is indeed blessed to have a priest who is passionate, dedicated, generous and whose main concern is for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.
In his thanksgiving address, Rev. Fr. Thomas thanked and glorified the Lord for all the blessings showered upon him throughout his 40 years in his priestly ministry. He thanked Bishop Julius for the opportunity granted to him to continue to serve in the Paitan Mission. “One of my dreams is the empowerment of the laity who made up 99% of the body of the Church alongside the clergy and the religious living the faith as best as they can. Both laity and clergy have complementary roles in ministry and mission”.
A wide range of entertainment was presented during the occasion; slide presentation on the background, ordination and priestly ministry of Rev. Fr. Thomas, songs by talented individuals and groups, traditional dances presented by the Paitan Community, Filipino Pastoral Community (FPC) and Keluarga Besar Katolik Indonesia (KBKI).
Invited local singer, Mr. Janniri Sipaji
The thanksgiving fellowship ended at 10.00pm with a Closing Prayer led by Rev. Fr. Christopher Ireneus, the Assistant Parish Priest of St Mary’s Cathedral.


New Advent