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Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
St. Mary's Cathedral Altar Servers
Fr. Simon with some of the guys |
Going through their "paces" |
Seminarian Stanley with the boys |
The Altar Servers of the St. Mary's Cathedral started their preparations for the coming Holy Week schedule last night. Around 20 over boys from the Bahasa Malaysia and English speaking group turn up at the Cathderal for their briefing. For most, this have been a yearly affair and some of them are actually "veteran" already serving at the Altar.
Anyway there is no stopping them having some fun gathering together as these photos showed. Our Seminarian Stanley also could not resist joining in for a bit fun. Later some of the "older" boys got a chance to chit chat with Rev. Fr. Simon Kontou who pop in after the confessions.
It will be another hectic few days for all in our Parish and last night was in preparation for the Chrism Mass which will be held tomorrow night and Palm Sunday this weekend. The boys will "check in" for stay over in the Church starting from Holy Thursday for more practice, helping with cleaning etc.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
by ds
Bishop Baylon |
The prelate in his homily said that the mission sending was most apt and fitted well to the Gospel reading of the day as what Jesus said, 'The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified' knowing that He will go through a period of suffering before being lifted up. When we 'die' to our selves, we 'rise' to new life becoming a new creation in Christ serving Him with faith, hope and love.
'Dear young people of God, you are like full-fledged young birds, ready to be released to the unknown. We let you go into mission as you return to your sending organizations of your respective countries.The seed of mission has been planted in you and as caretaker of that seed, you are to make it grow.'
He continued to say that the graduates had been formed and transformed provided with the skill and knowledge to venture out to relate to the young people from across Asia. He reminded the young people to have faith in God in all they do, for in all circumstances God is always with His people.
He added, 'Give your all to God and give it generously to the Lord. Do not hold back, go forth and serve Him. In your mission, do bear much fruit.'
He concluded by thanking the Fondacio Community and their partners, committed in the formation of leaders, for their endurance and perseverance throughout the 10-month journey.
The young graduates commissioned to be sent forth and in response to 'Here I am, send me' Isaiah 6 : 8 and 'If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me' John 12 : 26 have their personal dreams. The three graduates from Malaysia shared of their dreams;
Sheerah Yanggus from the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu ~'To dream for the young people that they too could discover about themselves and God in their life.'
Rebecca Isaac from the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur ~ 'To share the lights to those in darkness.'
Sharon Tan from the Diocese of Sandakan ~'To build a vibrant youth community that can help the growth of the church.'
Later in the evening, the Fondacio Community of the Philippines headed by Maricar, organized a farewall gathering for the graduates. The evening's program started off with IFFAsia's welcoming song with the opening lyric, 'It's good to see you here. I'm so glad that you came.'
Rebecca Garces, the Assistant Director of the Institute shared that IFFAsia is facing a challenging time as it undergoes a period of transition in reviewing its curriculum based on feedback from the previous five batches of young missionaries on ground. IFFAsia would like to stay relevant in the contemporary world, responding always to the needs of the local church.
According to her, the sixth batch has got the most privilege for they had their pastoral immersion and mission project stretching from Luzon to Mindanao.
In her parting words to the young graduates she said, 'We are pushing you out of the nest of formation to the edge where you will experience fear and anxiety. You might fall and knock yourself but rest assured God will carry you and you will soar to great height.'
Prayer of the faithful ~ Sharon of Malaysia |
Anna of China |
Robert of Myanmar |
Tuyet of Laos |
Battugs of Mongolia |
Commissioning of the 11 graduates |
The two Mongolian students, L-R : Udanaa and Battugs |
L-R : Sharon, Rebecca and Sheerah of Malaysia |
Rebecca Isaac from the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur ~ 'To share the lights to those in darkness.'
Sharon Tan from the Diocese of Sandakan ~'To build a vibrant youth community that can help the growth of the church.'
Later in the evening, the Fondacio Community of the Philippines headed by Maricar, organized a farewall gathering for the graduates. The evening's program started off with IFFAsia's welcoming song with the opening lyric, 'It's good to see you here. I'm so glad that you came.'
Members of the Fondacio Community presenting a farewell song to the graduates |
A testimony by Pavina from Laos |
Battugs performing a Mongolian traditional dance |
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
LOM Katedral St Mary, Sandakan Membaharui Janji (Acies)
Sandakan, 21 Mac 2012 - Satu upacara khas dalam Misa Kudus untuk perkumpulan Legion of Mary (LOM) telah diadakan bagi membaharui janji (Acies) yang dijalankan setahun sekali oleh ahli-ahli LOM yang terdiri daripada Presidium Ratu Pengasih, Ratu Takhta Kebijaksanaan, Ratu Kerahiman, Ratu Perdamaian, Ratu Cahaya dan Ratu Penyayang.
Sebelum memulakan misa tersebut, perkumpulan LOM berdoa Rosari bagi mempersiapkan diri untuk membaharui janji mereka, sekaligus membawa amanah yang telah mereka pegang selama ini ke penggal yang seterusnya.
Melalui perkongsian homili selebran, Fr Thomas Makajil, beliau rasa bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada kesemua ahli LOM kerana berjaya melaksanakan pelayanan dengan begitu baik. Walaupun menghadapi pelbagai cabaran hebat, namun LOM tetap utuh dan teguh berpegang kepada janji mereka. Paderi turut memperkongsikan kepada ahli-ahli LOM tentang sejarah perkumpulan, di mana Kumpulan LOM adalah kumpulan yang pertama sekali diwujudkan dan seterusnya antara kumpulan yang amat aktif dalam penginjilan, aktiviti kerohanian dan banyak akitiviti lain. Kesaksian dan pengalaman ahli-ahli menjadikan perkumpulan ini berkesan dalam kehidupan kalangan ahlinya sehinggakan umat lain tertarik untuk menyertai perkumpulan ini.
Di pengakhiran homili, father turut memohon kepada ahli-ahli LOM supaya dapat mengekalkan dan seterusnya memperbaiki lagi pelayanan mereka dalam gereja. Sikap positif seperti keyakinan diri dan komitmen di dalam pelayanan seharusnya diterapkan ke setiap ahli LOM agar pelayanan mereka tidak mudah goyah dan seterusnya akan menjadi panduan ataupun perangsang kepada umat lain. Dengan demikian, umat lain akan mendapat suntikan minat bagi menyertai sebagai ahli-ahli baru perkumpulan tersebut.
Sejurus misa selesai, program tersebut diakhiri dengan jamuan makan malam potluck bertempat di Dewan Paroki Katedral St. Mary yang dihadiri oleh kesemua perkumpulan LOM.
Penulis/Jurugambar (BM),
SOCCOM Paroki Katedral St Mary.
Legio Maria
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Legion Maria (bahasa Latin: Legio Mariae) adalah sebuah kelompok awam Katolik yang melayani Gereja Katolik secara sukarela. Legio Maria berjuang di bawah panji-panji Santa Maria Tak Bernoda dengan bersenjatakan doa-doa. Tujuan dari Legio Maria adalah mengusahakan supaya para anggotanya menghayati hidup seturut perintah Tuhan dan memancarkan cara hidup saleh dalam lingkungan di mana para anggotanya tinggal dengan karya kerasulan di bawah perlindungan Santa Maria Tak Bernoda. Tugas utama seorang legioner (anggota Legio Maria) adalah berdoa, karya kerasulan seperti misalnya mengunjungi orang sakit, dan membantu tugas paroki.
Menurut sejarahnya, pertama kali Legio Maria didirikan di Dublin, Irlandia, oleh orang awam Katolik, Frank Duff, pada 7 September 1921. Pada awal perkembangannya, Legio Maria sempat tersendat-sendat. Namun kemudian Legio Maria dapat berkembang dengan baik. Pada tahun 1931, Paus Pius X memuji karya kerasulan Legio Maria.
Untuk menjadi anggota Legio Maria, seseorang yang sudah dibaptis menjadi Katolik. Anggota Legio Maria terdiri dari anggota aktif dan anggota auxilier(yang membantu). Anggota aktif wajib terlibat dalam kegiatan rutin Legio Maria seperti menghadiri sidang/pertemuan anggota, melaksanakan tugas-tugas kerasulan, mendoakan Catena (Latin: Catena artinya rantai ikatan), dan lain-lain. Tugas anggota auxilier adalah berdoa Rosario dan Tessera.
Dewan tertinggi Legio Maria adalah Concilium di Dublin, Irlandia. Di bawahnya terdapat Senatus. Di bawah Senatus terdapat Commissium, kemudian Kuria dan terakhir Presidium.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
![]() |
Who is to respond to the cry of the poor? Yes, we are. |
Tawau : 52 parishioners from the various groups and ministries of Holy Trinity Parish attended a half-day talk on Human Development in the light of Social Teaching of the
Church. The event was held on Saturday, 17th March 2012 facilitated by Sr. Maria Dipal
RGS, the Chairperson of the Diocesan Human Development Commission, assisted
by Shirley Joseph from the Sandakan Diocesan PastoralOffice.

The session began with the Proclamation of the Gospel taken from Luke 18 : 9-14, themed 'Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled.' Sr. Maria, in her reflection, touched on Catholic identity reflected through the gist of the Social Teaching of the
Church which promotes human development. The said teaching if adhered and practiced will lead to maturity of one's faith. It leads to the protection of human dignity, respect on their rights and total freedom to practice one's belief.
Sr. Maria continued her session, emphasizing on the importance of knowing and understanding the social teaching
by saying that 'our faith as Catholic is rooted in our social communion with
others.' We are called to attend to their needs involving individual or as a community by
offering our unconditional concern through the act of social services and social justice, as in the Letter to the Hebrews 10 : 24-25, 'Let us be concerned for each
other, to stir a response in love and good work, do not stay away from the
meetings of the community, as some do, but encourage each other to go; the more
so as your see the Day drawing near.'
Shirley Joseph shared about the wonderful love of
Christ which is reflected through the Cross. The vertical section of the cross symbolizes the
participation of the parishioners in the church, dwelling much in gathering. She said, 'it is obviously seen among ourselves that we participated
much in Church programs, but failed to reach out to those in need. The cross is incomplete without the horizontal section which symbolizes the call to respond to 'inasmuch as you did to one of the least brethren of mine, you did it to me.'



After the input session, participants in groups discussed on the 7 themes of the Catholic Social Teaching; Life and the dignity of the Human Person / Call to family, community and participation / Rights and Responsibilities / Option for the Poor and Vulnerable / The dignity of work and the rights of the workers / Solidarity / Care For God’s Creation.
In the way forward session, Sr. Maria invited the participants to discern deeply on
what should be done to implement the Social Mission of the Church either individually or as a group.
Many participants
admitted that it is a privilege for them to have the opportunity to hear this rich
treasure of the Catholic Church that had enlightened them about the human needs in the light of our
Social Teaching.
Lahad Datu : Sempena musim pra-paska ini, Kerasulan Belia Paroki (KBP) Lahad Datu telah membuat lawatan ke Sekolah Teknik, Lahad Datu pada 3hb Mac 2012. Di samping itu, jalan salib juga telah dijalankan bersama-sama dengan para pelajar di sana.
Selesai sahaja jalan salib, acara disusuli dengan sesi suai kenal bersama dengan para pelajar. Beberapa buah lagu rohani dan permainan juga diadakan.
Benedict mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada KBP St. Dominic kerana sudi
meluangkan masa untuk melawat para pelajar di Sekolah Teknik. Walaupun perjumpaan
kali ini singkat, namun mampu menjalinkan hubungan yang baik. Beliau percaya dan berharap akan
lebih kerap lagi perjumpaan sedemikian dijalankan.
Para pelajar ini terdiri dari pelbagai denominasi dan beliau berharap belia dari denominasi lain juga boleh membuat lawatan agar kita boleh bersama-sama belajar dan memahami antara satu sama lain. Ini kerana masa remaja ini sangat berharga, dengan ada lawatan begini, para pelajar dapat mengenali Yesus dengan lebih dalam lagi dan menyiapkan diri mereka untuk menghadapi cabaran selepas tamat sekolah kelak.
Para pelajar ini terdiri dari pelbagai denominasi dan beliau berharap belia dari denominasi lain juga boleh membuat lawatan agar kita boleh bersama-sama belajar dan memahami antara satu sama lain. Ini kerana masa remaja ini sangat berharga, dengan ada lawatan begini, para pelajar dapat mengenali Yesus dengan lebih dalam lagi dan menyiapkan diri mereka untuk menghadapi cabaran selepas tamat sekolah kelak.
Ko-ordinator KBP Saudara Michael mengucapkan terima kasih
juga kepada pihak sekolah kerana sudi menerima KBP Gereja Katolik St. Dominic untuk
membuat lawatan sedemikian. Cadangan Cikgu Benedict akan diterapkan agar dapat
membuat perjumpaan lebih kerap lagi pada tahun ini.
Perhimpunan Mini Perwakilan Paroki bagi Kategori Terbuka
Sandakan.17/03/2012 - (Dewan Paroki Katedral St. Mary) Sekumpulan umat Katolik telah meluangkan
masa bagi menyertai program Perhimpunan Mini Perwakilan Paroki bagi kategori terbuka yang telah diselaraskan oleh Saudara Pilis Malim. Lebih kurang 20 umat menyertai perhimpuan tersebut.
Perhimpunan ini bertujuan menjangkau para umat khasnya yang masih belum berada dalam mana-mana kumpulan di Katedral St. Mary, Sandakan, yang tidak berkesempatan hadir di beberapa perhimpunan mini mengikut kategori kumpulan pelayanan yang telah berjalan baru-baru ini serta mereka yang masih mempunyai cadangan, pendapat dan komen yang belum diutarakan.
Program bermula 7.30 pagi dengan Doa pembukaan dan 'Ice Breaking' iaitu acara berkenalan sesama peserta bagi mempermudahkan proses program dijalankan. Selepas
aktiviti pertama tersebut, aktiviti yang kedua adalah mengenal atau mengetahui 'APA ITU GEREJA?'. Dalam aktiviti tersebut, para perserta dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan yang bertujuan untuk berkongsi tentang pengertian individu terhadap maksud Gereja dan seterusnya
dirumuskan ke dalam sekeping kertas untuk paparan serta dibentangkan kepada perserta lain.
Aktiviti seterusnya, para perserta diminta untuk mengenalpasti serta mencari 'KELEMAHAN ATAU KEKURANGAN GEREJA DI PAROKI MASA KINI?' secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung mengikut kefahaman masing-masing.
Selepas rehat, para peserta
telah sekali lagi dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan dan seterusnya, melalui hasil
daripada aktiviti sebelah pagi tadi, para perserta diminta memberikan cadangan mengenai 'BAGAIMANAKAH CARA UNTUK MENGATASI ATAU MEMPERBAIKI SEGALA PERMASALAHAN?' khususnya di peringkat Katedral St. Mary sendiri.
Secara kesimpulannya, program Perhimpunan Mini Perwakilan Paroki ini dapat menilai sejauh manakah tahap kesedaran umat-umat terhadap situasi GEREJA pada masa kini. Ini juga mampu menjurus kepada penilaian tentang sejauh manakah keprihatinan umat setempat terhadap Gereja tempatan. Segala pendapat dan komen yang mempunyai intipati keperluan atau kehendak positif
diperkongsikan sesama peserta, seterusnya akan cuba diaplikasi di dalam gereja
bagi membantu memperbaiki serta mengatasi permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi pada masa kini. Hasil perhimpunan Paroki Katedral St Mary, Sandakan akan pula dikumpulkan bersama hasil dari 3 paroki lain iaitu, St. Martin, Telupid, St Dominic, Lahad Datu dan Holy Trinity, Tawau demi mencapai pembentukan Visi dan Misi Keuskupan Sandakan yang dijangka siap dalam tahun 2013.
Seluruh umat di Keuskupan Sandakan diseru untuk berjalan bersama dalam usaha pembentukan visi dan misi tersebut dengan sokongan padu dari segi doa serta kerjasama yang tidak berbelah bagi.
Milton Moses
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