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Saturday, November 30, 2013

17 IFFAsia Graduates Sent Off For Mission

Good Shepherd's Cathedral
Quezon City :   17 young adults and professionals from 8 countries across Asia had successfully completed a full year of formation, (January - November 2013) for Christian leadership at the Institute of Formation, Fondacio Asia (IFFAsia). The sending off for the graduates was held on Saturday 23rd November 2013 at the Good Shepherd's Cathedral, (the mother Church of the Diocese of Novaliches) Fairview Park in conjunction with the Feast of Christ the King.
Rt Rev Antonio Realubin Tobias, Bishop of the Diocese of Novaliches presided over the mass. In his homily, the prelate called on the young people of IFFAsia, 'Go forth and bring back the Kingship of God in the universe. You are to make God, the King of all creation. In line with 'New Evangelization', you are to go and declare wherever you are, in your sending organization, home parish, diocese or nation that 'Christ is the King'.

Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus: we no longer say that we are “disciples” and “missionaries”, but rather that we are always “missionary disciples” - 120 Evangelii Gaudium.
Evelyn Doikin (3rd left) of Kota Kinabalu and Sunday Samuel (4th left) of Sandakan 
The graduates took their pledge of faith and service before the presider, witnessed by the congregation. The breakdown of the graduates; one each from Laos and Cambodia, two each from Malaysia, Thailand and Mongolia, three from the Philippines and six from Vietnam. The candidates from Malaysia, both from Sabah are Evelyn Doikin of Kota Kinabalu and Sunday Samuel Worok of Sandakan, send and sponsored by the Good Shepherd's Welfare Centre, Kota Kinabalu and St Mary's Cathedral Sandakan respectively.

After the sending off mass, staff, graduates and partners of IFFAsia, representatives of the sending organisations, the youth from Ina Ng Lupang Pangako Parish of Payatas, members of the Philippines Fondacio Community and Bishop Tobias attended a dinner reception at the Cathedral Parish Hall.
Alice Tan, the Director of IFFAsia welcomed all who had spared the time to attend the event. She extended her appreciation to all parties who had contributed in one way or the other in ensuring that the students of Batch 7 received their scrolls from IFFAsia. She hoped that the young bearers of hope will apply whatever knowledge and skill acquired in IFFAsia, on ground while back at individual's parish / diocese. She thanked the sending organizations for the trust and particularly to Bishop Tobias for the continuous support rendered to IFFAsia. 
The colourful presentations by graduates of each participating countries projected the slogan 'unity in diversity' as in 1 Cor 10 : 17 'We though many form one single body'. The Church is but a community of communities making Christ real. Love is to be the characteristic of the Christian community.

10 lay faithful from Sabah (9 from the Diocese of Sandakan and 1 from Kota Kinabalu) attended the event, lending support to the two Malaysian graduates.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Julita, SOCCOM Tawau
Holy Trinity Parish Tawau – a hundred and thirteen young confirmands, 73 from the main Parish and another 40 from the outstation chapels received the Sacrament of Confirmation during the Solemnity of Christ the King on 24 November 2013.
The mass was presided over by Rt Rev Datuk Julius Dusin Gitom, the Bishop of the Sandakan Diocese, con celebrated by Msgr. Nicholas Ong and Fr. Johnny Raju. Some 1300 parishioners attended the Eucharistic celebration. 
In his opening words, the prelate touched on the closing of the Year of Faith. He said, 'Today marked the closing of the Year of Faith which we have been journeying together for over a year. But as believers of Christ, our faith will not end here today. It will continue, for it is the root and fundamental of our life. Faith is a journey to all of us till the coming of our King or when we meet the Lord face to face he said. As faithful followers of Christ, we will continue to be the witness of faith especially to those who has yet to know Christ, and for us through this celebration may we be strengthened in our faith.'
Bishop Julius, in his homily touched on the human inconsistency of their spiritual life. 'Probably most of us are like Pilate who like to hear and admire Christ. But when confronted with the situation affecting his authority and position, he surrendered and listened to the crowd rather than to abide to his inner voice, his conscience. The same situation happened with the beheading of John the Baptist. Herod feared John but did not kill him knowing that he was a righteous man. He gave in to the demand of Herodias and had John killed. He was against his own conscience.
He then continued to say, "What is your obligation as a follower of Christ ~ are you depending enough of your faith when you encounter such situation which require you to be firm and stand by your faith? He quoted from St. Anathasius words,  'I will depend on my faith though I am alone….'   Following Christ means to be firm in our faith in any circumstances. We are to depend on our faith, the truth that God has revealed to you, be the witness of faith and stand by the ONE that we believe in. 
Addressing the confirmmands, he said, "This Sacrament of Confirmation is not only a ceremony. It is an indication of your maturity in faith. You have begun your journey on your baptism, now you receive the spirit of affirmation to strengthen you in your faith journey. Be close to God all the way of your life, put Christ in your heart, know him and be near him always and most of all, hold on to the faith that  has been given to you freely."
In conclusion, the prelate said, "Christ is the King, enthrone him in your heart, open your heart and listen to him. With this He will help us to be consistent in our faith for He is always there for each individual, family and the community. Christ is the King in our life."
Catechists with Bishop Julius, Msgr Ong and Fr Johnny Raju
After the Mass all confirmands proceeded to Parish Hall for lunch.


Sandakan - Pemberkatan Dan Pembaharuan Janji Perkahwinan yang kedua kali telah diadakan pada 9 November 2013 semasa Misa Kudus di Katedral St. Mary, Sandakan. Seramai 13 pasangan yang telah mencapai 20 tahun ke atas telah menyertai program yang telah dianjurkan bersama dengan komiti induk Komuniti Kristian Dasar (KKD) dan Komiti Keluarga Katolik (KKK) St. Mary, Sandakan. Program ini dianjurkan sempena Tahun Iman yang telah dilancarkan oleh Emeritus Pope Benedict XV1, October tahun lalu (2012).

Persiapan rohani telah dikendalikan oleh Sr. Appollonia, fsic pada 8 November di bilik Mesyuarat Pejabat Paroki. Persiapan itu dimulakan dengan sesi yang bertajuk IMAN DAN DOA diikuti dengan upacara pembasuhan kaki di antara pasangan disusuli dengan Sakramen Pertobatan yang dilakukan oleh Fr. Thomas dan Fr. Philip. Para pasangan juga telah diberi kesempatan untuk menonton tayangan yang bertajuk “FIREPROOF”.

Pemilihan tema “KASIHILAH SESAMA MU” adalah berdasarkan dengan situasi Iman keluarga Katolik masa kini yang sering diombang-ambingkan dengan pelbagai cabaran rohani dan duniawi. PPJP ini diadakan dengan harapan untuk membantu para peserta untuk membaharui komitmen/ janji mereka dalam perkahwinan serta membantu mereka untuk lebih menghargai kesatuan di dalam keluarga.
En. Matheus Sodomon dan Isterinya Rosalia Gakin
Pasangan ini telah berpeluang untuk memperkongsikan serba sedikit pengalaman manis dan pahit yang telah mereka lalui bersama selama 36 tahun dalam perkahwinan mereka.

En. Johnsing dan Christina Lisi Sarapin isteri
Pasangan kedua ini telah memperkongsikan pengalaman perjalanan hidup mereka sebagai suami isteri selama 22 tahun. Dalam kesaksian, mereka mengatakan bahawa walaupun mereka pernah meninggalkan Tuhan selama 20 tahun, namun Tuhan tidak pernah meninggalkan mereka. Berkat kasih dan belaskasihanNya telah membuka jalan bagi mereka untuk kembali dan bersyukur pada Allah yang telah mempersatukan mereka di dalam Sakramen Perkahwinan.
Rev. Fr. Sunny Chung
Rev. Fr. Sunny Chung dalam homilinya semasa perayaan Misa Kudus mengatakan bahawa, Pemberkatan dan pembaharuan janji perkahwinan yang diadakan itu adalah amat bersesuaian sempena Tahun Iman. Beliau berharap agar lebih ramai lagi pasangan yang akan datang untuk memperbaharui janji perkahwinan mereka.

Pembacaan Sabda

Upacara Pemberkatan dan Pembaharuan Janji Perkahwinan di hadapan Altar
di upacarakan oleh paderi dan disaksikan oleh umat.
Keluarga menjadi kesatuan yang melambangkan kesatuan dari ketiga Pribadi Ilahi: Bapa, Putra, dan Roh Kudus. Keluarga adalah Gereja mini, tempat kesatuan bapa-ibu dan anak-anak menjadi komuniti iman "di mana ada dua atau tiga orang berkumpul dalam nama-Ku, di situ Aku ada di tengah-tengah mereka" (Mat 18:20).
Fellowship dan Majlis Kesyukuran telah dirayakan bersama dengan semua ahli keluarga para peserta dan umat Paroki St. Mary. Majlis itu ditambah meriahkan dengan beberapa persembahan yang telah dipersembahkan oleh para pasangan.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

New SBOGs For SK St Mary (Town) and SM St Mary Sandakan

Henry Wong, out-going Board Chairman hands over duty to Jerry Lo, the new Board Chairman
L-R : Pn Loh (senior Asst), Michael Lee, Henry Wong, Jerry Lo, Pn Chee (Principal), Francis Tan and Peter Lo
Sandakan : Jerry Lo a former student of St Mary's Secondary School, Sandakan heads the new School Board of Governors of the said school and St Mary's Primary (Town) for a term of three years, 2013 - 2016.  The handing over ceremony was held at the school library on 15th November witnessed by the School Principal and her assistant, Pn Chee and Pn Loh respectively.The new Board members for both schools ~ Chairman : Jerry Lo, Secretary : Dallius Lobinjang, Treasurer : Simon Wong, Committee : Isaac Pang and Francis Chung.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Article by Dallius 
Photos by George 

Sandakan: 9th November 2013, after sunset Mass, around 400 parishioners of St. Mary's Cathedral attended a modest potluck dinner at the parish hall to honour and support their rector, Fr. Thomas Makajil in commemorating his 35th year of ordination to the priesthood. In his thankful note, Fr. Tom (as he is fondly known), took the opportunity to thank all the parishioners in St. Mary's Cathedral for their support and prayers, especially to the Catholic Women's Apostolate for organising the event. 

When recalling his six years pastoring in St. Mary, his remark drawn laughter when he shared, that the priests have to travel extensively by road far and wide to cover this large and vast parish, so much so that now when travelling to KK or further up to Tenom (Keningau Diocese) is peanut to him. He added that this extensive travelling had given him more patience when normally a person in his 60s is known to have shorter patience / temper. He also hoped the gathering will serve as an avenue for all to gather as one big family and enjoy one another's fellowship.

Excerpts of interviews from parishioners about Fr. Tom: 

Myrene Gindung a secondary school Principal - “I’ve known Fr. Tom since he was the rector in St. Catherine Inanam and he is known as an approachable, humble and kind priest. He is much loved and appreciated by everyone he encounters”. 

Michael Wong a Catechist from the Catholic Chinese Community, “Even though he is busy due to the many commitments but he is very concern of the community. One thing special about him is that he can understand the language but only that he cannot communicate in Chinese”.  

Patrick Seah, whose PPC chairmanship term ends this year, said “It has been a privilege to work under Fr. Tom, a very patient, compassionate and easy forgiving person. I have worked together with him for two terms in the PPC (2009 – 2013). We managed to achieve quite significantly in pastoral matters in the Church. I wish him the very best and may God's blessings be upon him in serving the Lord for many more years to come."

Friday, November 15, 2013

儿童工厂 - 《 信德 》

Edward Koh, SOCCOM Tawau

在信德年结束前,斗湖圣三天主堂的儿童圣道礼仪三语(华,国,英)於115日(星期二)举办了一个以《 信德 》为主题的儿童工厂给年龄介于8 - 12岁的小孩。儿童工厂在早上830分由Liza修女以礼仪仪式作为开始,接着是讲座会在各自语文的场所进行。最后以游戏作为结束。华文组一共有14位小孩参加。
讲座会的讲题是《信德》和《我是独特的》,主要是让孩子们明白信德年标志的意义及如何在生活中活出信德与爱德的信仰中,作为天主的见证人。同时也让孩子们了解天主以自己的肖像造了人类,祂愿意人们分享祂的生命, 爱与智慧。我们是天主的宫殿,并且要时时保持心灵纯洁,远离一切的罪恶。虽然我们是天主所造,然而我们每一个人都有不同和独特的地方。之后孩子们把自己独特的地方写在一张纸上,然后站在前面与大家分享,同时也互相写出朋友间独特的地方好使大家能自我认识。



Edward Koh, SOCCOM Tawau
1st Reading by Brandon Wong
Responsorial psalm by Theresa Liew
斗湖圣三天主堂的主日学及儿童圣道礼仪於113日(星期日)早上7时举行了一台儿童弥撒。所有的主日学及儿童圣道礼仪学生负责当日弥撒的歌咏团,领经员,读经员,答唱咏,收奉献及奉献礼品。世震蒙席在弥撒结束前对教友们说, 非常高兴看到小孩子们担任弥撒的任务。家庭就是一个小教会,孩子们的信仰起源就是在家庭开始,父母应在家里带给他们信仰的生活,尤其如今教会缺乏华人神职人员,父母应从小灌输信仰的生活好使他们成长后能回应天主的圣召,作为主的神职人员。

最后弥撒以一首出堂咏 [ 我已经决定 ] 作为弥撒的结束。
2nd Reading by Yennie Lim
Children's choir


New Advent