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Thursday, January 31, 2013



Tawau : The Filipino Pastoral Community ( FPC ) celebrated for the 15th consecutive year, the annual Feast Of Sto. Nino de’ Cebu with a Holy Mass at 11.00 am on 20th January 2013 presided by Msgr. Nicholas Ong and con celebrated by Fr. David A. Garaman. The objective of the celebration is to honour the history of Christianity in the Philippines by being part of the event with the theme  ~ 'Strengthen Our  Faith'.
Having celebrated this event since 1998 here in Holy Trinity, the Fiesta of Sto. Nino de' Cebu becomes one of the most meaningful celebrations for the Filipino Community in Holy Trinity Parish Tawau .
The feast was attended by some 800 Filipino parishioners together with other fellow Filipinos  from Sandakan, Keningau and Lahad Datu.
In his homily Msgr. Nicholas touched on the importance of living in communion with one another, to be strengthened and be firm in the same faith always worshiping and glorifying the Lord. We must always remain child-like totally dependent on the Father, having faith and hope that God is our provider. Like Jesus He surrendered his life in the hand of the Father knowing that we are nothing without God's grace and blessing. He said, 'The meaning of honouring the Holy Child of Jesus becomes more significant which is manifested in our faith'.
He continued in reminding all youths that the reason of the Mass is to continue the work of salvation. We should never worry about earthly possession but to come and worship, to seek the Kingdom of God and the rest will be provided according to our needs.
In conclusion, he said that through salvation brought to us by Jesus, we should always thank the Lord for all the gifts  poured unto us especially the gift of Faith - faithfulness to God and most of all, faith in the Sacrament,  leading to the one belief. Thus, we are to work together for the good of the Church and the Glory of the Lord.                      
After the celebration of the Mass, parishioners assembled at the Parish Hall for a fellowship lunch with  presentations and lucky draws.
The presence of the Consul General of the Philippines Embassy from Kuala Lumpur, Mr. Medardo G. Macaraig made the event more meaningful to the Filipino Community.  He was with the people right from the start of the Mass right till  the end of the program.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hari Pertama - Youth Leaders' Camp II

Tim Dokumentasi YLCII

Tawau (23hb Januari 2013) – “...Dia girangkan ku, O Dia girangkan....ku bersuka sebab Dia girangkan ku......” Lagu bertajuk 'Ku Masuki Gerbang-Nya' dinyanyikan sebagai lagu pembukaan dalam misa pembukaan sempena Kem Kepimpinan Belia ke-2 (Youth Leaders' Camp 2) yang dirayakan oleh Rev Fr David A. Garaman di Gereja Holy Trinity Tawau. Seramai kira-kira 120 orang pemimpin belia dan belia yang berpotensi menjadi pemimpin telah berkampung bermula pada hari ini sehingga 27 Januari dalam kem yang dianjurkan oleh Kerasulan Belia Keuskupan Sandakan. Kem Kepimpinan Belia Ke-2 (YLC 2) ini bertujuan untuk mengumpul dan mengukuhkan hubungan menerusi persahabatan, perkongsian dan pembelajaran sesama belia dari 4 paroki di Keuskupan Sandakan. 

Selain itu, kem ini juga bertujuan untuk mencari semula, memperbaharui dan menghubungkan semula iman pemimpin-pemipin belia sebagai seorang pelayan Tuhan dengan tema “Bermulanya Perjalanan Saya...Bangkit dan Percayalah!”
Dalam khutbah misa pembukaan yang telah disampaikan oleh Rev Fr David, beliau telah mengajak belia untuk berani melihat realiti kehidupan sebenar belia supaya belia perlu tabah untuk menghadapi kehidupan yang penuh dengan pancaroba. Cabaran yang dihadapi oleh para belia dewasa ini bukanlah merupakan suatu perkara yang baru kerana perkara yang sedemikian telah dialami oleh Yesus sendiri dua ribu tahun yang lalu. Dengan pengisian-pengisian dalam kem ini, diharap akan mampu membantu pemimpin-pemimpin muda ini untuk bersedia menghadapi cabaran sebagai seorang pemimpin muda dalam era globalisasi ini seterusnya menggalas tanggungjawab sebagai seorang pengikut Kristus yang sejati.
Dalam malam pertama YLC 2, para peserta didedahkan dengan objektif kem ini agar para peserta mempunyai jangkaan dan harapan dalam kem ini. Sesi yang dikendalikan oleh Koordinator  Kerasulan Belia Sandakan, saudari Anna Peter Amandus ini telah diakhiri dengan simbolik menggantungkan harapan dan tindakan yang menyerupai akur janji para pemimpin belia agar mereka benar-benar komited terhadap pelayanan mereka di gereja mereka. Hari pertama kem ini, telah diakhiri dengan Upacara Adorasi yang dikendalikan oleh Rev Fr David sebagai simbolik penyerahan pengharapan para pemimpin belia sepanjang kem ini menerusi upacara ini. 
"Jangan seorangpun menganggap engkau rendah karena engkau muda. Jadilah teladan bagi orang-orang percaya, dalam perkataanmu, dalam tingkah lakumu, dalam kasihmu, dalam kesetiaanmu dan dalam kesucianmu" - 1 Timotius 4:12

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mini Youth Leaders' Camp

By DSst
St. Dominic's Church, Lahad Datu
The Youth Leaders' Camp is a yearly program catering to the needs of young leaders in the Diocese of Sandakan. The second Youth Leaders' Camp (YLCII) scheduled on 23rd - 27th January 2013 will be held in Holy Trinity Church, Tawau.
St. Mary's Cathedral, Sandakan.
The objectives of the camp are to build up and strengthen relationship among the young leaders of the four parishes and rediscover, renew and reconnect their faith as a person and as a servant leader. In order to help them achieve the objectives of YLCII, mini Youth Leaders Camps were held in each parish of the diocese on 12th and 13th January 2013. By having the Mini Youth Leaders' Camp, we hoped they would really understand the reason they are called to participate and would experience the richness of the upcoming event. 
Holy Trinity Church, Tawau
One of the main topic during Mini YLCII would be the "Personal Development Plan" - PDP is a method that can help the young leaders in planning, reflect and follow the right direction as well as to have a balance life and the right attitude in serving  the church.
The second component of YLCII is Pastoral Planning. All youth leaders were reminded to discuss their pastoral plan in prayerful discernment and in close consultation with one another. 
The program ended with a prayer dance/bibliodrama named 'Blessed Dance.' We hoped with the Mini YLCII, the young leaders are prepared physically, mentally and spiritually for the upcoming Youth Leaders' Camp II. We welcome you to the camp in Tawau and do expect the unexpected.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” - Jeremiah 1:5

Monday, January 28, 2013


The participants with Fr. David.
TAWAU: The Catechetical Team of Holy Trinity Parish Tawau held a half-day recollection for parishioners especially those involved in the field of catechesis. The event conducted on Saturday, 19th January 2013, was facilitated by the assistant rector of Holy Trinity Parish Tawau, Rev. Fr. David A. Garaman and Sr. Tauria Taurin, FSIC.
Mass presided by Fr. David Garaman.
The recollection commenced with a Mass at the Chapel at 8.00 am, attended by some 110 parishioners comprising  EMCs, catechists from the main parish and also the outstations, facilitators of the Children's Liturgy of the Word, the three main language Initiation Classes, Sunday Schools and also individual parishioners. They represented the four main zones of Holy Trinity Parish, Semporna  ( St. Jude, St. John Pegagau, Holy Family Ladang Segaria ), Bombalai ( St. Thomas, St. Joseph, Holy Family of Nazareth, St. Clement and St. Peter ) Ranggu Tass ( St. Stephen, St. James )  Balung ( St. Paul, St. John the Baptis and Jesus Mary and Joseph) and  some other nearby outstations .
Danny Carreon, Chairman of the Catechetical Team
 in his welcoming speech
The theme for the recollection "Rooted and Built Up in Christ, Firm in faith' from the Letter of St. Paul to the Colossian Chapter 2: 7 is a  respond to the Year of Faith in rediscovering, renewing and reconnecting to of our faith. 
Fr. David 
In his introduction Fr. David touched on the meaning of life given to human kind as a gift. 'Do you need to be like others, though you have your very own talent? Do we need to let ourselves changed for the benefits of other purposes or to accommodate ourselves with the earthly things?' 
Further, he explained that the purpose of our creation is no other than to know, to love and to serve our God, which we may share His glory in heaven, the eternal life. He reiterated that 'Faith is necessary at this era of globalization. The opportunity to explore all kind of updated news, movies, perceptions and many other influences is easily accessible through the media. This may influence us to believe that we don’t need God or worst still that there is no God.' It is pertinent that as faithful followers of Christ, we must be rooted in Him, built up in Him and firm in faith.
The participants.
Participants are urged to build up their faith each day through PRAYING. As Catholic we believe that prayers can strengthen and instill in us the perseverance in conquering the power of darkness. Prayers lead us to know the Words of God and through His Words we will grow to know, love and serve Him. It is in service that we may build up our relationship with Him.
During reflection.
Group sharing 
Offering their commitment through the intercession of our Lady.
The recollection ended with personal reflection and sharing, facilitated by Sr.Tauria FSIC where participants were invited to renew their commitment to serve the church, community and family. A recommitment in continuing with the mission of our Lord signals a more meaningful and fruitful Year of Faith, each contributing through his/her own ways and situations in accordance with the gifts received.
The program ended at 12.30 in the afternoon with a Closing Prayer by Fr. David.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Komited Untuk Melayani

Matthew Kiun
BELURAN : Mesyuarat penyusunan semula Ahli Jawatankuasa Pelayanan (AJP)  Majlis Pastoral Umat Katolik (MPUK) Gereja Our Lady Of Fatima, 2009-2012 telah berlangsung pada  Ahad, 13hb Januari 2013. Fr. Thomas Makajil, Rektor Paroki Katedral St. Mary Sandakan turut serta dalam mesyuarat tersebut.
Mesyuarat AJP MPUK dipengerusikan oleh En. Albert Thomas, selaku Pengerusi MPUK Gereja OLOF Beluran sesi 2013-2014, dan doa pembukaan dipimpin oleh Fr. Thomas. Seterusnya En. Albert menyampaikan ucapan penghargaan kepada semua ahli komiti atas kerjasama sepanjang sesi tersebut.
Barisan AJP MPUK Gereja OLOF Beluran (2013-2014) yang baru adalah seperti berikut:-
En. Albert Thomas Enti
Cik Pastia Barujuki
Pn. Rosnah Jalani
Komiti Liturgi
En. Hendrikus Nadus
Komiti Katekatikal
En. Gerald Salipa Siringan
Komiti Evangelisasi dan Zon
En. Rafael Lindan
Komiti Pembangunan
En. Sylvester Sutin
Komiti Keluarga Dan Badan Amal
Pn. Helda Marusin
Komiti Pertanian dan Perkuburan
En. Johnny Openg
Komiti Kerasulan Wanita
Pn. Joanna Lim
Komiti Kerasulan Belia
Cik Sheila John
Komiti Publisiti Dan Dokumentasi
En. Matthew Kiun @ Geoffry
Majlis penyerahan tugas disaksikan oleh Fr.Thomas dan En. Albert. 
Di akhir mesyuarat, Fr.Thomas berharap semua AJP yang baru dilantik boleh bekerjasama dan komited dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab yang telah diamanahkan. 
Beliau juga meminta AJP MPUK berusaha lebih gigih dalam usaha pembangunan gereja, iaitu dari aspek pembangunan fizikal juga kerohanian umat sehinggalah Gereja OLOF Beluran berjaya menjadi sebuah Gereja yang boleh dicontohi. 
Sebelum itu, pada paginya Fr Thomas merayakan MisaKudus Pesta Permandian Tuhan di Gereja Our Lady of Fatima dengan kehadiran lebih kurang 400 orang umat Katolik tempatan Beluran. Selepas Misa, telah diadakan satu jamuan makan tengah hari bersama jawatankuasa MPUK sebelum berlangsungnya mesyuarat.
Fr. Thomas Makajil memotong kek sempena Tahun Baru 2013.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Julita, SOCCOM Tawau
Tawau :   Fr. David A. Garaman, the assistant parish priest of Holy Trinity Church celebrated his 2nd anniversary presbyteral ordination on 30th December 2012. He was ordained on 31st December 2010 at St. Dominic's Church Lahad Datu and was posted to Tawau since then.     
Some 300 parishioners attended the pot-luck dinner function held at the Parish Canteen to lend support and to express their appreciation to Fr. David for leading them to know, love and serve the Lord.
The PPC Chairman Mario Domingo in his words of welcome, said, 'We really thanked Fr. David for his spiritual guidance especially the very inspired homily during each mass. We hope that the Holy Spirit will continue to shower you the wisdom in leading us to Christ. Years of ordination will not make much difference in preaching and witnessing the power of God which dwell in each priest and as a young priest we believe and will pray for your strength and perseverance in your call.'
In response, Fr David shared, 'Thank you for your concern and continuous support rendered me while serving in this Parish. I recall back then when I say YES to Bishop during my ordination to  serve others with joy and happiness. I always believe that wherever there is a problem there is always an opportunity to overcome it with the grace from  God.'
Fr. David commended the parishioners of HTC for the strong cooperation, unity and teamwork. He said, 'Your involvement has made our Church vibrant and the interaction among the various groups has made us strong.' 

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Julita SOCCOM Tawau

Tawau : Celebrating the coming of our Lord Christ Jesus in the Christmas season reminds us of God's grace and love to humankind. During this season God reveals Himself to us fully, completely and perfectly in Jesus Christ. 'Behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people, for to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.' (Luke 2 : 10-11)
Remembering the wonderful and meaningful moment some 900 or more  parishioners  attended the Christmas Midnight Mass on 24th December 2012 and some 1000 during the Bahasa Christmas Day Mass on the 25th December 2012.
Presided by Msgr. Nicholas Ong, Mass began at 9.00 pm. He welcomed the parishioners by saying, “I always believe that God’s blessings are upon each one of us especially during this very festive season.  Christmas is a time to give thanks and glory to our Father who has sent us a saviour."
He went on to say, “ Jesus is God become man and become the food for both the faithful and the sinful. God reveals himself to us as Christ, God and Messiah who brings peace to the world."
"In the Old Testament, laws came to us through Moses, but in the New Testament, grace and truth, that is Love and faithfulness came to us through Jesus Christ. With these truths we are called to proclaim the Good News about Jesus Christ our Lord , God and saviour." he said .
The Mass began with a 30-minute presentation of Christmas carols by members of the caroling groups from 8.00 pm to 8.30 pm followed by the Holy Mass at 9.00 pm. The  crib was blessed by Msgr.Ong preceeding the Mass.
Gifts, sponsored by a generous parishioner were presented to some 200 children below 12 years old  right  after Mass.

Chinese Christmas Day Mass ~ 25th December 2012


New Advent