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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Golden Jubilee

Align Centre

The loving couple.

Sandakan : Fr Paul Lo, the assistant rector of St Mary’s Cathedral celebrated the Golden Jubilee Mass for Richard and Maria Lin on Wednesday, 23rd August 2009 at the Cathedral witnessed by family members and friends.

The couple celebrating their 50th year of Catholic marriage is living example of love and commitment. Marriage is the intimate union and equal partnership of a man and a woman which is rooted in the divine plan of God’s creation.

The mutual love of a married couple should always be open to new life. The family arises from marriage which is called a domestic Church. Together they have 3 children, two boys, both married and a girl. They have 6 grandchildren.

Maria is an active member of the Church devoting much of her time towards the well being of the Church. She first joined the Legion of Mary (LOM) in her early twenties. She was a member of the Prison Fellowship Ministry and an animator for the Chinese RCIA process.

Today she spends time visiting the sick, the old folks and the handicapped. She serves as an Extraordinary Minister. She is often seen around the Church helping out in cleaning the Chapel at the Cathedral and St Joseph’s Church.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Aktiviti Komiti Katekatikal

Para peserta, penanggung dan ibubapa.

Telupid- Seramai 81 orang peserta telah menyertai aktiviti Komiti Katekatikal Zon Pekan Santo Martinus pada Sabtu 22 Ogos 2009 yang berlangsung selama sehari suntuk di Dewan Bishop Simon Fung, disini.

Pengerusi Katekatikal Paroki, Sdra Richard Lobinjang berkata, aktiviti ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hubungan di antara para calon, ibubapa dan pembimbing.

Peserta yang terdiri daripada Pertemuan Minggu Gembira (PMG) 38 perserta, Calon Penguatan 23 peserta dan calon Inisiasi Kristian Dewasa (IKD) 20 peserta.

Antara aktiviti yang dijalankan adalah – PMG (Pertandingan Melukis/Mewarna, membaca petikan Alkitab), Penguatan (Pementasan hasil daripada pemahaman petikan Alkitab) dan IKD (Pemahaman tentang Alkitab).

Fr Marcellinus menyampaikan hadiah kepada pemenang bagi salah satu acara pada hari tersebut

Dalam ucapan Rektor Paroki, Fr. Marcellinus Pongking semasa menutup aktiviti tersebut merakamkan penghargaan kepada komiti yang terlibat dalam menjayakan program ini dan berharap komiti yang lain dapat menganjurkan program berkaitan untuk pengisian takwim komiti masing-masing.

Sumbangan : Sdra Lawrence Matusin

St Mary's Cathedral Parish Day

Sandakan : Weather permitting; the Cathedral Parish of St. Mary’s celebrates the Feast of the Assumption in a big way. The celebration was held on the 14-08-2009 with an outdoor Mass at the Grotto on the St. Mary’s Cathedral Ground.

Traditionally, this has been a “big” occasion with elaborate preparations for it and it is also the day the Parish celebrates its Parish Day. It is also the only Church function that presents an opportunity for public demonstration of ones’ faith in the procession that precedes the Mass. At the same time, it is also the only Mass in the whole liturgical calendar year that is celebrated together in the three main languages.

His Lordship Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom assisted by the Fr Thomas Makajil, the rector and his assistant, Fr Paul Lo celebrated the Mass. So it was a “tri-lingual” Mass celebrated in Bahasa Malaysia, English and Mandarin.

The faithful gathered at the St. Mary’s Parish Hall at 7.00pm. The celebration began with the solemn recitation of the Rosary in 3 languages followed by a short ceremony of the Crowning of the Statue of Our Lady, The Blessed Virgin Mary. The procession started from the Parish Hall making its way to the Grotto through the main access road of the Cathedral.

On the following morning, 15-08-2009, a jogathon to raise fund for the parish was held in front of the Parish Hall. This was participated by many age groups and it was an activity planned for the Parish Day Celebration.

The highlight of the Parish Day celebration was the dinner, which was held on the 16-08-2009 in the St. Mary’s Parish Hall. This was a potluck and partly subsidized dinner by all the groups of the Parish. His Lordship, Bishop Julius was the Guest of Honor for the event. Groups from the Parish including the sub parishes gave presentations during the occasion. The Sunday school children also took part in the presentations. For this year a catchy theme of “Christ for all & all for Christ” was chosen for the celebration.

Article by Terrence Ngui and photos by Bell

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lawatan Pastoral ke Sapagaya Estet Kinabatangan

Rev. Fr. Thomas Makajil selebran Misa Kudus
Kinabatangan : Rev Fr Thomas Makajil, rector Katedral St Mary Sandakan, pada Selasa 25hb Ogos 2009 telah membuat satu lawatan pastoral ke Estet Sapagaya yang terletak hampir 120 kilometer dari Bandar Sandakan. Sebahagian dari lebih kurang 130 umat beriman setempat telah hadir bersama dalam Perayaan Ekaristi di Chapel, Estet Sapagaya yang di rayakan oleh Fr Thomas Makajil.
Chapel Estet Sapagaya

Umat Katolik menerima Komuni

Pada masa yang sama Sdr Robert Lawrence (tengah), Simon Lalu (kiri) dan Stephanus Janus (kanan) telah diutuskan sebagai Pemimpin Ibadat Sabda bagi komuniti setempat.

Umat Katolik Sepagaya Kinabatangan

Fr. Thomas sedang memberkati gambar kudus

Juga difahamkan bahawa Kumuniti Umat Kristian (KUK) akan dibentuk dalam masa yang terdekat bagi memastikan pelayanan pastoral berjalan dengan teratur dan lancar di kalangan umat setempat.


New Advent