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Monday, October 31, 2016


Report by: Raymond Wong

Sandakan: In conjunction with the Jubilee Year of Mercy, the Catechetical Commission organized the “Jubilee for Catechist”. It is a recollection day on the theme “Showing Mercy and Choosing” or “Memperlihatkan Belaskasihan Dan Membuat Pilihan” for all catechists from the Diocese of Sandakan namely Tawau, Lahad datu, Telupid and Sandakan catechists. This recollection was held on 24th September at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Diocese of Sandakan.
A total of over 200 catechists coming from the various parishes including the new fellow catechists from the church of Lady of Fatima, Beluran which is now a new parish in our Diocese.
Father David, who happened to be on his study leave from Rome conducted the talks. In his talk, he described the theme based on the emblem of the Coat-of-arms of Pope Francis which is “Miserando Atque Eligendo” or “by having mercy and by choosing”. Likewise, the reflection was elegantly and awesomely elaborated from “The Calling of St Matthew” whereby one has to identify one’s calling upon gazing on the painting. It is a masterpiece by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, depicting the moment at which Jesus Christ inspires Matthew to follow him. 
An opportunity was also given to one catechist from each parish to give their testimonies of their experiences while serving in the Sunday School or the RCIA sessions.
A procession from the Diocesan Pastoral Centre to the Cathedral, where all participants entered through the Holy Door of Mercy before the Holy Mass was then held.
Immediately after the Holy Mass, all participants adjourned back to the Diocese Centre for lunch before going back to their respective homes.


By: Julita Kantod

Holy Trinity Parish Tawau celebrated the 38th Sacerdotal anniversary of Rev. Fr. Msgr. Nicholas Ong on the 9th October 2016 at 6.30pm to 10 in the evening at the Parish canteen.  The actual date actually falls on the 3rd of October but due to some reasons it was held a few days later. Nonetheless, the celebration though simple yet became a very meaningful event to the celebrant and the parishioners who were gathered together.

In his short sharing, Msgr Nicholas  continued to ask for prayer upon his health and perseverance in serving God’s people. “I must thank you for your continuous prayer for me and to all priests for sure. Priests are also human beings and we need your support and prayers throughout our vocation “he said. I have been a priest for 38 years and I thanked God for His wisdom and granted  me the strength  that I may be able to share with you the Good News. God is my everything  that is why I dedicate  my energy and time through the Word of God and I will serve Him to my last moment“ he said.

Msgr. Nicholas Ong had been in Holy Trinity Parish Tawau since 2008 till today. Parishioners indeed, benefited from his wonderful homilies and his enthusiasm on a BEC visit to families and also in caring for the environment.

Rev. Fr. Philip Muji, the assistant Rector, expressed his amazement to Msgr. Nicholas Ong for his prudence and dedication in his calling as a priest.

The simple and memorable celebration was attended by the PPC, Youth, lay leaders, elders and other parishioners show their support and to appreciate the gift of priesthood in leading the people to God’s kingdom. 

The gathering flowed smoothly with a cake cutting ceremony followed by dinner and ended at 10 in the evening.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


By : Cristan Tan
Tawau: Some 86 parishioners of Holy Trinity Parish Tawau, aged 70 years old and and below endeavour a local pilgrimage trip to the Holy Door of St Mary’s Cathedral Sandakan on the 8th – 9th  October 2016. The participants consist of the four main communities of Holy Trinity Parish (Kadazan, Chinese, Indonesian and the Filipino)
The group used either a chartered vehicle or their own transport to Sandakan by road. They were blessed with a fine weather and safe journey. The accommodation reflected a group of one big family.
The next day, the group was welcomed joyfully by the Sandakan team at the front of the Grotto of Our Lady where most participants offered their personal petition to our Lady before entering the Holy Door.
Having a moment of prayer and personal reflection was an opportunity to come to the mercy seat of God. It is indeed a privilege to enter the most Holy Door  symbolizing  God’s unceasing mercy for all sinners. The Door is open to anyone who   seeks the peace and blessing every pilgrim desires.
The group then proceeded to the Marian Hill corridor to ascend through the challenging Hill with a Rosary prayer at each allocated station. It is indeed a beautiful experience and worth visiting by all. Along the walk, each one presented themselves and their personal intentions to the mercy and love of God through the Rosary prayer. A few members shared having experienced healing.

Cristine Tan, the coordinator of this trip, shared that “everyone had a very personal spiritual experience. However, one has to know that God is the One giving us the opportunity to come closer to Him in many ways. With that in mind, let us thank the Lord for His blessing upon this trip, for protecting us all the time and showered His mercy for us “she said.
A short journey and yet to experience the inner transformation is the most important. All the pilgrims brought hope, peace and joy in their heart and the love of God was once again strengthened. All praises and thanks to God.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Lawatan Komisi Kerasulan Belia Keuskupan Sandakan ke Paroki Holy Trinity, Tawau

Tawau - Pada 8 Oktober yang lalu, Komisi Kerasulan Belia Keuskupan (KBK) Sandakan telah mengadakan lawatan di Paroki Holy Trinity, Tawau selepas lawatan yang pertama di Paroki St. Dominic, Lahad Datu. Perjumpaan ini dihadiri oleh ahli tim Kerasulan Belia Paroki (KBP) dan juga belia-belia yang berpotensi untuk menjadi pelapis dalam tim KBP pada masa akan datang.

Tujuan lawatan adalah untuk bertemu dan berdialog bersama dengan tim KBP di paroki tersebut. Selain itu, lawatan ini juga adalah untuk melihat keperluan serta mendengar suara mereka terutamanya dalam pelayanan mereka sebagai pemimpin belia Paroki.

Perjumpaan bermula kira-kira pukul 8.30 malam dimulai dengan doa. Diikuti dengan pengongsian berdasarkan tiga soalan berikut:-

1. Apa kegembiraan yang ingin kamu kongsikan selama melayani dalam tim KBP ini?
2. Apakah cabaran yang kamu hadapi?
3. Apa yang kamu perlukan daripada komisi KBK?

Masing-masing mengongsikan cerita dengan pengalaman yang berbeza. Namun perkara yang paling penting adalah mereka menemui dan belajar banyak perkara yang baru semasa melayani sebagai ahli tim KBP. Selain itu hubungan persahabatan yang sangat erat seperti sebuah keluarga merupakan dasar bagi kegembiraan mereka.

Walaupun macam mana pun banyak cabaran yang dihadapi oleh tim, seperti kurang komunikasi dalam tim, komitmen kerja , komitmen pelayanan lain, masa yang sangat terhad untuk ahli tim dan masalah dokumen, namun itu tidak menjadi penghalang yang besar untuk tim bersatu. Seperti kata salah seorang pemimpin belia, "berjalan bersama dalam KBP ini banyak kejutan".

Dalam melayani, cabaran itu sentiasa ada, oleh itu, motivasi sangat diperlukan. Program - program seperti konsultasi belia dan program daripada komisi KBK sangat membantu, oleh itu, ianya perlu diteruskan dan jangan dihentikan. Ahli tim yang hadir juga menyatakan perlunya  ‘a reason to stay’. Maka Komisi KBK diperlukan agar sentiasa menjadi telinga kepada belia dan sentiasa mendengar keperluan mereka.

Perjumpaan selesai pada jam 10.30 malam dengan doa penutup. Komisi KBK akan meneruskan lawatan ke 3 lagi paroki lain yang terdapat di Keuskupan Sandakan untuk meneruskan lawatan sambil berdialog dengan pemimpin - pemimpin belia di setiap paroki.

Tim KBP bergambar bersama Koordinator Komisi KBK


Kota Kinabalu – Pada 23 sehingga 29 September yang lalu, Komiti Pelayanan Belia Katolik Malaysia atau lebih dikenali sebagai Malaysia Catholic Youth Ministery Committee (MCYMC) sekali lagi telah berkumpul dan bertemu untuk membincangkan hal - hal berkaitan belia dan mengetengahkan isu - isu semasa yang sedang berlaku kepada para belia khususnya belia Katolik seluruh Malaysia. Tuan rumah bagi pertemuan kali ini adalah Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu, Sabah dan telah dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari 9 Keuskupan iaitu Melaka - Johor, Kuala Lumpur, Pulau Pinang, Kuching, Sibu, Miri, Keningau, Sandakan dan Kota Kinabalu.

Mesyuarat dimulakan dengan pertemuan para pemimpin - pemimpin pelajar kampus Katolik  bersama pelayan sepenuh masa bagi kampus bertempat di Pace Bene, Papar pada 23 sehingga 25 haribulan September yang lalu. Mesyuarat tiga hari ini lebih tertumpu kepada program Malaysian Catholic Campus Student's Day (MCCSD). MCCSD ini telah diadakan buat julung kalinya di Keuskupan Agung Kuching pada 14 sehingga 21 Julai 2015. 

Program MCCSD merupakan satu ruangan bagi para pelajar Katolik kampus berkumpul, berkongsi, diperbaharui dari segi spiritual dan informasi terkini serta kesempatan bagi mereka bersatu dalam menemui Yesus melalui sesi - sesi yang dijalankan. Oleh itu nantikan maklumkan terkini MCCSD 2017 kelak.

Mesyuarat pemimpin belia bersama pemimpin belia kampus dari berlainan kampus di Malaysia
Bergambar bersama selepas selesai Misa Pagi
Mesyuarat kemudiannya diteruskan dengan pertemuan para pemimpin belia yang melayani sepenuh masa di Keuskupan masing - masing di Pusat Retret Bundu Tuhan dari 26 sehingga 28 September dan mesyuarat akhir pada 29 September 2016 di Bilik Mesyuarat, Dewan Sacred Heart, Kota Kinabalu.

Pertemuan para pemimpin belia dimulai dengan rekoleksi bersama - sama yang telah di berikan oleh Rev. Fr. Joshua Liew. Sepanjang rekoleksi ini para pemimpin telah diajak untuk merenung semula peribadi sebagai yang melayani melalui 'Tree of Life'. Ini merupakan kesempatan bagi yang hadir untuk mengongsikan segala pahit manis menjadi seorang yang melayani di ladang Tuhan. Rekoleksi berakhir dengan adorasi.

Aktiviti "team building"
Selain daripada mesyuarat dan rekoleksi, para pemimpin belia juga mempunyai kesempatan bertemu dengan belia - belia Katolik Paroki St. Pius X. Aktiviti "mimpanau" atau berjalan - jalan merupakan kesempatan bagi para belia paroki untuk berkenalan dan berkongsi cerita antara sesama. Aktiviti ini berakhir dengan Misa petang yang diselebrankan oleh Archbishop John Wong, Uskup Agung Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu.

(Bergambar bersama belia St. Pius X semasa aktiviti "mimpanau".)

Pemimpin belia bergambar bersama Archbishop John Wong selepas misa petang

Antara yang diperbincangkan dalam mesyuarat tahunan ini adalah laporan - laporan dari setiap Keuskupan, Asian Youth Day (AYD) - 7, perkongsian dari mereka yang mengikuti WYD di Poland, Sabah Youth Day (SYD) - 4 dan isu - isu serta cabaran yang dihadapi oleh Pelayan Belia dan belia Katolik pada masa kini.

Mesyuarat pemimpin belia dari semua keuskupan di Malaysia

Mesyuarat hari terakhir diadakan di Dewan Sacred Heart, Kota Kinabalu dengan kehadiran Archbishop Julian Liew selaku Bishop penaung bagi Komisi Belia / Kampus dibawah Persidangan Uskup - Uskup Malaysia, Singapura dan Brunei. 

Pertemuan seumpama ini jelas menunjukkan kesatuan dikalangan Komiti Pelayanan Belia Katolik Malaysia. Selain daripada memberikan galakkan antara satu dengan yang lain, komiti ini juga memberi peluang untuk mengukuhkan jaringan dari segi penyampaian informasi, komunikasi dan persahabatan. 

Keuskupan Sibu akan menjadi tuan rumah bagi mesyuarat MCYMC tahun hadapan dan Keuskupan Agung Kuching akan menjadi Coordinating Office yang baru bagi MCYMC (2017 - 2019) mengantikan Keuskupan Sandakan yang telah melayani bagi tempoh 2014 - 2016. Manakala Bishop penaung bagi Komisi Belia / Kampus dibawah Persidangan Uskup - Uskup Malaysia, Singapura dan Brunei akan di ambil ahli oleh Bishop Simon Poh mulai 2017.

Bergambar bersama Archbishop Julian Leow selepas mesyuarat selesai.


By Roland Henry and Cristine Tan

St Vincent de Paul Society was founded in Paris in 1833 by Frédéric Ozanam and the society took the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Vincent de Paul as its patrons. It is an international Catholic voluntary organization based on the spiritual and corporal works of mercy and dedicated to the sanctification of its members through serving the abandoned poor and the disadvantaged. As of today, the society has 800,000 members in some 140 countries worldwide, whose members operate through "conferences". 

St Vincent de Paul Society at Holy Trinity Church Tawau of Sandakan Diocese started in March 2014 with some 20 active members. This first and isolated conference in Sabah is called Conference of Holy Trinity Tawau wherein Mgsr. Nicholas Ong is the rector of the Church. This society, indeed, is always in collaboration with the Parish Integral Human Development Committee to achieve its mission.

The conference in Holy Trinity church carries out many Corporal Works of Mercy activities such as:

Visiting the poor and provide aids until they can care for themselves. Currently, the conference is supporting 12 families in their monthly necessary groceries such as rice, salt, eggs, detergent, etc. With different needs, there were 10 to 26 other families received help. Other than that, some families were helped by giving cash and sometimes rehabilitating infrastructure of the family house. For example, a toilet was built for a poor old man who was unable to go to his toilet downstairs. The society arranged someone to build for him upstairs for easy access.
Apart from giving aid, they also become good listeners to their problems, give counsel, to arrange the EMC for the communion and some members bring the family to attend Mass or confession at the church. 

The SSVP thrift store which is located in the old canteen building at Holy Trinity Church compound officially opened its door on Sunday, 21st August 2016 selling clothing, books, magazines, bags, toys and kitchen utensils, all pre-owned and donated by parishioners and the public. All profit of the sales will benefit for any charity projects and the education programme undertaken by the Society. They also contribute goods and used clothing to fire victims.

Besides, they also help the poor children who are illiterate.  Some of SSVP members started an English class in April 2016 through The SSVP Fatima Education Programme. The SSVP Fatima Education Programme is created and compiled for SSVP Malaysia by the Project Team comprising teachers from the Learning Centre project of the SSVP Conference of Our Lady of Fatima, Kuala Lumpur with the mission to provide free basic education for children communities-in-need. The classes held once a week on Saturday for 90 minutes at Jalan Sin Onn Tiku in a small chapel called St Jude.
In the beginning, the children study with no ceiling. When the society got the materials they managed to get the ceiling done. They have about 40 children ages from 6 to 14 years old. 15 children do not go to school due to financial difficulty. Others attend the Migrant School in Holy Trinity Church Tawau. Recently, one teacher from the Migrant school has initiated to teach the children Bahasa and Mathematics. A dental talk was given to the children last August. Toothbrushes and toothpastes were sponsored. Some members have encouraged their children to help in the weekly class. This came to be an eye opener to start a Young Vincentian group.

The 1st Formation for Young Vincentian was held on 20 August 2016. About 23 children from ages 11 to 14 attended. They were given the knowledge of the founder and patron and how it started. The society hopes that children through The Young Vincentian will know they can do big things too in their little own way like raising funds through their activities or  making cookies for sale and others. They can help in promoting the collection and selling of second hand clothes and things. They can visit the poor, the old and the handicap children.
The society has even brought Christmas joy to poor children in an estate last year 2015. Gifts were given to them through generous sponsors. The conference hopes to reach out to more families in need. The conference in Tawau depends on generous donors and sponsors to run their activities. Like St. Theresa of Calcutta said “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” So let us do our part to make this a better world for all.
“Let us continue to offer one another to God and to love each other in our Lord, as He has loved us” – St Vincent de Paul, patron saint of the SSVP.


New Advent