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Saturday, November 20, 2021




(山打根)Raymond李承发修晋升执事弥撒于20211115日(星期一)下午4 山打根圣玛莉主教座堂举行,由山打根教区主教Julius Gitom主祭及来自亚庇教区的John黄士交总主教、斗湖圣三堂的Nicholas 王世震副主教、山打根圣玛莉主教座堂主任司铎Fr. David、助理司铎Fr. Stephen、还有来自拿St. Dominic、比鲁兰Our Lady of Fatima鲁必St. Martin, Paitan 传教区的神父们共祭。来参与弥撒见证的有来自圣方济各孝女会的修女们以及来自不同堂口,各语文组的教友以及那些参与线上直播弥撒的教友们。


Raymond李承发于2016年开始牧灵实习。首先在斗湖的圣三堂服务了2年。在2019年被派到了鲁必的St. Martin2020年在Paitan 传教区;后来到了砂越的St. Teresa2021年被派到鲁兰的Our Lady of Fatima 直到现在。


当日的弥撒分为三个部分:圣道礼,晋升执事礼及圣祭礼。晋升执事礼以拣选候选人仪式开始,Raymond李承发修生来到主教的面前,在圣玛莉主教座堂的主任司铎Fr. David的保证和推荐下被接纳,接受了主教的傅手。




证道完毕,执事候选人Raymond李承发修士发愿。诸圣祷文后,Julius主教为Raymond李承发修傅手,晋升他为执事。随后,由Fr. Phillip授予执事圣职的圣带及助祭服。最后是由Julius主教授圣经礼。晋升执事礼完毕。弥撒进行圣祭礼。弥撒结束前有致辞。


山打根圣玛莉主教座堂堂区牧灵委员会主席Freddy Graman兄弟在致辞中感谢所有来参加的神职人员和平信徒。他说在1883年沙巴州已经开始了福传的事工,在山打根也成立了为华人社会福传的团体,不只是在信仰方面,也在其它的方面,如教育,社会和经济。仰赖天主的助佑,许多杰出的人才也因此诞生。相信亚庇教区的John黄士总主教也是其中之一。他希望Raymond李承发执事能够跟随黄总主教的脚步,成为一位杰出的神父。他希望教友们能继续为Raymond李承发执事祈祷。他也深信天主必与他同在。最后他引用依撒以亚先知书41:10 勉励新晋执事: “你不要害怕,因为我与你在一起;你不要惊惶,因为我是你的天主;我必坚固你,协助你,用我胜利的右手扶持你” 。


山打根圣玛莉主教座堂主任司铎Fr. David在致辞中感谢天主,因为时时为的葡萄园提供佣工。为此,我们要继续的欢欣喜乐。 他提醒新晋执事要时时抱着为人服务的精神。如同主耶稣一样,要做众人的仆役。主耶稣说:“谁若愿意在你们中成为大的,就当作你们的仆役;谁若愿意在你们中为首,就当作你们的奴仆。就如人子来不是受服事,而是服事人”。 他借此机会感谢大家在各方面,包括祈祷,人力,物力,财力的支持及援助,使得这次的执事晋升弥撒能够顺利地进行。最后他恭喜Raymond 李承发执士并欢迎他进入圣职。


新晋执事 Raymond李承发在致辞中表示他特别要感谢天主,及所有支持他及为他祈祷的所有人,特别是他的家人。如果没有大家的支持和鼓励,他也无法在这一条修道的旅程中前进,因为这对于他而言,这仿佛是一项不可能的任务。他是在2011年开始进入修院,到现在已经10年了,这是一条漫长的道路。他感谢这一路走来,一直支持他的家人,一起修道的修生同学,所有教导过他的导师,指导神师,和准备这一次晋升弥撒的所有人,还有一直为他不断祈祷的圣马尔谷堂的中文组教友团体以及所有为他祈祷的人。他说成为执事只是另一个旅程的开始,他希望大家能够继续为他祈祷,给与他支持,有必要时提醒他,好让他能够成为主耶稣的谦卑仆人,去服务教会。


最后是山打根教区主教Julius致辞。他首先恭喜及欢迎新晋执事Raymond李承发,也感谢大家在这非常时期也能出席支持见证。虽然在这样的非常时期,山打根教区今年已经晋升了3 位执事。Raymond李承发执事是他第一位晋升来自华文组的执事,他相信山打根的中文组教友应该倍觉高兴。他相信这是天主的祝福。天主的祝福是绵绵不断的,无论是在什么时候;更没有任何事物可以隔绝天主的祝福。在一年内晋升了3 位执事显示山打根教区有在成长的迹象。我们的福传的使命仍然要继续。最后,他求天主继续保佑我们,把的祝福倾注在我们的身上,让更多工人到主的葡萄园里去工作。大家一起同道偕行。










Tuesday, November 2, 2021






感谢天主能够让我顺利完成坚振圣事。在告解当天,我整个人是非常紧张的,而当告解完以后就感觉非常的开心和放松。在坚振圣事当天,我们每个人都穿着白色衣服,完成最后一个入门圣事。在主日学那么多年了,终于领受了坚振圣事。谢谢每个老师的耐心教导,尤其是坚振班的Irene老师,让我能够成为一个合格的基督教徒, 完全的加入了教会。【文:VICTOR万圣义】



去年开始,因为新冠疫情的作祟,我们无法到主日学上课,更进一步地靠近天主。每天只能在家呆着,哪里都不能去。直到今年才开始,上网课,恢复像以前一样的生活。在上网课的途中,我们突然被告知今年我们会领受坚振圣事感到非常震惊,因为我们比预想的来的更快。在告解时会紧张,因为是用英文向神父告解,害怕自己说不好。可是,还是顺利地完成了。 在第二天,举行告解圣事,反而没那么紧张。最后,非常高兴和荣幸的成为了天主的勇士,感谢天主赐给我的恩宠。【文:







今天是一个特殊的日子,我在神父的作证下领了坚振。回想起,时间过的真快,不知不觉我从一个懵懂少年到现在领了坚振。在这段时间里,我非常感谢老师们对我的教导,让我认识了天主,认识了天主之子-耶稣,也让我知道了天主的事迹,也可以说是天主通过老师来让我跟随祂,和祂做朋友。在今天领了坚振后,我感受到了天主更强烈的爱,我想和我一起领坚振的同学们也已经感受到了。感谢天主赐给了我们爱和美好的事物。【文:IVAN 林裕展】


几个星期前 ,老师告诉我们再过几个星期我们就要开始告解和领坚振了。提醒我们要准备好白衣,白鞋和白裤。老师也提醒我们要好好的反省我们所犯下的罪过并把他写在我们的告解里,让我们可以在告解的时候有所准备。

       时间过得很快,我们到了要告解的时候了。我们在星期五的时候告解了,我看到了我们华文班的同学。我在还没告解时表面上看起来是不紧张或者害怕的,其实心里还是很慌张的因为我怕我会忘了要如何告解。当我进到教堂时,过了一段时间,神父就开始帮助我们告解了。当轮到我时,我慢慢的把我的告解告诉了帮我们告解的神父。 当我们完成告解时,我松了一口气并感觉安心了许多。当我哥哥完成告解时,我们就一起回家了。




感谢天主让我能够完成领受坚振圣事。虽然是在疫情之下完成,但是我还是很感恩天主赐给我这美好的一天。很感谢这十年来老师的教导,让我能够认识很多教会的道理。现在我的心情非常开心因为已经把自己这几年累计的罪告诉神父了。感谢天主! 【文:CAMILLA杜家敏】



感谢主日学让我在这些年学到了许多关于教会的道理。因为疫情的关系,我和同班同学们延迟了一年领受坚振圣事。经过耐心的等候,我们终于在今年顺利领受了坚振圣事。这一切都要感谢天主,感谢老师的悉心教导以及家人的支持与陪伴。记得在告解前,我的情绪是非常紧张的,因害怕自己无法在神父面前坦白自己的过错。当轮到我办告解时,我还是向神父坦白了。告解后,我的心情变得很舒畅,也决定不再犯同样的错误。再来到了领坚振当天,我的心情是兴奋以及快乐的。我很期待自己能够领受圣神的恩宠。仪式完毕后,我更加坚定自己的信仰,并且立志成为一个真正的天主教徒。【文:BIBIANNE芷怡 】




感谢天主能够让我们顺利的领受坚振圣事。回想起来当时我告解的时候有多么的紧张,但是最后我还是能认真的完成了告解,心情也轻松了很多。我也想谢谢每个帮助过我的老师,帮我学习到很多的道理。不知不觉的已经领了坚振圣事我非常高兴认识了很多的人,这年以来我要用这个机会来谢谢每一位为此做出贡献的人。【文:MEILYVIEA 钟洁美】









感谢天主让我们能顺利的完成领受堅振圣事。 虽然我已经在坚振班两年了,今年和前年受病毒的影响但我们还是艰难的完成了。回想我在星期五晚上告解的时候我非常的紧张,因为要在神父面前说自己所犯下的罪。当告解结束后我的心情非常的开心。 当星期六早上要去教堂领坚振的时候我非常紧张和害怕。 让我没想到的是原来领坚振原来这么简单。最后我要感谢教导我们的主日學老師和感謝天主賜予我們美好的事物。【文:DAVIN房立恒】












领受坚振圣事是我终身第一次最重要的礼仪,我在领受神父在我额头傅油的那一刻,感受十分紧张又兴奋,穿上白色礼服,代表将旧的我送走,让我清楚的意识到作为一名天主教徒应该怎样为教会更好的去服务!作为天父女儿感到好光荣,借着天主带领从黑暗中走向光明,全心全意爱上主。 以后坚定信仰,宣扬福音,体谅和关心別人,彼此相亲相爱。感谢主的恩宠,感谢圣神的带领。 感谢主!【文:ELIZABETH 钟亮瑜】



领坚振圣事前,我们都需要找的自己的代父代母。我们也需要前往教堂办告解,这是为了让天主宽恕我们所犯下的罪过。由于遭受到新冠疫情的影响,原本去年应领坚振的我们只能等到今年才领。时隔两年,我又感受到告解的紧张。告解后,感到轻松了许多,感觉罪一下子都消失了。到了第二天正式领坚振的时候,兴奋又紧张的我穿着一身的白裙,白鞋及白色的口罩完成了我人生的坚振圣事。在主日学的十一年里,交到了很多朋友也考过了很多关于天主教的考试,一次次的通关成就了现今的我。【文:CLARE 曾诗莹】


今天是我人生很特别的日子,经过老师多年的教导,我领了坚振圣事,完成了最后的入门圣事。在这11年里,说长不长,说短也不短,我学到了很多,也成长了很多。在主日学的那段时间是快乐的,幸福的。感谢主让我领受圣神,让我感受到你更加浓烈的爱。。【文:EVELYN 林意倪】

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Diocese of Sandakan launches new website on the 55th World Communications Day


In conjunction with the 55th World Communications Day, the Diocese of Sandakan launched its very first website. It was officially launched by Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom right after the church’s Eucharistic celebration which also commemorates the Solemnity of Ascension of the Lord on Saturday, 15 May 2021.

Bishop Julius expressed that it was a blessing in the Diocese to celebrate World Communications Day. He deliberated that the theme for this year's 55th World Communications Day is “Come and See” (John 1:46), Communicating by Encountering People Where and as They Are.   Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he imparted his final instructions to his disciples, to preach the good news and make disciples of all nations. In response to Jesus’ instruction in our present time, Bishop Julius stated that we must make use of all the communicating tools, such as the internet, which is the essential platform of evangelization, especially in today's modern world.  The newly launched website will also allow the church to connect digitally with the rest of the world so that the gospel is made known far and wide.

Bishop Julius also shared to the parishioner few messages extracted from Pope Francis’ message on the 55th World Communication Day:-

“‘Come and see’ is the simplest method to get to know a situation, it is the most honest test of every message, because, to know, we need to encounter, to let the person in front of me speak, to let his or her testimony reach me.

The internet, with its countless social media expressions, can increase the capacity for reporting and sharing, with many more eyes on the world and a constant flood of images and testimonies. Potentially we can all become witnesses to events that otherwise would be overlooked by the traditional media, contribute to society, and highlight more stories, including positive ones. Thanks to the internet we have the opportunity to report what we see, what is taking place before our eyes, and to share it with others.

At times where good news is shared, there is also the risk of misinformation being spread on social media which has become evident to everyone. All of us are responsible for the communications we make, for the information we share, for the control that we can exert over fake news by exposing it.  All of us are to be witnesses of the truth, to go, to see, and to share.”

At the end of his speech, Bishop Julius thanked all parishioners present for the launching of the Sandakan Diocesan Website and the technical team for their efforts in creating the Website.  He urged all parishioners from all the various parishes, to share their views and news so that it can be published and updated on the website.

"A website can be created, but it would be no use if there is no news and no updates." 
Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom

The link of the new website is

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom ordained newest priest to the Diocese of Sandakan

by Evelyn Jock

Rev. Fr. Stephen Esguerra

A new priest entered the Diocese of Sandakan as Bishop Julius D. Gitom ordained Stephen Esguerra at the St. Mary’s Cathedral on 13 May 2021 and, is now ready for a new journey with Jesus Christ.

This ordination was supposedly scheduled to be held in the Holy Trinity Church of Tawau, the hometown of Deacon Stephen Esguerra on 25 May of 2020. In a turn of events with Covid 19 infections surging in the State of Sabah and the staggered government imposed lock downs, the ordination of Deacon Stephen was postponed.  It was later decided that the ordination should take place at the St Mary’s Cathedral on 13 May 2021.   Rev. Fr. Stephen is the 5th priest ordained by Bishop Julius D. Gitom in his 14th years as the Diocese first shepherd. To date, since the establishment of the Diocese of Sandakan in 2007, it has witnessed the ordination of 5 priests and 7 deacons.

Bishop Julius presided at the Ordination Mass.  The concelebrants were all the parish priests from the Diocese of Sandakan. The mass was also made available on live stream so that parishioners from near and far who could not be present can participate.

In the Rites of Election of the Candidate, Parish Priest Rev. Fr. David Garaman called forward the priesthood candidate and he responded with the word ‘present’.  Fr. David then proceeded to declare him worthy of ordination.

Bishop Julius proclaim acceptance of Deacon Stephen to the Order of the Priesthood.

Bishop Julius’ homily, reminded Fr. Stephen to always remember that he was taken from among men and appointed on their behalf for things pertaining to God.  He also advised him to carry out the ministry of Christ the Priest with constant joy and genuine love, attending not to his own concerns and needs but to those of Jesus Christ.

Fr. Stephen prostrated himself as Bishop Julius prays over him.

Laying of Hands and prayer of ordination
Fr. Stephen puts on his stole and chasuble.

Fr. Stephen’s Scripture of Life

Fr. Stephen Esguerra, was born (28 March 1982) and raised in Tawau.  Most of his childhood and adolescence years was spent in Tawau and his rustic home in Kg. Madai, Kunak.  Fr. Stephen comes from a close knit Catholic family of 11, of which, 2 were called to be with the Lord, his father and his elder brother.  He is the sixth child of 9 siblings consisting of 6 boys and 3 girls. 

The thought of becoming a priest had never entered Stephen’s mind.  His Catholic background, involvement with church ministries and vocation retreats were fundamental for his spiritual discernment that prompted and guided him to join the priesthood.

He joined the Seminary at the age of 29 (2011). Young men with aspirations to become a priest are moulded to a life of holiness, human virture and generous services.  This process took Fr. Stephen 9 years to complete.  Fr. Stephen deliberated that seminary life has its ups and downs, and the formation focuses on 4 aspects; academic, spiritual, pastoral and community life.  It was also the process of knowing God, self formation, commitment as well as an in depth discernment to God’s calling.

He was ordained to the Ministry of Deacon on 28 November 2019.  As a deacon, he has to discharge the office of deacon with humility and a charitable heart in order to assist the priestly order and to hold fast to the mystery of faith in word and deed according to the gospel and the church’s tradition and live a way of life just like Christ who came not to be served but to serve others.


He stated that to be a priest, a person must strive to imitate Christ in His example of sacrifice, offering himself as a victim to make his incarnation continually present in the world. He should develop his relationship with God through prayer and deeds.  He should share the joy of Jesus to the people of God, serve His people, be a mediator, and help people get nearer to the Lord, especially in their weaknesses, difficulties or hardships. In other words, a priest is to exercise a threefold function; Preaching, Sanctifying and Shepherding.


He shared that when his Priestly Ordination was postponed in May 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic, it makes him discern more on his relationship with God and with the people. The pandemic has affected a lot of people especially the poor.  He felt sorry for families who have experience death in the family and that the church cannot conduct funeral mass, except prayer at the funeral parlour.  On the positive side, the pandemic has brought families closer.  He lifted up everything to God’s hands and realised that this was a time of reflection for him and to discern what God wants in his life. 


He advised all the young men and women who are considering religious life, to search for that inner voice in their prayers and ponder that voice in their hearts.  Should they have doubts in their vocation, to seek the intercession of Mother Mary.  If these youths felt troubled, he encouraged them to seek God and put their trusts in him, for as the scripture says in John 14:1. “Do not let your hearts be troubled, but put your trust in God”

Fr. Stephen described his ordination as a gift from God. He thanked God for all the blessings that He has given him throughout his journey to the priesthood.  He also expressed his gratitude to the people who have been a part of his formation assisting him in one way or another.  By God’s grace his mother and family were able to attend the Holy Mass of his Ordination and be present to witness his becoming as a priest.


Congratulations to Fr. Stephen. His long journey from being a layperson, seminarian, deacon and finally being ordained as a priest has concluded, but a new one with Christ in his ministry as a priest has just started.


New Advent