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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ramadan Message (Part 3)


Christians and Muslims:

Together in overcoming poverty

‘Id al-Fitr 1430 H. / 2009 A.D.

Vatican City

5. As believers, the desire to work together for a just and durable solution to the scourge of poverty certainly also implies reflecting on the grave problems of our time and, when possible, sharing a common commitment to eradicate them. In this regard, the reference to the aspects of poverty linked to the phenomena of globalization of our societies has a spiritual and moral meaning, because all share the vocation to build one human family in which all individuals, peoples and nations conduct themselves according to the principles of fraternity and responsibility.

6. A careful study of the complex phenomenon of poverty directs us precisely towards its origin in the lack of respect for the innate dignity of the human person and calls us to a global solidarity, for example through the adoption of a “common ethical code” (JOHN PAUL II, Address to The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, 27 April 2001, n. 4) whose norms would not only have a conventional character, but also would necessarily be rooted in the natural law written by the Creator in the conscience of every human being (cf. Rorn 2, 14-15).

7. It seems that in diverse places of the world we have passed from tolerance to a meeting together, beginning with common lived experience and real shared concerns. This is an important step forward.

In giving everyone the riches of a life of prayer, fasting and charity of one towards the other, is it not possible for dialogue to draw on the living forces of those who are on the journey towards God?

The poor question us, they challenge us, but above all they invite us to cooperate in a noble cause: overcoming poverty!

Happy ‘Id al-Fitr!

Jean-Louis Cardinal Tauran

Archbishop Pier Luigi Celata

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ramadan Message (Part 2)



Christians and Muslims:

Together in overcoming poverty

‘Id al-Fitr 1430 H. / 2009 A.D.

Vatican City

In his recent Encyclical Letter Caritas in veritate on integral human development in charity and truth, Pope Benedict XVI, taking into consideration the current context of efforts to promote development, underlines the need for a “new humanistic synthesis” (n. 21), which, safeguarding the openness of man to God, gives him his place as the earth’s “centre and summit” (n. 57). A true development, then, must be ordered “to the whole man and to every man” (Populorum progressio, n. 42).

4. In his talk on the occasion of the World Day for Peace, 1St January 2009, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI distinguished two types of poverty: a poverty to be combated and a poverty to be embraced.

The poverty to be combated is before the eyes of everyone: hunger, lack of clean water, limited medical care and inadequate shelter, insufficient educational and cultural systems, illiteracy, not to mention also the existence of new forms of poverty “... in advanced wealthy societies, there is evidence of marginalization, as well as affective, moral and spiritual poverty...” (Message for the World Day of Peace, 2009, n. 2).

The poverty to be embraced is that of a style of life which is simple and essential, avoiding waste and respecting the environment and the goodness of creation. This poverty can also be, at least at certain times during the year, that of frugality and fasting. It is the poverty which we choose which predisposes us to go beyond ourselves, expanding the heart.

( be continued)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ramadan Message (Part 1)


Christians and Muslims:

Together in overcoming poverty

‘Id al-Fitr 1430 H. / 2009 A.D.

Vatican City

Dear Muslim Friends,

1. On the occasion of your feast which concludes the month of Ramadan, I would like to extend my best wishes for peace and joy to you and, through this Message, propose this theme for our reflection: Christians and Muslims: Together in overcoming poverty.

2. This Message of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue has become a tradition cherished by us all, which is looked forward to each year and this is certainly a cause for joy. It has become, over the years, an occasion of cordial encounter in many countries between many Christians and Muslims. It often addresses a matter of shared concern, making it therefore conducive to a confident and open exchange. Are not all these elements immediately perceived as signs of friendship among us for which we should thank God?

3. Coming to the theme of this year, the human person in a situation of impoverishment is undoubtedly a subject at the heart of the precepts that, under different beliefs, we all hold dear. The attention, the compassion and the help that we, brothers and sisters in humanity, can offer to those who are poor, helping them to establish their place in the fabric of society, is a living proof of the Love of the Almighty, because it is man as such whom He calls us to love and help, without distinction of affiliation.

We all know that poverty has the power to humiliate and to engender intolerable sufferings; it is often a source of isolation, anger, even hatred and the desire for revenge. It can provoke hostile actions using any available means, even seeking to justify them on religious grounds, or seizing another man’s wealth, together with his peace and security, in the name of an alleged “divine justice”. This is why confronting the phenomena of extremism and violence necessarily implies tackling poverty through the promotion of integral human development that Pope Paul VI defined as the “new name for peace” (Encyclical Letter Popolorum Progressio, 1975, n. 76).

(To be continued...)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Courtesy Calls

Sr Lily Sorop RGS, a member of the Contemplative Sisters of the Good Shepherd based in Virac, Cantanduaness, Phillipines paid a courtesy call to Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom on Friday, 25th September 2009 at the latter’s office, Church Hill Road Sandakan.

Fr Jojo and Sr Lily with Bishop Julius

Contemplative Sisters of the Good Shepherd seek to bring the Good Shepherd's liberating love to all God's people through contemplative prayer, silence, solitude, faithfulness to the gospel, and meditation on the Word of God.

Sr Lily Sorop RGS hails from Tambunan, Sabah and has been in the Phillipines since 2003. She is currently back in Sabah for a short vacation.

Fr Jojo with Bishop Julius

Fr Jojo Fung SJ, a Jesuit Priest who is based in the Malacca Johore Diocese (Majodi) is the current priest in charge of the Malaysian Campus Ministry. He visited Rt Rev Julius Dusin Gitom who is the Bishop in charge of laity, earlier on the same day. He updated Bishop on current and upcoming events of the Catholic Student Council of Malaysia -Singapore- Brunei.

Fr Jojo is a Sabahan from Likas, Kota Kinabalu. He was ordained a priest in 1987 and since then has been serving in Peninsular Malaysia. He has a Master Degree in Anthropology from London University and a Phd in Contextual Theology from the Chicago School of Theology, USA.

He moves around to give talks and seminars on culture and faith as well as Catholic social teaching. He is actively involved in interreligious dialogue and ecumenism.

He could be reached through his e-mail

Friday, September 25, 2009

Talks by Catholic Nurses Guild

Members of the Catholic Nurses Guild

The Sandakan Catholic Nurses Guild (CNG) led by the Chairperson, Agnes and family members visited the St. Mary's Hostel on Saturday 19th September 2009 to conduct talks on personal health and hygiene especially on H1N1.

There are currently 22 boys boarding at the hostel. All of them attend the Catholic Mission School of Sekolah Menengah St Mary, Sandakan which is adjacent to the hostel.

The program began at 8.30 am with an Opening Prayer led by the Chairperson of the CNG. Sinclair Kelvindiran from the Health Department presented a talk on H1N1 and the necessity to take precautionary steps to prevent from the said disease. The boys gave full attention to the talks and had the opportunity to participate in practical sessions on the proper ways of washing one's hands.

Francis Chai, the Chairman of the Hostel Management Committee extended his sincere appreciation to the CNG for the effort taken to enlighten the boarders on the importance of personal hygiene. He hoped that such activity will be held periodically.

Boarders, members of CNG and hostel committee

The boarders, members of the hostel management committee and members of CNG with their family members then had a fellowship before a group photo was taken.

Article and photos by Raymond Wong

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lawatan Muhibbah

Belia Sandakan bersama belia Lahad Datu

Musim cuti pada bulan September tidak disia-siakan oleh pihak Tim Pelayanan Muzik Belia Sandakan kerana untuk julung-julung kalinya satu lawatan muhibbah ke paroki St Dominic Lahad Datu telah diadakan pada Ahad, 20hb September 2009 untuk mengeratkan perhubungan dan untuk saling mengenal antara kedua-dua tim pelayanan muzik dengan lebih dekat.

Lawatan ini adalah susulan daripada aktiviti Kem Muzik dan Konsert yang telah dianjurkan di Sandakan pada bulan Jun yang lalu di mana salah satu objektif aktiviti tersebut adalah bagi menyebarkan sayap pelayanan sejauh yang mungkin dalam bidang muzik untuk meneruskan misi Tuhan.

Belia Sandakan bersama Sr Lilian fsic

Rombongan seramai 12 orang telah turut serta dalam lawatan ini yang diketuai oleh Animator Belia Sandakan, Sr Lilian Unsoh, 8 orang dari Katedral St Mary dan 3 orang dari Gereja St Paul Ulu Dusun.

Rombongan yang bertolak seawal jam 6.30 pagi dari Sandakan ini juga telah disambut dengan penuh rasa rendah diri dengan cinta kasih Tuhan daripada Tim Pelayanan Muzik Belia Lahad Datu yang diketuai oleh Fr Simon Kontou dan Ko-ordinator Belia Lahad Datu, saudara Rikkie Teneros.

Setibanya di Lahad Datu, Tim Pelayanan Muzik Belia Sandakan telah turut serta dalam pelayanan koir semasa misa yang dirayakan oleh Fr Simon Kontou sendiri. Selepas itu kedua-dua tim pelayanan muzik mengambil kesempatan untuk mengenali satu sama lain dalam acara 'Ice-Breaking'.

Setelah makan tengahari, kedua-dua tim telah mengadakan sesi Puji-pujian dan seterusnya masing-masing telah mengambil bahagian dalam sesi perkongsian di mana banyak pengalaman telah disampaikan dengan penuh penghayatan daripada petikan sabda Tuhan yang telah dibacakan.

Sesi perkongsian

Kedua-dua tim pelayanan muzik melahirkan rasa penghargaan terhadap satu sama yang lain ekoran lawatan yang telah dianjurkan. Diharapkan melalui lawatan ini, kerjasama yang erat dapat terjalin untuk projek-projek belia yang akan dianjurkan kelak.

Sewaktu sesi bertukar cendera kenangan

Artikel oleh Chris Aban dan foto oleh Sr Lilian fsic

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Recollection for Catechists

Settling down for the recollection

Sandakan : A half-day recollection was held in the Parish Hall of St. Mary’s Cathedral on Wednesday 16th. September 2009 from 8.30 am to about noon for all catechists from the St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish.

Listening to the input session

About sixty cathechists comprising of the three language groups from St. Mary’s Cathedral, St Paul’s Church, Ulu Dusun and Our Lady of Fatima Church, Beluran attended the said event.

Sr Lilianna fsic leading the recollection

It was conducted by Sisters Appolonia fsic, Lillian fsic and Lilliana fsic and some translation into Chinese were done for the benefit of the Chinese speaking catechists.

It was also a time for the catechists to reflect on their critical role in response to God's call in the Catechetical ministry and to prepare themselves before taking the pledge on Catechetical Sunday which falls on 20th September 2009.

Deep in meditation

The reflection based mainly on being 'servant of God' where all the catechists were reminded on the service rendered to the Church in helping the priests and religious in the part of guiding the young through Sunday School and the adults in the RCIA process. The Sisters also talked on effective communication, collaboration and the importance of unity among the faithful as like the apostle Paul in his epistle to the Ephesians, exhorts his readers to be "diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."

Immediately after the two activities were completed the whole group adjourned to the chapel for the adoration. The short and meaningful reflection ended at about noon and the participants were refreshed to continue to serve in building the Lord's Kingdom.

Article by Raymond W & photos by Michael W

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


黄教师开始时用2007年的一段自由日报的简报告诉大家沙巴人对环保意识的程度相当低。根据联合国环境规划署(UNEP),现今世界所关心的环保课题 有:海洋保护、粮食问题、环境保护(水、土地、空气)、能源控制、气候问题、野生动物、控制危险废物、生态建设、垃圾处理等。教师也藉着圣经创世记1:28提醒我们人类都是地球的管家。之后黄教师放映一段影片,影片内容预测了在未来数十年里地球会大量的缺水。人与人、甚至是国与国之间会为了水源大动干戈,兵戎相见。
· 全球每年有六百多亿吨肥沃的表层土壤流失,占陆地总面积23%
· 全球四分之一的土地面对严重沙漠化,110个国家受到危害
· 所有发展中的国家,几乎有一半的树林被砍伐
· 树林被砍伐是动植物品种大规模绝种的主因,可能达一百万之多
· 60%的陆地淡水资源不足,导致120多个国家严重缺水
· 洪水导致大量的动植物遭灭绝
· 联合国秘书长潘基文表示气候变化 造成了的食物和水资源 缺乏等 生态危机,是造成苏丹达尔富 尔大屠杀冲突的起因
黄教师也提及地球暖化(Global Warming)的问题日渐严重,导致地球暖化的人类应付全责。圣经告诉我们,地球的生态和大自然规律遭受破坏, 主要是因为人的罪。所以身为基督徒的我们应该悔改,响应环保,同心拯救我们 所居住的地球 。
在黄教师结束讲座之前,教师也不厌其烦的,大方地与所有出席的兄弟姐妹分享一些他在山打根巴色会对环保作出的一些贡献以及小小成就。比如建立回收站、设立环保桶、电池回收箱、回收 旧衣服、窗廉布、 床单、手提袋、玩具 , 环保堆肥、环保周、环保袋、垃圾分类、厨余处理 以及最耐人寻味的环保酵素。大家对黄泓毅教师好评如潮,从教师的讲题中深深体会到身为基督徒对环保、对地球的应有责任。

文:陈仪鸣 图:戴伟邦

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Feast of Assumption - Holy Trinity Church Tawau

Catholics all over the world celebrates The Feast of Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM), Mother of Christ Jesus on the 15th August . The Holy Trinity Church in Tawau celebrated the feast on the 14th August 2009 organised by the Legion of Mary with a procession by candle light around the Church compound.

The celebration started off at 7.00 pm with a hymn dedicated to Mother Mary by the church choir followed by the recital of the Holy Rosary on the Glorious Mysteries in English, Chinese and BM at the Grotto.

The statue of Mother Mary was mounted on to a wooden carriage decorated with color lights and flowers and placed on a table in front of the grotto. The grotto was also beautifully decorated with flowers and candle light specially for the occasion. Before the celebration commenced, the lights were switched off and the candles held by the congregation present were then lighted.

Crowning of Mother Mary

After having recited the fourth Glorious Mystery of the Holy Rosary, the flower girls came forward to crown the statue of Mother Mary with flowers. They then proceeded to recite the fifth Glorious Mystery, which is the Coronation of our Mother Mary.

After the recital of the Holy Rosary , the procession commenced from the Grotto to the Church via the car park accompanied with songs by the choir. Leading the procession were the flower girls followed by the statue of Mother Mary, carried by 4 members of the Legion of Mary in full uniform with the choir and parishioners following closely behind. They were holding lighted candles and singing praises to Mother Mary all along the procession.
Parishioners with lighted candles in front of the grotto
It was a sight to behold to see a sea of lighted candles in a pitch dark environment with the parishioners walking slowly following the procession. The atmosphere was simply beautiful and joyful with many parishioners participating in the procession, singing praises to Mother Mary with lighted candles in their hands.

Mother Mary placed in front of the altar

Presentation of gifts

On reaching the entrance of the Church, the parishioners put off their candles before entering as the lights in the Church were switched on. The statue of Mother Mary was carried into the Church and placed on a table in front of the altar. The Eucharistic Mass was celebrated by Msgr. Nicholas Ong which drew over 300 parishioners including many members of the Legion of Mary in their uniform.

Members of LOM after the mass

Article by Nicholas Chia and photos by William Chew, HTC Tawau

Catechetical Sunday at Holy Trinity Church, Tawau

The children's choir.
The music conductor in action.
The lector
Catechetical Sunday this year which focussed on the theme "Giving the young a voice through the Word" was celebrated at Holy Trinity Church Tawau on Sunday 20th October 2009 in the BM Children Mass. Children from the Sunday school provided the choir, readers, and collectors for the mass.
The celebrant - Msgr. Nicholas Ong
In his homily, Msgr. Nicholas Ong told the congregation that the Church is always eager to hear from our young parishioners. Their voices and aspirations are important to us.
He wished that they continue to get actively involved in church functions and ministries. In this regard, he encouraged them to be in the parish BECs or the Neocatechumenal Way of life where they can participate in Bible sharing and community building.

Msgr. Nicholas also reminded the congregation that as we are now in the Year of the Priests, it is even more important that we pray not only for our priests but also for more vocations. We need more priests to lead us in our young diocese.

Commissoning the catechists

During the mass, the Rector also commissioned all the catechists involved in the Sunday School and the RCIA/RCIC process. Catechists are not only entrusted to impart religious knowledge to others but also to be witnesses of the faith. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to reflect upon the role each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing down the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Therefore there is a need for all to rededicate themselves to the ministry as a community of faith.


The celebration ended with a fellowship at the parish canteen.

Contributed by Marcus Chin, HTC Tawau

Saturday, September 19, 2009







Fr. Thomas 派糖果


當晚菜餚皆由各語文組呈獻,各式各樣的美食不禁食指大動;載歌載舞的餘興節目更是讓人看得目不暇給。本堂司鐸Fr. Thomas分派糖果予小朋友們,小朋友們紛紛湧向Fr. Thomas領取糖果,Fr. Thomas樂得開懷大笑。









(山打根訊) 山打根聖瑪莉主教座堂於8月14日慶祝“聖母升天”,舉行露天彌撒 !




今天身為聖瑪莉堂的教友很有祝福;因為我們有聖母,天主的母親,教會的母親,作為我們堂區的主保。我們慶祝堂區主保聖母升天節有何意義 ? 此意義是要我們效法聖母聖莉亞,因為聖母是聽天主聖言的人。聖路加福音說:聖母聖莉亞聽了天主的聖言以後放在心中,然後在生活中生活出來。聖母瑪莉亞也和普通的女人一樣,有家庭,做母親,一定面對今天生活中的種種問題,但是她如何克服這些問題 ? 因為她依靠天主聖言生活,所以聖母是我們每位基督徒的榜樣,我們要像聖母一樣,依靠天主聖言生活。


主教並提及八月底教區有一個牧靈大會,大會中主要討論的議程,如何在教區內建立小團體,讓這些小團體加強教友們的信德,使到每位教友都能參與教會的使命。主教也呼吁教友們為此意向祈禱 。




图片注明:为配合圣母诞辰(8/9), 山打根福传之星圣母区团的圣母军军友在6/9/2009星期天早上当了一天的主日学老师。一些团员向学生们解释圣母军在堂区的基本构造及工作。一些团员解释玫瑰经的来源及带领学生们念玫瑰经。另一些团员向高班的学生们讲解圣母的背景及生平.团员们还自掏腰包买了一些糖果、书签及念珠给学生们作为奖励。不但学生们受益不浅,团员也特别为学生的家长们准备一些简单的祷文呢!






Fr Siew's Talk - Holy Trinity Church

斗湖圣三堂爱你所爱,真情流露.” – Cecilia 谭风

(斗湖讯) 八月三十日(主日)晚上七奌半至十奌左右, 来自新加坡圣亚纳堂主任神父, 也是圣方济兑修院哲学博士教授, 家庭问题专家, 神师蕭永伦神父, 特别为家庭举办一场爱你所爱, 真情流露讲习会. 随行而來的还有新加坡海星報主编谢文碧姐妹和西马桥梁主编黄文才弟兄, 一行三人为爱主爱人, 也为新世纪文字福传付诸了爱的行动. 斗湖华文教友共计六十二人, 怀着饥渴慕义的心情, 踊跃参加了这台宝贵难得的讲习会.

博学多才的蕭神父带来二十五本其著作相爱要花心思一书很快被抢购一空, 许多教友还订购了下一次的书藉或報刊, 包括桥梁” , “方舟乐园” , “海星報. 这真是好的开始, 有爱的互动, 体会, 学习, 实践, 必有爱的果实.

一首圣歌, 萧神父带领大家进入到天主圣神的大爱中: “因你的慈爱, 使生命更好, (X 2) 我要用歌声来赞美主名, 因你的慈爱使生命更好.” 用心体会天主的慈爱不但比生命更美好, 也能使生命更好上加好.

短短两个多小时讲习会, 萧神父以他博学又儒雅的讲道, 引导大家爱你所爱中的”, 转换成”, 即可变成爱他所爱, 这种转变可延伸至每一种人际关系: 亲子, 父母, 兄弟, 姐妹, 同事, 邻居等等. 这场讲习会不仅帮助夫妻关系, 对未婚的青年男女更受用先穷.

萧神父剖析了人性的本质, 特奌及可塑性, 教大家对自己和对他人都有了一个正面的而且积极的认识, 有了正确的认知, 相信对每一个参与者的身, , 灵都起到了很好的帮助和改善作用.

其间, 萧神父藉用著名作家查曼研究的五种爱的语言测试, 教导大家在生活中切实实践掌握人生中最难念的经家庭的相爱秘诀. 掌握了这样宝贵的爱的秘诀, 花心思搞好关系就容易多了. 若是五种爱语全部会用上, 可谓理想完美之情圣”, 任何问题无坚不摧. 萧神父真不愧是家庭问题的专家, 导师, 一台讲习会就让弟兄姐妹们受益匪浅, 引人深思, 发人深省, 重新调整, 改善自身, 接纳他人, 学花心思去爱他所爱.

最后, 萧神父祝福了每一参与者, 并帶领大家祈祷, 赞美并感谢爱的源头, 救主耶稣屈尊就卑, 为爱全人类甘愿献出一切, 赐下大恩, 大爱帮助我们, 我们也应该效法主爱, 彼此相爱这样才能见证主爱, 传扬福音, “因相爱, 别人认出我们是基督徒.”

时间飞逝, 促人怀惜, 相爱永恒, 引人深省. 祈愿天主赐福愈来愈多家庭彼此相爱, 传承主爱, 相亲相爱, 仿主博爱.

By Cecilia , Holy Trinity Church

Friday, September 18, 2009

Upacara Penerimaan Menjadi Katekumen Tahap Pertama

Upacara Penerimaan Katekumen Tahap 1 sedang dijalankan dengan disaksikan oleh para umat.

Sandakan: Ahad, 13hb September 2009 bertempat di Katedral St. Mary, Sandakan, seramai 12 orang kanak-kanak dan 38 orang dewasa telah berjaya melalui proses peralihan ke Fasa Kedua Inisiasi Kristian Kanak-kanak (IKK) dan Inisiasi Kristian Dewasa (IKD).

Selebran, Fr Thomas Makajil.

Upacara Penerimaan Menjadi Katekumen Tahap Pertama telah dijalankan sewaktu Misa Kudus Ahad yang disempurnakan oleh selebran, Fr Thomas Makajil. Upacara tersebut merupakan satu upacara penerimaan katekumen bagi sesi 2009-2010.

Ketika penyampaian Alkitab.
"Terimalah Injil, Khabar Baik Yesus Kristus, PuteraNya."

Penyelaras-penyelaras adalah terdiri daripada saudari Dina Sylvester (IKK) dan saudara Lawrence Gundali dibantu oleh saudara Edmund Bailon (IKD). Sekiranya para katekumen yang baru ini setia hadir di setiap pertemuan pada hari Ahad, jam 10.30pg, iaitu selepas Misa Kudus Bahasa Melayu, mereka akan menjadi calon-calon baptis semasa Paska pada tahun hadapan.

Upacara itu dirayakan selepas ‘Fasa Pertama’ (atau ‘Proses Penginjilan dan Pra-Katekumenat’). Beberapa orang ‘sahabat Gereja’ (simpatisan) mungkin memutuskan untuk memasuki Katekumenat selepas menghadiri 17 sesi pertemuan kateketikal “Perjalanan kita bersama” yang ditawarkan bagi Fasa ini. Jika belum bersedia untuk mencapai ‘perubahan permulaan’ dan berkeputusan untuk dibaptis, mereka masih diterima dalam perjumpaan-perjumpaan Komuniti Kristian Kecil (jika ada) dan haruslah menghadiri Misa Kudus pada setiap hari Ahad.

Upacara tersebut mengakhiri proses Pra-Katekumenat dan memulai proses Katekumenat bagi para ‘simpatisan’ yang dianggap sudah bersedia sepenuhnya untuk menjadi seorang katekumen. Umat setempat hendaknya diundang untuk menghadiri Upacara Penerimaan Katekumen dan setiap calon hendaklah didampingi seorang penanggung.

Kita, sebagai Katolik yang sudah menerima semua Sakramen haruslah memberi sokongan doa dan memperlihatkan contoh-contoh kerohanian bagi mereka yang baru terbuka hati untuk menerima panggilan Tuhan agar mereka sama-sama merasakan cinta Kasih Yesus. Dengan demikian, Gereja kita akan berkembang dan semakin teguh apabila kita menjadikan Kristus sebagai pedoman hidup. “ Berbahagialah mereka yang tidak melihat, namun percaya.” (YOH 20:29)


New Advent