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Monday, March 30, 2009

Cathedral Clean Up Day

About 120 parishioners from the various communities of the St Mary’s Cathedral of Sandakan turned up on Sunday March 29th 2009 to participate in the Cathedral Clean Up Day. The campaign is a step forward in making the Cathedral a friendly parish and a clean, beautiful and inviting environment could contribute to this friendly environment.
The Cathedral and its grounds are sacred and everything within it should be treated with the dignity and respect of the Lord. We ought to take prayerful pride in cleaning, shining and otherwise keeping our sacred worship space in good and clean order. The Church is God’s house; a house of worship, prayer and praise .Keeping the Church tidy brings reverence and respect and helps the Body of Christ focus on the liturgical celebrations. The exercise is to prepare the Cathedral in the most befitting manner for the Paschal Triduum , the highest and most important among all the liturgical feasts.
The parishioners gathered in the Cathedral and the event started with praise and worship songs followed by Proclamation of the Word taken from John 7:40 -53. Sr Lilianna Gobut FSIC reflected on the reading and thereafter led the Opening Prayer. The parishioners were then divided into groups and assigned to clean up areas allocated to them.
The Clean Up Day instill among the parishioners the sense of belonging, ownership and partnership. It is also an occasion to bring people of diverse communities among the faith community closer thus enhancing the spirit of ONENESS as appealed by our Lord.

Seminar Pra Perkahwinan

Sandakan: Komiti Keluarga Kristian Bahagian Bahasa Malaysia Katedral St Mary yang dipimpin oleh Saudara Matheus Sodomon telah menganjurkan satu Seminar Pra-Perkahwinan pada 28hb dan 29hb Mac yang berlangsung di Dewan Paroki St Mary. Seramai 24 pasangan yang bakal akan menerima Sakramen Perkahwinan telah menghadiri Seminar tersebut bertujuan memberi kesedaran kepada mereka berhubung dengan harapan Gereja terhadap mereka. Disamping itu ia juga memberi ruang dan peluang bagi mereka mempersiapkan diri bagi menghadapi masa depan selepas berkahwin terutama tanggungjawab bersama terhadap keluarga dan anak-anak berdasarkan ajaran Gereja Katolik.

[Pasangan Michael dan Airene]
Seminar dimulakan dengan pentakhtaan Alkitab dan diikuti dengan pembacaan petikan Yohanes 7:40-53 oleh Saudara Pius Gorohom, Penasihat Komiti Keluarga Kristian. Bacaan tersebut menyeru agar kita harus mengambil pendirian mempertahankan dan menyebarkan seluas-luasnya Yesus, Tuhan kami serta Injil, sumber benar perjalanan hidup. Sepanjang dua hari, 11 tajuk telah dibentangkan yang meliputi Sakramen Perkahwinan, Komunikasi Suami/isteri dan keluarga, Pengurusan kewangan dalam keluarga, Peranan dan Tanggungjawab Ibu bapa, Kekudusan dalam keluarga, anotomi dan fisiologi, perancangan keluarga menurut ajaran Katolik, perancangan keluarga semulajadi dan falsafahnya, penyakit pelamin berjangkit dan penyakit keturunan, B.O.M. dan latihan ‘charting.’ 8 orang penceramah telah melibatkan diri untuk menjayakan sesi ’input’ yang telah memberi banyak manfaat kepada semua peserta. Mereka terdiri daripada Fr Paul Lo, Pembantu Paderi Katedral, Dr Henry Ong, John Baptis, Gesilla George, Matheus Sodomon, Adaris Moses, Leonie Degullacion dan Pius Gorohom. Seminar dua hari ini berjalan dengan lancar berkat usaha dan kerjasama serta komitmen semua Ahli Komiti Keluarga Kristian.

[Pasangan Ennon dan Justina]

Ennon dan Justina Michael Kimbee berpendapat bahawa seminar sedemikian adalah amat baik dan sesuai serta wajib dihadiri oleh pasangan-pasangan yang akan memasuki alam baru iaitu ‘alam berumahtangga.’ Sementara pasangan Michael Mathew dan Airene Gumanas pula berkata bahawa seminar seperti ini harus diadakan bagi menimbulkan kesedaran setiap pasangan yang ingin berkahwin, punya anak dan sebagainya agar keluarga yang bakal dibentuk dapat merealisasikan impian Sang Pencipta kita dan menjadi keluarga kudus seperti Yosef, Maria dan Yesus.

Fr Thomas Makajil, rektor Katedral St Mary merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan terimakasih kepada Komiti Keluarga Kristian atas usaha mereka dalam menjayakan seminar tersebut, semua penceramah serta kesemua 24 pasangan peserta seminar. Dalam ucapan penutupan seminar, beliau juga mengingkatkan peserta agar sentiasa pegang kepada prinsip-prinsip ajaran Gereja sebagai panduan dan pedoman hidup sebagai umat Katolik. Fr Thomas kemudian menyampaikan sijil kehadiran kepada semua peserta dan menyempurnakan penutupan seminar didalam doa.


Workshop session for the selection of Cathedral Parish Pastoral Council

Sandakan: St Mary’s Cathedral of Sandakan has entered into its third phase of selecting its Cathedral Parish Pastoral Council. In early February, catechesis on the overall set-up, roles and functions of the Pastoral Council were given in the Cathedral as well as all sub-parishes and outstations. On the 28th February a Parish Assembly graced by his Lordship Bishop Julius Gitom was held to further disseminate information on the topic. 250 parishioners participated in the assembly of which 45 nominees were received.

Out of the 45 nominees, 24 responded to the invitation and attended the half day workshop session held on 28th March 2009 at the Catechetical Room. The session began with the enthronement of the Bible followed by the proclamation of the word from John 10: 1 -18 by Fr Paul Lo, the assistant Parish Priest who then started the session by reflecting on the Word. He touched on the parable of the Shepherd and what it actually meant to be a Good Shepherd like Jesus. He looks after his flock, leads them, provides them love, compassion and mercy and He heals. He is in fact pasturing to His people. He urged the new Pastoral Council members to put in more effort to pasture to the people of God together with the Clergy and religious.

Fr Thomas Makajil, the rector of the Cathedral in the second session considered that the gathering as an important milestone for the Cathedral Parish as upon them lies the future direction of the Parish. He invited everyone to pool their various gifts and share them for the renewal of the Parish. He spoke on the roles of the Pastoral Council and its concept based on the Sabahan context where the laity actively participates in the mission of the Church enhanced by the bitter experience of the local Church in the 70’s with the removal of foreign priests. He elaborated on Canon 536 which provided direction to the diocesan bishops with regard to the establishment of a Pastoral Council in each parish.Fr Thomas viewed that the members of the new PPC will serve as the ‘think-tank’ of the Parish and being thinkers, planners and organizers they will need to coordinate and review parish pastoral matters.

In the last session, Henry Solibun from the Diocesan Pastoral Working Group talked on the purpose and functions of the PPC which is to enhance the process of pastoral planning, develop and to improve on pastoral programs and services and above all to evaluate its effectiveness from time to time.

There was a question and answer session where doubts were clarified followed by a quiet moment for reflection where 18 nominees responded and signed the ‘Declaration of Intent’ form. For the final phase of the selection procedures, the Parish Priest will invite those who had committed to serve for an interview. The new PPC will be announced and commissioned during Easter.


Holy Week Program for Diocese of Sandakan 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009


By: Dospo
During the recent trip to Paitan, the only mission in the Diocese of Sandakan, from 18th - 20th March 2009, Fr Thomas Makajil rector of St Mary,s Cathedral, Sr Liliana FSIC, Dr Henry Ong and his team, Henry Wong and the Committee members of the Paitan Mission as well as Anne Rokneh and members of the Catholic Women's Apostolate visited five (5) Kampungs in Paitan.
Picture 1 Fr Thomas Makajil and Sr Liliana FSIC posing with the parishioners of Kg Rakanan after the Eucharistic Celebration on 18th March 2009
Picture 2 Father Thomas Makajil and the Paitan Mission Committee headed by Henry Wong with parishioners of Kg Sulit, Paitan on 18th March 2009

Picture 3 Infant baptism at St Clare's Chapel at Kg Dalamas, Paitan on 19th March 2009

Picture 4 A section of the parishioners of Kg Dalamas during the Eucharistic celebration in St Clare's Chapel on 20th March 2009.

Picture 5 Dr Henry Ong attending to parishioners at St Clare's Chapel, Kg Dalamas after the Eucharistic celebration on 20th March 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cathedral Clean Up Day

The St Mary's Cathedral of Sandakan will be organising a Clean Up day in preparation of the upcoming Paschal Tridum celebration, the highest and most important among the liturgical feasts, on Sunday March 29th 2009 at 1.15 pm. Fr Thomas Makajil, the rector of the Cathedral, in his letter, appealed to all faithful to come forward to assist in cleaning up the Cathedral so that the Paschal Tridum could be celebrated in the most expressive and impressive setting. It will give a great impact on all who are participating in these liturgies, touching their hearts and help them grasp the spirit of these days of celebration. He took the opportunity to invite all faithful to contribute their time, energy and talent in building up the Body of Christ.
Let's get involved for His glory. See you on Sunday 29th March 2009.

Workshop Session For Nominees to the Cathedral Parish Pastoral Council

Close to 250 parishioners attended the Assembly of Faithful of the St Mary's Cathedral Sandakan held on Saturday 28th February 2009 at the Parish Hall. The assembly was held to get the laity to discern on the selection of lay leaders to be members of the Cathedral Parish Pastoral Council for the term of 2009 - 2011. Fr Paul Lo, the assistant Parish Priest delivered a talk on the mission of Christ followed by Fr Thomas Makajil touching on the topic of the roles and response of the laity. Henry Solibun and Francis Tan from the Diocesan Pastoral Working Group touched on the Constitution and procedures of selection respectively. Through the catechesis sessions in the assembly as well as in the Church, 45 nominees were shortlisted. The nominees have been invited to attend a workshop session this Saturday 28th March 2009 at 8.00 am. at the Catechetical Room. The final selection, announcement and commissioning of the new Cathedral Parish Pastoral Council would be finalised by Easter.

Chrism Mass

The annual Chrism Mass will be celebrated at the St Mary's Cathedral Sandakan on Friday, 27th March 2009 at 7.30 pm. The mass will be celebrated by His Lordship, Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom DD. This sacred event will see all the seven (7) priests serving in the Diocese of Sandakan gathered at the Cathedral to renew the commitments they made at their ordination. It also provides an opportunity for the faithful of the Diocese to show support for their priests.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Diocesan Catholic Women's Apostolate

By: Dospo

The Sandakan Diocesan Catholic Women's Apostolate held its 3rd pro-tem meeting at the Diocesan Meeting Room, Church Hill Road, Sandakan on Saturday 21st March 2009. A total of twenty seven (27) members representing the Parish of St Martin Telupid, St Dominic Lahad Datu, Holy Trinity Tawau and St Mary's Cathedral Sandakan attended the meeting. Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom DD presided the meeting. In his welcoming address he commended the members for their consistent involvement and role they played in the Church as bearers of light and messengers for Christ.

It was resolved that a sub-committee will be formed to study and draft the CWA's guidelines which will set the direction of the Apostolate. Sr. Lilian FSIC of St Mary's Convent Sandakan will spearhead the said committee. Annie Rokneh Jalani, the Chairman of the Apostolate shared that all zones and parishes will hold their biennial general meetings before September. The Diocesan CWA BGM has been fixed on 5th September 2009 at St Mary's Cathedral at 9.00 am.


New Advent